No. 3 of 2009
[ Printed in the Official Gazette Vol. XXIX No.13
dated 19th February, 2009. ]
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Eric T. Bennett, Government Printer
— By Authority, 2009.
800—2. 09 [ Price $10.30 ]
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation
3. Establishment and composition of Medical Council
4. Tenure
5. Remuneration
6. Seal of the Medical Council
7. Functions and powers of the Medical Council
8. Meetings of the Council
9. Quorum and voting
10. Personal Liability
11. Confidentiality obligations
12. Registration and licensing
13. Registration
13A. Registration to practise as a Consultant or Specialist
14. Medical Register
15. Appeals against refusal to register, removal, etc.
16. Licence to practise medicine
17. Conditions on Licence
18. Validity and renewal of licence to practise medicine
19. No re-application for two years after revocation of licence
20. Suspension and revocation of licence to practise medicine
21. Lists of medical practitioners
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
22. Disciplinary Committee
23. Proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee
24. Rules of procedure
25. Complaints to Disciplinary Committee
26. Hearing of complaint
27. Medical Council to consider report
28. Confidentiality obligations
29. Practising or pretending to practise medicine unless registered and licensed
30. False representations
31. Penalty where no other specific penalty
32. Regulations
33. Amendment of the Schedules
34. Limitation of actions
35. Transitional
36. Repeal
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
I Assent,
Louise Lake-Tack,
6th February, 2009.
No. 3 of 2009
AN ACT to provide for the registration, licensing and regulation of the practice of medicine in
Antigua and Barbuda.
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as follows:
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Medical Practitioners Act, 2009.
2. Interpretation
In this Act,
“member” means a person appointed under this Act to hold office in the Medical Council
established under section 3;
“Minister” means the Minister of Health.
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(a) the member dies;
(b) the member’s term of office expires;
(c) the member resigns by written notice to the Minister;
(d) the member is medically certified to be unable to function because of physical or mental
(e) the member is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Medical Council without
the permission of the Chairperson;
(f) the member is declared bankrupt by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(g) the member is disqualified or suspended otherwise than at his or her own request, from
practising medicine in Antigua and Barbuda or elsewhere, or, in the case of a member
referred to in paragraph 3(1)(d), ceases to be qualified on the basis on which he or she
was originally considered qualified; or
(h) the member contravenes this Act and his or her office is declared vacant by the Minister.
(3) If a member, other than the Chief Medical Officer, is unable to perform his or her functions or
attend meetings of the Medical Council, by reason of illness or otherwise, the Council shall request
the Minister to appoint an appropriate person to act as alternate member for the unexpired portion
of the term of the member.
(6) The Minister shall, no later than 10 days after receiving the request, appoint an alternate
member who shall hold office for the remaining portion of the term of the office to which he or she
is appointed.
(7) For greater certainty, if the Chief Medical Officer is unable to perform functions or attend
meetings, or if the office of Chief Medical Officer becomes vacant, the person appointed to carry
out the functions of Chief Medical Officer, or otherwise act as Chief Medical Officer, is treated as
the Chief Medical Officer for the purposes of this Act.
(8) A member continues to be a member of the Medical Council after the expiry of his or her term
until a successor is appointed.
(9) The Minister shall cause the names of the members of the Medical Council as first constituted
and every change in membership to be published in the Gazette and in a local newspaper.
(10) The acts of the Medical Council are valid even if there is a defect in its constitution or in the
appointment of a member.
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
3. Establishment and composition of Medical Council
(1) There is established a Board known as the Medical Council that is responsible for the regis-
tration and licensing of medical practitioners and the regulation of medical practice in Antigua and
Barbuda, consisting of
(a) ex officio the Chief Medical Officer who shall not be eligible to be appointed to act as
an officer of the Board during his or her ex officio appointment;
(b) two medical practitioners appointed by the Minister on the recommendation of the Antigua
and Barbuda Medical Association; and
(c) one medical practitioner appointed by the Minister acting in his own discretion; and
(d) three other persons whom the Minister considers to be otherwise qualified to be members
of the Medical Council.
(2) The Medical Council shall elect from amongst its members the following officers
(a) a Chairperson;
(b) a Vice-Chairperson;
(c) a Treasurer; and
(d) a Registrar/Secretary.
