Local Constables (CAP. 254 1
Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Qualifications for appointment.
4. Appointment of local constables.
5. Precept and oath of local constables.
6. Precept and oath constitute appointment.
7. Equipment.
8. Powers, privileges and immunities of local constables.
9. Local constables subject to orders of officers of police.
10. May be ordered on public service.
11. Remuneration of local constables.
12. Riot or disturbance.
13. Penalty for assaulting or resisting local constable.
14. Resignation of local constable.
15. Residence of local constable.
16. Dismissal of constable.
17. Cessation of powers and extension of age limit of local
18. Offences of local constables.
19. Application of section 81 of the Police Act.
Local Constables (CAP. 254 3
(25th February, 192 1 .) 611921.
S.R.O. 2211956.
1. This Act may be cited as the Local Constables Act. Short title.
2. In this Act "local constable" means a constable Interpretation.
appointed and acting under this Act.
3. Every male person who is- Qualifications for
( a ) over 18 and under 55 years of age;
( 6 ) able bodied; and
(6) of good character
shall be deemed to be qualified for appointment as a local
4. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act the Appointment of
local constables. Governor-General may appoint any qualified person residing
within Antigua and Barbuda at the time of such appoint-
ment to be a local constable for Antigua and Barbuda.
( 2 ) Any local constable in Antigua and Barbuda who,
on the first day of July, 1956, had already been duly
appointed a local constable, shall continue to hold such
appointment and be deemed to have been appointed a local
constable in accordance with the provisions 0-fsubsection (1).
5 . O n appointing any person to be a local constable Precept and oath
of local
the Governor-General shall- constables.
(a) deliver to him a precept in the form contained
in the Schedule authorizing him to act as a local
( 6 ) administer to him the following oath of office-
"I, A.B. do swear that I will well and truly serve Our
Sovereign Lady the Queen in the office of local constable
for Antigua and Barbuda without favour or affection,
malice or ill-will, and that I will, to the best of my ability,
cause the peace to be preserved, and prevent all offences
CAP. 254) Local Constables
Precept and oath
privileges and
immunities of
local constables.
Local constables
subject to orders
of officers of
May be ordered
on public
Remuneration of
local constables.
Riot or
against the persons and property of Her Majesty's
6. On receiving the precept and taking the oath the
person so appointed shall be a local constable, and shall and
may act as constable generally throughout Antigua and
7. Every local constable shall be provided by the
Commissioner of Police with a staff, a whistle, a note-book,
an instruction book and an armlet bearing the letters "L.C."
and such armlet shall be evidence of the office of every such
local constable. The cost of these articles of equipment shall
be defrayed at the public expense.
8. Every local constable shall have all the powers and
shall be entitled to all the immunities conferred by any law
or Act for the time being in force upon any police constable
or upon any rural or other constable.
9. Every local constable shall be subject to orders
issued by the Commissioner of Police or any police officer
in charge of any police station in Antigua and Barbuda in
relation to police duty.
10. The Governor-General may, in case of
emergency, on the application of any police officer in charge
of any police station, order on the public service for a period
not exceeding at any one time, twenty-four hours, any
number of local constables.
1 . (1) The Commissioner of Police may from time
to time, grant to a local constable a certificate for payment
out of the Treasury of Antigua and Barbuda of such sum
as may be authorized in accordance with the rates fixed in
Antigua and Barbuda for the performance of duty under the
provisions of this Act.
(2) Every such payment shall be made from such
moneys as may be provided for the purpose by Parliament.
12. The Governor-General may, in case of riot or
disturbance, order on the public service any number of local
constables for such period as he shall deem expedient.
Local Constables (CAP. 254 5
13. Any person who shall assault or resist any local :;zz$or
constable in the execution of his duty, or who shall aid or msisting local
incite any person so to assault or resist, shall be liable, on constable.
summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred
14. A local constable shall be at liberty to resign his E:,S~,":Z;~.
appointment on giving one month's notice in writing of his
intention to so resign to the Commissioner of Police.
15. (1) Every local constable shall in the months of Residence of
local constables.
January and July in every year, appear personally before
the Commissioner of Police, or the police officer in charge
of the police station which is the nearest to the place of
residence of such local constable, and state his occupation
and place of residence; and no local constable shall change
his residence as stated, unless he has given notice of his
intention so to do to any such police officer.
(2) Any local constable who is about to leave Antigua
and Barbuda shall report his intended departure to the
Commissioner of Police.
(3) A local constable who ceases to reside in Antigua
and Barbuda shall be deemed to have resigned his
16. The Governor-General may at any time dismiss 2;:;:. of
any local constable from his office:
Provided that such dismissal shall not preclude any
remedy at law which the party aggrieved by the offence of
such constable might have had if such dismissal had not taken
17. (1) When any local constable attains the age of gz;;:r:n;f
60 years or resigns or is dismissed from his office all powers extension of age
and authorities vested in him and all immunities to which ~OPS~a$~p"l
he is entitled as such local constable shall immediately cease
and determine, and he shall on demand deliver over to the
Commissioner of Police his precept of appointment and any
equipment which may have been supplied to him for the
execution of his office.
6 CAP. 254) Local Constables
Offences of local
(2) Notwithstanding the attainment by a local constable
of the age mentioned in subsection (1) the Governor-General
may in his discretion permit such constable to retain his office
for such period beyond the said age as the Governor-General
may deem expedient.
18. If any local constable-
( a ) refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order
given to him, or
(b) is guilty of any violation or neglect of duty,
he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.
Application of 19. The provisions of section 81 of the Police Act shall
section 81 of the
Police A C ~ . apply to local constables appointed under this Act as it applies
Cap. 330. to police officers.
Form of Precept to Constable
Local Constables Act
1, Governor-General of
Antigua and Barbuda, do under and by virtue of the power and
authority in me vested by the Local Constables Act, hereby appoint
you to be a local constable, and I do issue to you this precept
authorizing you to act as a local constable throughout Antigua
and Barbuda.
Dated this day of 19