No. 6 of 2000. The Appropriation (Development 1 ANTIGUA
Fund) Act, 2000. AND
I Assent,
James B. Carlisle,
27th, April, 2000.
No. 6 of 2000
AN ACT to provide Development Fund for the year ending on
the 3 1st day of December, 2000.
[ 4th May, 2000 I
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation (Development short title.
Fund) Act, 2000.
2. The issue from the Development Fund of the sum of one Issue of one
hundred and fifty-seven million, two hundred and twenty-eight h ~ d r e d and f*-
thousand, one hundredandsixty-threedoUars($l57,228,163 .W) znrn2:2
is authorized for meeting expenditure for Antigua and Barbuda twenty-elght
in respect of calendar year ending on the thirty-first day of thousand, one
December, 2000, under the Heads of Expenditure specified in h d r e d and sixty-
the Schedule, and the sum specified in the Schedule opposite to three dollars.
a Head is appropriated out of the sum of one hundred and fifty-
seven million, two hundred and twenty-eight thousand, one
hundred and sixty-three dollars ($157,228,163.00) for the pur-
pose specified in relation to that Head in the Development
Estimates for the year 2000.
ANTIGUA 2 The Appropriation (Development No. 6 of 2000.
AND Fund) Act, 2000.
Payment - how 3. The Accountant General is authorized and required from
made. time to time, upon the order or warrant of the Minister of
Finance, to pay the sum appropriated in the Schedule to the
several development services and purposes mentioned out of the
Development Fund without further order or formality.
Commencement. 4. This Act is deemed to have come into operation on the first
day of January, 2000.
A. Administrative Sector $ 13,542,235.00
B. Social Sector 65,595,909.00
C. Economic Sector 59,378,059.00 $138,516,203.00
A. Administrative Sector $ 1,420,094.00
B. Social Sector 2,296,000.00
C. Economic Sector 14,915,866.00
D. Miscellaneous Sector 80,000.00 $ 18,711,960.00
Passed the House of Representatives this Passed the Senate this 18th
1 lth day of April, 2000. day of April, 2000.
B. Harris,
M. Percival,
S. Walker, S. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives. Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Walter A. Massiah, Acting Government Printer
-By Authority, 2000.
800 - 5.00 [ Price $1.20 ]