(3) The Medical Council may appoint the sub-committees it thinks are necessary to carry out its
functions and may delegate functions to a sub-committee.
4. Tenure
(1) A member, other than the Chief Medical Officer, shall hold office for a term of not less than
three and not more than five years and is eligible for re-appointment, but may not be appointed for
more than two terms in succession.
(2) The office of a member becomes vacant if
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(d) remove the name of the medical practitioner from the Medical Register if the medical
practitioner no longer meets the requirements of this Act; and
(e) collect fees required to be paid under this Act and use those monies to defray operational
8. Meetings of the Council
(1) The Medical Council shall meet at least eight times in every year at a time and place to be
fixed by the Council. Not less than seven days’ notice of a meeting, together with an agenda, must be
given to the members. Meetings may be held using technology that permits the virtual presence of
one or more members at the meeting or that permits the members to hear each other and participate
in the meeting.
(2) The Chairperson may at any time convene an emergency meeting if he or she considers it
9. Quorum and voting
(1) The quorum of the Medical Council shall be five members.
(2) Decisions of the medical council are by majority vote and in case of the vote being equal, the
Chairperson has a casting vote.
10. Personal Liability
(1) No member of the Medical Council is personally liable in an action or proceeding for or in
respect of an act or matter done or omitted to be done in good faith in the exercise or purported
exercise of a duty or function under this Act.
(2) Where any member of the Medical Council is exempt from liability by reason only of subsec-
tion (1) the Medical Council shall be liable to the extent that it would be if the member was a servant
or agent of the Medical Council.
11. Confidentiality obligations
Every member of the Medical Council shall maintain the confidentiality of, and refrain from using
or disclosing, any confidential or personal information that he or she acquires in the course of his or
her functions under this Act.
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
5. Remuneration
The members of the Medical Council are to be paid the remuneration determined by Cabinet.
6. Seal of the Medical Council
(1) The seal of the Medical Council is to be kept in the custody of the Chairperson and be au-
thenticated by the Chairperson and the Registrar/Secretary or one other member authorised by the
Medical Council.
(2) All documents of the Medical Council, other than those required by law to be made under seal,
and all decisions of the Medical Council, may be signified under the hand of the Chairperson.
7. Functions and powers of the Medical Council
(1) The functions of the Medical Council are
(a) to register and license persons as medical practitioners who meet the requirements of
this Act and possess the qualifications and experience prescribed by regulations;
(b) to prescribe the Code of Ethics and to monitor adherence to and investigate breaches of
the Code;
(c) to collaborate with and advise the Medical Association on the Council’s requirements
for Continuing Medical Education;
(d) to organise whether or not in conjunction with the Medical Association or the Ministry
of Health, seminars, courses and practicals in respect of Continuing Medical Education;
(e) to advise the Minister with respect to amendments to this Act; and
(f) to perform any other function conferred on it by this Act or any other law.
(2) The Medical Council has the power to
(a) cause the registration of medical practitioners and issue medical licences to persons who
meet the requirements of this Act and possess the prescribed qualifications and experi-
(b) cause disciplinary proceedings against medical practitioners to be taken in accordance
with this Act;
(c) suspend or revoke the licence of a medical practitioner;
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(vi) any other information prescribed by regulation.
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), a person is qualified to be registered as a general practitioner
who holds any diploma, degree, fellowship, membership, licence, certificate, or other status or form
of registration granted by a university, college or body empowered to confer authority to practice
medicine by the law of the country or place where it is granted and which in the opinion of the Medi-
cal Council is evidence of satisfactory medical training. For this purpose, the Medical Council shall
at all times be mindful and apply the standards set from time to time by the Caribbean Accreditation
Authority for medicine and other Health Professions and maintain a list of accredited institutions
and the Chairperson of the Medical Council (or a person nominated by him or her) shall make the
necessary investigation to verify and ensure the suitability of any institution to be accepted.
(3)The Medical Council shall consider an application for registration and shall inform the ap-
plicant, no later than 35 days after receipt of the application, whether or not the applicant meets the
requirements of this Act.
(4) If the applicant meets the requirements of this Act, the Medical Council shall cause the person’s
name to be entered on the Medical Register and shall issue a certificate of registration to the applicant
in Form 2 set out in Schedule I, on receipt of the registration fee set out in Schedule II.
