Enactment (Leeward Islands Acts) (CAP. 152 1
Arrangement of Sections
1 . Short title.
2 . Interpretation.
3. Enactment of certain Acts of the former Colony of the
Leeward Islands.
4. Date of operation of section 3 .
(1st ~July, 1956.)
1. This Act may be cited as the Enactment (Leeward Short title.
Islands Acts) Act.
2. In this Act the expression "the appointed day'' Interpretation.
rneans the first day of July, 1956.
3. (1) The Acts specified in the Schedule being Acts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - C ~ ~ ' , f
ol the former Colony of the Leeward Islands in force in the the former
said Colony immediately before the appointed day shall have ~~~~~'fr~;h,~,.
rflect in Antigua and Barbuda as if they had been enacted
t)y the Legislature thereof.
(2) Any instrument having effect in the former Colony
01' the Leeward Islands immediately before the appointed
2 CAP. 152) Enactment (Leeward Islands Acts)
day and made by virtue of any Act referred to in subsection
(1) shall have effect in Antigua and Barbuda as if it had been
made in pursuance of that Act as it has effect in Antigua
and Barbuda by virtue of the said subsection.
Date of operation 4. Section 3 shall be deemed to have had effect a s
of section 3.
from the beginning of the appointed day.
Cap. Short Title
2 The Apportionment Act
3 The Arbitration Act
8 The Fatal Accidents Act
9 The Insolvent Estates Act
11 The Libel and Slander Act
12 The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act
14 The Prescription Act
18 The Real Property Limitation Act
19 The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act
32 The Female Lunatics (Protection) Act
44 The Probation of Offenders Act
45 The Railway Offences Act
55 The Governments Chemists Certificate Act
62 The Merchant Seamen's Discipline Act
70 The Uniforms Act
71 The British Ministers and Consuls Act
73 The Oaths Act
95 The Real Estate Charges Act
96 The Real Property Act
101 The Vendor and Purchaser Act
120 The Promissory Oaths Act
130 The Pensions Act
138 The Bills of Lading Act
142 The Factors Act
143 The Merchant Shipping (Agreements) Act
146 The Partnership Act
158 The Seventh Day Adventist Church Incorporation Act
Enactment (Leeward Islands Acts) (CAP. 152 3
Part I1
No. & Year Short Title
111928 The Lepers Act, 1928
611928 The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1928
711928 The Real Representative Act, 1928
911928 The New Edition of the Statutes Act, 1928
411929 The Pensions Consolidation Act, 19 14, (Amendment)
Act, 1929
611929 The Lepers Act, 1912, (Amendment) Act, 1928,
(Amendment) Act, 1929
The Patents Act, (Amendment) Act, 1930
The United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act, 1930
The Jury Act, (Amendment) Act, 1930
The Infant Life (Preservation) Act, 1930
The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1931
The Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 1931
The Magistrate's Code of Procedure Act, ((Amend-
ment)) Act, 1931
The Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Act, 1931
The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement)
(Amendment) Act, 1931
The Lunatics Act (Amendment) Act, 1931
411932 The Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 1932
1211932 The Obeah (Amendment) Act, 1932
1711932 The Merchant Shipping (Agreements) (Amendment)
Act, 1932
1911932 The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1932
2311932 The Small Trespass (Amendment) Act, 1932
211933 The Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1933
311933 The Bills of Exchange (Amendment) Act, 1933
411933 The Imperial Lighthouse Dues Act, 1933
711933 The Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 1933
811933 The Criminal Law Amendment (Amendment) Act, 1933
911933 The Registration and Records (Amendment) Act, 1933
311934 The United Kingdom Designs (Protection) (Amend-
ment) Act, 1934
411934 The Patents granted in the United Kingdom (Amend-
ment) Act, 1934
511934 The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1934
811934 The Marriage (Prohibited Degrees of Relationship) Act,
4 CAP. 152) Enactment (Leeward Islands Acts)
No. & Year Short Title
211935 The Judgments Act, 1935
511935 The Title by Registration Act, 1935
211936 The Small Charges Act, 1936
411936 The Pensions Act, 1936
1011937 The Probates (Resealing) Act, 1937
1511937 The Title by Registration (Amendment) Act, 1937
1811937 The Infant Life (Preservation) Act, 1937
2111937 The Labour (Minimum Wage) Act, 1937
291 1937 The Counterfeit Currency (Convention) Act, 1937
3011937 The Jury (Amendment) Act, 1937
411938 The Companies (Amendment) Act, 1938
