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Governor and Governor-General's Emoluments and Pension Act

Published: 1967

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Governor and Governor-General's (CAP. 195 1
Emoluments and Pension



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Emoluments of Governor-General.
4. Emoluments during absence, leave and incapacity.
5. Emoluments of Acting Governor-General.
6. Gratuity to Governor or Governor-General.
7. Pension granted.
8. Reckoning of Governor-General's service for pension

in certain cases.
9. Gratuity where Governor-General dies while holding

10. Other pensions.
11. Widow's pension.
12. Emoluments, pensions, etc. charged on Consolidated

13. Transitional.


Governor and Governor-General 's (CAP. 195 3
Emoluments and Pension



(27th February, 1967.)

1. This Act may be cited as the Governor and short title.
Governor-General's Emoluments and Pension Act.

2. In this Act- Interpretation.

"Acting Governor-General" means any person who per-
forms the functions of the office of Governor-
General under section 23 of the Constitution.

"service in the Permanent Civil Service" means ser-
vice in respect of which a pension may be granted
under the Pensions Act. Cap. 311.

3. ( 1 ) The emoluments appertaining to the office of Emoluments of

Governor-General shall be the emoluments specified in the

( 2 ) The said emoluments shall be paid in equal mon-
thly instalments in arrears.

4. ( 1 ) The Governor-General shall- Emoluments
during absence,

(a) in respect of any period during which he is ! eave and incapacity.
absent from Antigua and Barbuda for the purposes of
performing any i f the functions of his office, receive
the full emoluments appertaining to his office;

(6) in respect of any period during which he is
absent on leave or is unable to perform the functions
of his office, receive the salary appertaining to his office
but shall not receive the allowances specified in the


4 CAP. 195) Governor and Governor-General's
Emoluments and Pension

(2) The Governor-General shall not, for the purposes
of this section, be regarded as unable to perform the func-
tions of his office-

(a) by reason only that he is in passage from one
part of Antigua and Barbuda to another; or

(6) where he has appointed a Deputy to perform
any of the functions of the office of Governor-General
and such appointment is subsisting.

Emoluments of
Acting Governor-

5 . (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of
General. this section, an Acting Governor-General shall, in respect

of the period during which he discharges the functions of
the office of Governor-General receive emoluments at the
rate specified in respect of the office of Governor-General.

(2) Where an Acting Governor-General, in reference
to any period during which he discharges the functions of
the office of Governor-General, receives salary defrayed from
the Consolidated Fund in respect of any other office, his
emoluments under section (1) of this section in respect of
such period shall be abated to the extent of the salary so

Gratuity to
Governor or

6. There shall be granted a gratuity equivalent to
~ o ~ ~ ~ o r - ~ e n ~ r a l . twenty per centum of the aggregate of the salaries paid dur-

ing his term of office to any person who has held or holds
the office of Governor or Governor-General as follows-

(a) Subject to paragraph (b), with effect from the
date on which he ceases to be Governor or

(b) where such person has attained the age of sixty
years or more and has held the office of-

(i) Governor;

(ii) Governor followed by that of Governor-
General without any break in service; or

(iii) Governor-General;
continuously for fifteen years or more, the gratuity may be
granted at any time whether or not, at that time, he has
ceased to hold the office of Governor or Governor-General
as the case may be.


Governor and Governor-General's (CAP. 195 5
Emoluments and Pension

7. Subject to the provisions of section 8 there will be Pension granted.
granted to any person who has held the office of Governor-
General, with effect from the date on which he ceases to be

(a) if he has held that office for fifteen consecutive
years or more, a pension equivalent to his annual salary;

( 6 ) if he has held that office for five consecutive
years or more but less than fifteen consecutive years,
a pension equivalent to two-thirds of his annual salary; or

(c) if he has held that office for less than five con-
secutive years a pension based upon the proportion of
the amount he would have received as pension if he had
held that office for five consecutive years or more, but
less than fifteen consecutive years that the period for
which he in fact held office bears to such period of five

8. Where any person who has held the office of Reckoning of

Governor-General has immediately preceding his appoint- General's service
ment to that office been in service in the Permanent Civil ~ t ~ ; ~ ~ , " , " , s i . n
Service and is not in receipt of a pension in respect of that
service, he may opt-

(a) to receive a pension under section 7 , if he is
so entitled; or

( b ) to treat his service in the office of Governor-
General as service in the Permanent Civil Service and
receive a pension, or reduced pension and gratuity, or
any applicable gratuity under the Pensions Act if the
length of his joint service in the office of Governor-
General and his service in the Permanent Civil Service
qualifies him for a pension or gratuity under that Act,
and he shall be granted a pension under section 7 or
a pension or reduced pension and gratuity or other
gratuity under the Pensions Act as he so opts.

9. Where a person dies while he is Governor-General, ~ ~ ~ ~ g r ; h , " ; ~ r a l
there shall be granted to his legal personal representative dies
a gratuity of an amount not exceeding either his annual salary


Other pensions.

Widow's pension.

pensions, etc.,
charged on


S.I. 19671225.

CAP. 195) Governor and Governor-General's
Emoluments and Pension

or the gratuity, if any, which would have been granted to
him under this Act whichever is the greater.

10. Any person who is in receipt of a pension in
respect of service in the Permanent Civil Service shall be
entitled to and receive such pension during such time that-

(a) he holds the office of Governor-General; or

(6) having held the office of Governor-General, he
is entitled to or receives a pension under this Act.

1 . (1) Where a person dies while he is Governor-
General or while he is entitled to receive a pension payable
under this Act to a person who has ceased to be Governor-
General and leaves a widow, the widow shall, subject to
subsection (2), be paid a pension at an annual rate equivalent
to two-thirds of the rate of pension payable to such person
under section 7 or 8.

(2) A widow mentioned in this section shall not be
entitled to receive and shall not be paid a pension under
this section in respect of any period after her re-marriage.

(3) For the purposes of this section "widow" includes
' 6 widower".

12. The emoluments of the Governor-General, and
all pensions and gratuities payable under this Act shall be
charged on the Consolidated Fund and paid thereout.

13. (1) Where a person who, on 31st October, 1981,
held the office of Governor under the former Constitution
holds. on the 1st November. 1981. the office of Governor-
General under the Constitution, the term of office of that
person for the purposes of entitlement to, computation of
and the granting of gratuity and pension under this Act shall
be deemed to have commenced upon the date when he was
appointed as Governor under the former Constitution.

(2) In this section "the former Constitution" means
the Constitution of Antigua set out in Schedule 2 to the
Antigua Constitution Order 1967.


Governor and Governor-General's (CAP. 195 7
Emoluments and Pension


1. Salary at the rate of $108,630 per annum.

2. Duty Allowance at the rate of $9,600 per annum.

3. An allowance in lieu of the remission of customs duties
on goods imported for use at the Governor-General's Residence
at the rate of $8,400 per annum.