(5) If the Medical Council is of the opinion that the applicant does not meet the requirements of
this Act, the Medical Council shall provide the reasons for the refusal to register the applicant and
indicate to the applicant the steps that are required in order for the applicant to be eligible for regis-
(6) The Medical Council may cause a visiting general practitioner or an applicant who has com-
pleted his or her academic education but does not meet the other requirements in subsection (1) and
(2) to be provisionally registered
(a) either at the discretion of the Medical Council; or
(b) on application by the person seeking to be provisionally registered.
(7) On the application of a person who has been provisionally registered, the Medical Council
shall on being satisfied that the person has met all the requirements in subsection (1) and (2), delete
the provisional registration, and register the person as a general practitioner in accordance with
subsection (4).
13A. Registration to practise as a Consultant or Specialist
(1) A person who wishes to practise medicine as a consultant or specialist shall first be registered
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
12. Registration and licensing
A person shall not, unless the person is registered under this Act and holds a valid licence issued
under this Act, in Antigua and Barbuda,
(a) practise medicine as a general practitioner;
(b) practise medicine as a consultant or specialist in any area of medicine;
(c) recover fees for practising medicine;
(d) use the title Medical Doctor or the customary title abbreviation against his or her name;
(e) sign a certificate that, by law, is required to be signed by a medical doctor; or
13. Registration
(1) A person who wishes to be registered as a general practitioner in Antigua and Barbuda shall
(a) apply to the Medical Council on Form 1 set out in Schedule I;
(b) pay the fee set out in Schedule II; and
(c) provide the following to the Medical Council:
(i) proof that the applicant possesses the prescribed qualifications and postgraduate
training including an internship or its equivalent;
(ii) proof of the identity of the applicant;
(iii) proof that the applicant is able to read, write, speak and understand the English
(iv) two letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant’s good moral character and
stating that the applicant is a fit and proper person to practise medicine in Antigua
and Barbuda;
(v) proof of current registration or a practising certificate from another medical reg-
istering body, and a certificate of good standing from that body, if the applicant is
registered as a medical practitioner in another State; and
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(c) the date on which the person’s name was first entered on the Medical Register; and
(d) a description of, and the date of,
(i) the qualification in respect of which he or she is registered, and
(ii) any higher degree or qualification held by the person that he or she has communi-
cated to the Medical Council.
(2) The Medical Council may, if it is satisfied that a name of a person appears on the Medical
Register in error, remove the name of that person and, if a certificate of registration has been issued
to the person, by notice in writing require the person to return that certificate.
(3) A person who receives a notice shall immediately return the certificate of registration.
(4) Any person may, at a reasonable time and on payment of the prescribed fee
(a) inspect the Medical Register; or
(b) obtain from the Medical Council a certified copy of a portion of the Medical Register.
(5) A medical practitioner may request in writing that the Medical Council remove his or her name
from the Medical Register and the Medical Council shall do so no later than 14 days after receiving
such a request.
15. Appeals against refusal to register, removal, etc
A person who is aggrieved by the refusal of the Medical Council to grant him or her registration
(including provisional registration), or by the removal of his or her name from the register, or by the
decision of the Medical Council to censure him or her or suspend or revoke his or her registration,
may within three months after the date on which notice is given by the Medical Council of such
refusal, removal, censure or suspension or revocation, appeal against the Medical Council’s decision
to a judge of the High Court who shall give such direction in the matter as he or she may think proper,
including a direction as to the costs of the appeal.
16. Licence to practise medicine
(1) A person who is registered as a medical practitioner and who wishes to practise medicine in An-
tigua and Barbuda shall
(a) apply to the Medical Council for a licence on Form 4 set out in Schedule I;
(b) provide proof of current registration or a practising certificate from another medical
registering body, and a certificate of good standing from that body, if the applicant is
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
to practise medicine under section 13 and shall apply to the Medical Council to be registered as a
consultant or specialist in the prescribed form.
(2) An application to be registered as a consultant or specialist shall be made in the form numbered
1 in Schedule I and pay the fees set out in Schedule II.
(3) An application made under subsection (2) shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant
possesses the requisite qualifications necessary to practise as a consultant or specialist in the area of
medicine specified in the application.