The Offences against the Person (Amendment) Act, 1939
The Employment of Children Prohibition Act, 1939
The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1939
The Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Act, 1939
The Production of Telegrams Act, 1939
The Pensions (Validation) Act, 1939
The Stamp (Amendment No. 2) Act, 1939
The Summary Jurisdiction (Amendment) Act, 1939
The Shipping Masters Fees (Validating) Act,l941
The Undesirable Persons Expulsion (Amendment) Act,
The Offences against the Person (Amendment) Act, 1941
The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1941
The Counterfeit Currency Act, 1941
The Sedition and Undesirable Publications (Amend-
ment) Act, 1941
The Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act,
The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1941
The Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Act, 1941
111942 The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 1942
311942 The Evidence (Amendment) Act, 1942
411942 The Legitimacy (Amendment) Act, 1942
511942 The Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 1942
611942 The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1942
811942 The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1942
411944 The Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1944
611944 The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1944
Enactment (Leeward Islands Acts) (CAP. 152 5
No. & Year Short Title
7/1944 The Wills (Soldiers and Sailors) Act, 1944
8/1944 The Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 1944
1311944 The Administration of Small Estates Act, 1944
14/1944 The Wills (Soldiers and Sailors) (Amendment) Act, 1944
15/ 1944 The Death Duties Remission (War Casualties) Act, 1944
1611944 The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 1944
111945 The Medical (Amendment) Act, 1945
3/1945 The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 1945
911945 The Seventh Day Adventist Church Incorporation
(Amendment) Act, 1945
1011945 The Magistrate's Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,
5/1946 The Extradition Act, 1946
2/1947 The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 1947
3/1947 The Undesirable Persons Expulsion (Amendment) Act,
6/1947 The Trust Corporation (Probate and Administration)
Act, 1947
1111947 The Currency Interpretation Act, 1947
1211947 The Pensions Act, 1947
2/1948 The Supreme Court (Amendment) Act, 1948
3/1948 The Summary Jurisdiction (Amendment) Act, 1948
611948 The Medical (Amendment) Act, 1948
15/1948 The Legitimacy (Amendment) Act, 1948
1/1949 The Matrimonial Causes (War Marriages) Act, 1949
3/1949 The Aliens Land Holding Regulation (Amendment) Act,
511949 The British Nationality (Fees, Offences and Penalties)
Act, 1949
6/1949 The Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act, 1949
8/1949 The Corporal Punishment Act, 1949
14/1949 The Magistrate's Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,
18/1949 The Larceny (Protection of Praedial Produce) Act, 1949
411951 The Diplomatic Privileges (Extension) (Amendment)
Act, 1951
511951 The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1951
8/1951 The Causes of Action (Survival) Act, 1951
9/ 195 1 The Fatal Accidents (Amendment) Act, 195 1
1011951 The Police Pensions (Preservation of Rights) Act, 1951
1111951 The Medical (Amendment) Act, 1951
6 CAP. 152) Enactment (Leeward Islands Acts)
No. & Year Short Title
The Telecommunications (Amendment) Act, 1953
The Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 1953
The Corporal Punishment (Amendment) Act, 1953
The Supreme Court (~mendment) ' Act, 1953
The Offences against the Person (Amendment) Act, 1953
The Sentence of Death (Expectant Mothers) Act, 1953
The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1953
The Unrepresented Estates (Amendment) Act, 1953
311954 The Larceny (Amendment) Act, 1954
511954 The Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act, 1954
711954 The Agricultural Small Holdings (Amendment) Act,
811954 The Medical (Amendment) Act, 1954
911954 The Title by Registration (Amendment) Act, 1954
1111954 The Currency (Amendment) Act, 1954
1511954 The Evidence (Amendment) Act, 1954
111955 The Stamp (Amendment) Act, 1955
211955 The Summary Jurisdiction (Amendment) Act, 1955
1111955 The Supreme Court (Amendment) Act, 1955
1411955 The Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 1955
2011955 The Currency (Amendment) Act, 1955
2111955 The Post Office (Amendment) Act, 1955
211956 The Promissory Oaths (Amendment) Act, 1956
511956 The Magistrate's Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,
711956 The Larceny (Amendment) Act, 1956