(4) A person is qualified to practise as a consultant or specialist if that person possesses an advanced
diploma or degree or any other similar advanced qualification recognised by the Medical Council.
(5) The Medical Council shall consider an application for registration and shall inform the ap-
plicant, no later than 35 days after receipt of the application, whether or not the applicant meets the
requirements to practise medicine as a consultant or specialist in the area for which the applicant has
(6) If the applicant satisfies the requirements of this Act, the Medical Council shall cause the
person’s name to be entered on the Medical Register as a consultant or specialist and shall issue a
certificate of registration to the applicant in Form 2 set out in Schedule I.
(7) If the Medical Council is of the opinion that the applicant does not meet the requirements of
this Act, the Medical Council shall provide the reasons for the refusal to register the applicant and
indicate the steps that are required in order for the applicant to be eligible for registration.
(8) A certificate of registration to practise as a consultant or specialist permits the person to whom
the certificate was issued to practise as a medical consultant or specialist only in the area specified
in the certificate.
(9) A person who is registered as a consultant or specialist in Antigua and Barbuda and who wishes
to practise medicine as such in Antigua and Barbuda shall apply to be licensed under section 16 of
this Act.
14. Medical Register
(1) The Medical Council shall keep a Medical Register on which is listed
(a) the name and address of every person registered under section 13 and 13A;
(b) whether the registration is provisional or not;
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(a) in the case of a licence issued to a person who is provisionally registered, for two years;
(b) in any other case for three years.
(2) No later than 60 days before the date on which the licence to practise medicine expires, a
medical practitioner who wishes to renew the licence shall apply for a renewal of the licence.
(3) The Medical Council shall renew the licence and issue a new licence to the applicant unless
it is of the view that the person no longer meets the requirements of this Act.
(4) If the Medical Council is unsure as to whether or not an applicant meets the requirements of this
Act, the Medical Council may require the applicant to provide further information, in writing and, if
it does so, the applicant must be given a reasonable time period in which to provide the information.
(5) Subsections 16(2) and (4) apply, with the necessary modifications, to a renewal of a licence
to practise medicine.
19. No re-application for two years after revocation of licence
A person whose licence has been revoked under this Act, or whose registration has been erased under
section 17 of the Medical Act, Cap 269, shall not apply for registration or licensing until two years
have elapsed since the revocation or erasure.
20. Suspension and revocation of licence to practise medicine
(1) The Medical Council may revoke a licence to practise medicine by notice in writing, as of
the date set out in the notice, if the holder of the licence contravenes a provision of this Act or the
regulations made under it.
(2) A person who receives a notice of revocation of licence shall, as soon as possible before the
date set out in the notice, return the licence.
(3) The Medical Council may, when there is a question of serious risk to the public, suspend the
licence of a medical practitioner for a period not exceeding three months while an investigation is
carried out to ascertain whether the medical practitioner’s licence ought to be revoked or until the
condition that created the risk no longer exists.
21. Lists of medical practitioners
The Medical Council shall cause to be published in the Gazette, and in at least one local newspaper,
on the 1st of March and the 1st of September of every year, an alphabetical list of every medical
practitioner who holds a valid licence to practise medicine as of the beginning of the previous month,
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
registered as a medical practitioner in another State;
(c) in the case of a person who is not a citizen, furnish proof to the Medical Council of a
work permit issued to him or her or an exemption therefrom;
(d) prove to the Medical Council that he or she has complied with any prescribed require-
ments for Continuing Medical Education; and
(e) pay the fee set out in Schedule II; and
(f) provide any other information prescribed by regulation.
(2) The Medical Council shall consider an application for a licence and shall inform the applicant,
no later than 35 days after receipt of the application, whether or not the applicant meets the require-
ments of this Act.
(3) If the applicant meets the requirements of this Act, the Medical Council shall issue a licence
to practise medicine to the applicant in Form 5 set out in Schedule I, on receipt of the licence fee set
out in Schedule II.
(4) If the Medical Council is of the opinion that the applicant does not meet the requirements of
this Act, the Medical Council shall provide the reasons for the refusal to license the applicant and
indicate to the applicant the steps that are required in order for the applicant to be eligible to be
(5) A medical practitioner licensed to practise medicine shall display the licence in a prominent
place on the premises on which he or she practises medicine.
(6) The Minister may by Order waive the fees set out in Schedule II.
17. Conditions on licence
(1) A licence to practise medicine may be subject to the conditions that the Medical Council
considers necessary.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a licence to practise medicine issued to a person who is pro-
visionally registered under section 13 shall set out the place at which the medical practitioner may
practise medicine, and the medical practitioner under whose supervision the practice must take place.
(3) Without limiting subsection (1), a licence to practise medicine may contain a condition requir-
ing the medical practitioner’s practice to be restricted to a particular institution.
18. Validity and renewal of licence to practise medicine
(1) Unless it is sooner revoked or suspended, a licence to practise medicine is valid
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(e) the member is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Disciplinary Committee
without the permission of the Chairperson;
(f) the member is declared bankrupt by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(g) the member is disqualified or suspended otherwise than at his or her own request, from
practising medicine in Antigua and Barbuda or elsewhere, or, in the case of a member
referred to in paragraph (1)(d) ceases to be qualified on the basis on which he or she was
originally considered qualified.
(6) If a member is unable to perform functions or attend meetings of the Disciplinary Committee,
by reason of illness or otherwise, the Committee shall request the Minister to appoint an appropriate
person to act as alternate member for the unexpired portion of the term of the member.
(7) The Minister shall, no later than 10 days after receiving the request, appoint an alternate member
of the Disciplinary Committee and after the appointment the alternate member is treated as if he or
she had been appointed a member in the ordinary course, for the portion of the term for which he or
she is appointed.
(8) A member continues to be a member of the Disciplinary Committee after the expiry of his
term until a successor is appointed.
(9) The Minister shall cause the names of the members of the Disciplinary Committee as first
constituted and every change in membership to be published in the Gazette and in a newspaper that
is widely circulated in Antigua and Barbuda.
(10) The members of the Disciplinary Committee are to be paid the remuneration determined by
23. Proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee
(1) The Disciplinary Committee shall meet at the times that are necessary or expedient for the
hearing of complaints under this Act.
(2) The Chairperson, or in the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, presides at
the hearings of the Disciplinary Committee.
(3) The quorum of the Disciplinary Committee is three, including at least one of the members
referred to in paragraph 22(1)(d).
(4) The proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee shall be held in private.
24. Rules of procedure
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
and the date on which that licence expires. The list must set out if the medical practitioner is one
whose practice is subject to a condition referred to in subsection 17(2) or (3).
22. Disciplinary Committee
(1) There is established a Disciplinary Committee that is responsible for the upholding of standards
of professional conduct of medical practitioners, consisting of
(a) a Chairperson, who has practised medicine for no fewer than 10 years, at least five of
which must have been in Antigua and Barbuda;
(b) a Deputy Chairperson, who has practised medicine for no fewer than 10 years, at least
five of which must have been in Antigua and Barbuda;
(c) one medical practitioner who has practised medicine for no fewer than five years in
Antigua and Barbuda; and
(d) two persons who may be otherwise qualified.
(2) The Minister shall appoint the members of the Disciplinary Committee, and shall consult with
the Antigua and Barbuda Medical Association before appointing the members other than the members
referred to in paragraph (1)(d).
(3) A member of the Disciplinary Committee holds office for a term of three years and is eligible
for re-appointment, but may not be appointed for more than two terms consecutively.
(4) The Minister shall appoint the members of the Disciplinary Committee so that the terms of
the members do not all expire in the same year. The first term after the coming into force of this Act
of one of the members referred to in paragraph (1)(d) and of the Chairperson shall therefore be for
four years.
(5) The office of a member of the Disciplinary Committee becomes vacant if
(a) the member dies;
(b) the member’s term of office expires;
(c) the member resigns by written notice to the Minister;
(d) the member is medically certified to be unable to function because of physical or mental
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
constitutes unprofessional or discreditable conduct.
26. Hearing of complaint
(1) No later than 28 days after receiving a complaint, the Disciplinary Committee shall hold a
hearing in order to ascertain whether or not there has been professional misconduct.
(2) No later than 14 days after hearing the complaint, the Disciplinary Committee shall report to
the Medical Council setting out its decision as to whether or not the complaint was well-founded and
the reasons for the decision. In case of a tie vote, the Chairperson has a casting vote for the making
of the decision.
(3) If the decision is not unanimous, any member of the Disciplinary Committee may provide a
minority report and the person who presided at the hearing shall include the minority report in the
report to the Medical Council.
(4) If the Disciplinary Committee, or the majority of the Disciplinary Committee, decides that a
complaint is well-founded it may make the recommendations it considers just, including a recom-
mendation to
(a) remove from the Medical Register the name of the medical practitioner;
(b) suspend the medical practitioner’s licence to practise medicine;
(c) revoke the medical practitioner’s licence to practise medicine;
(d) place conditions on the medical practitioner’s licence to practise medicine;
(e) impose a reasonable fine on the medical practitioner; or
(f) reprimand the medical practitioner.
27. Medical Council to consider report
(1) The Medical Council shall, no later than 14 days after receiving the report of the Disciplin-
ary Committee, consider the report at a meeting and make a decision in writing as to whether the
complaint should be dismissed or accepted and, if accepted, whether to
(a) remove the name of the medical practitioner from the Medical Register;
(b) suspend the medical practitioner’s licence to practise medicine for a period not exceeding
two years;
(c) revoke the medical practitioner’s licence;
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
(1) The Disciplinary Committee may make rules regulating the presentation, hearing and deter-
mination of complaints under this Act.
(2) The Disciplinary Committee has the powers of the High Court with respect to summoning and
examining witnesses on oath and ordering the production of documents for the purposes of hearings
it conducts under this Act.
25. Complaints to Disciplinary Committee
(1) A person may make a complaint, to the Disciplinary Committee with respect to a medical
practitioner that the person alleges has committed an act of professional misconduct.
(2) A licensed medical practitioner may make a complaint to the Disciplinary Committee with
respect to another licensed medical practitioner that he or she alleges has committed an act of profes-
sional misconduct.
(3) A complaint must be set out in writing.
(4) No person shall make a frivolous complaint.
(5) For the purpose of this section, a registered medical practitioner commits an act of professional
misconduct if that person
(a) wilfully and without legal justification betrays a professional confidence;
(b) abandons a patient in danger without sufficient cause, and without giving the patient the
opportunity to obtain the services of another practitioner;
(c) knowingly gives a false certificate respecting any matter which may result in the person to
whom the certificate is given obtaining any financial consideration, advantage or benefit;
(d) so indulges in the excessive or habitual use of intoxicating liquor or drugs as to adversely
affect the treatment of patients;
(e) impersonates another registered medical practitioner;
(f) employs or permits a person not registered under this Act or any other enactment relating
to any branch of the practice of medicine, to attend or treat or perform services which
require professional skill upon any patient, or by his presence, advice, assistance or co-
operation enables that person, whether acting as an assistant or otherwise, to do any act
which would constitute the practice of medicine; or
(g) performs or fails to perform any act, which in the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee,
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(d) place conditions on the medical practitioner’s licence to practise medicine;
(e) impose a fine on the medical practitioner that does not exceed $10,000; or
(f) reprimand the medical practitioner.
(2) The Medical Council shall communicate its decision to the medical practitioner no later than
seven days after it is made.
(3) The decision must set out the date as of which an action under paragraph (1)(a) (b) (c) or (d)
takes effect and the date by which a fine imposed under paragraph (1)(e) must be paid to the Medical
(4) The Medical Council shall cause a notice of a decision under paragraph (1)(a) (b) (c) or (d) to
be published in the Gazette as soon as is practicable after it is made.
28. Confidentiality obligations
Every member of the Disciplinary Committee shall maintain the confidentiality of, and refrain from
using or disclosing, any confidential or personal information that he or she acquires in the course of
his or her functions under this Act.
29. Practising or pretending to practise medicine unless registered and licensed
(1) Subject to subsection (2), person who contravenes section 12 commits an offence and is li-
able on summary conviction to a fine of $10,000 or to imprisonment for two years or to both, or on
indictment to a fine of $25,000 or to imprisonment for three years or to both.
(2) A person who practises medicine after the expiry of the person’s licence commits an offence
and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1500 and an additional fine of $400 for every day
the practice continues without a renewal of the licence.
30. False representations
A person who fraudulently procures or attempts to procure the registration or acquisition of a licence,
either for himself or herself or for any other person, commits an offence and is liable on summary
conviction to a fine of $10,000 or to imprisonment for one year or to both.
31. Penalty where no other specific penalty
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
A person who contravenes a provision of this Act or the regulations for which no specific penalty is
provided commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $10,000 or to impris-
onment for two years or to both, or on indictment to a fine of $25,000 or to imprisonment for three
years or to both.
32. Regulations
The Minister may, after consulting the Medical Council, make regulations that are necessary or
desirable for the better carrying out of the objects of this Act.
33. Amendment of the Schedules
The Minister may, by Order, amend the Schedules if he or she considers it necessary to do so.
34. Limitation of actions
An action in a court of law for alleged negligence or malpractice in respect of medical services al-
leged to have been rendered by a holder of a licence to practise medicine under this Act shall not be
received unless the action is commenced within three years after
(a) the date of the termination of the relevant medical services; or
(b) the date of knowledge of the consequences of the relevant medical services.
35. Transitional
(1) Until the Minister appoints the members of the Medical Council under section 3, the persons
who were members of the Medical Board appointed under the Medical Act, Cap. 269 immediately
before the coming into force of this Act are the Medical Council and three members of the Medical
Board constitute a quorum.
(2) A person who was registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical Act, Cap 269, im-
mediately before the coming into force of this Act need not apply for registration under this Act and
the Registrar shall, as soon as is practicable, enter that person’s name on the Medical Register.
(3) A person referred to in subsection (2) who wishes to practise medicine in Antigua and Barbuda
shall comply with section 13 no later than six months after the coming into force of this Act.
(4) A person referred to in subsection (2) is subject to Part IV of this Act as of the date on which it
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
comes into force, whether the misconduct complained of is alleged to have occurred before or after
the coming into force of this Act.
36. Repeal
Part III of the Medical Act, Cap. 269, is repealed. All other provisions of that Act that refer to medi-
cal practitioners are amended so that the reference to medical practitioners in them are struck out.
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
(Sections13 and 16)
1. Name____________________________________________________________________
2. Details of any change of name ___________________________________________________
3. Address: __________________________________________________________________
4. Email address: ______________________________________________________________
5. Telephone numbers – Home ____________________ Business ________________________
Cell ________________________
6. Details of medical education:
a) Institution ____________________________________________________________
b) Degrees granted ________________________________________________________
c) Practical training ________________________________________________________
7. Area of medicine for consultant or specialist registration (where applicable)
8. Details of any other jurisdictions in which the applicant is registered as a medical practitioner __
Are you still eligible to practice there [ ] Yes [ ] No
If not, please provide reasons ______________________________________________________
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
1. Name _____________________________________________________________________
2. Address: __________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that the above named person was registered as a general practitioner, consultant or spe-
cialist (delete where not applicable) under the Medical Practitioners Act, 2009 on the day
of 20 .
1. Name _____________________________________________________________________
2. Address: __________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that the above named person was provisionally registered as a general practitioner
under the Medical Practitioners Act, 2009 on the day of 20 .
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
9. Is English your first language spoken, written and understood? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If not, please provide evidence that you understand, speak, write and read English at a satisfactory
level to practise medicine
Please attach two letters of recommendation, a certificate of good standing from all other jurisdictions
mentioned in item 4 and the application fee
Statutory Declaration
I, hereby declare on oath that the information contained in the above form is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge, information and belief
Sworn before me
On the day of 20
Commissioner of Oaths/Notary Public
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
Sworn before me
On the day of 20
Commissioner of Oaths/Notary Public
1. Name _____________________________________________________________________
2. Address: __________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that the above named person is licensed to practise medicine as a general practitio-
ner, consultant or specialist under the Medical Practitioners Act, 2009 from the day
of 20 until the day of 20 , {subject to the following conditions if
Registrar /Secretary
The Medical Practioners Act, 2009.No. 3 of 2009
1. Name____________________________________________________________________
2. Details of any change of name ___________________________________________________
3. Address: __________________________________________________________________
4. Email address: ______________________________________________________________
5. Telephone numbers – Home _______________________ Business _____________________
Cell _____________________
6. Date of registration as a general practitioner, consultant or specialist (insert whichever is appli-
cable) under the Medical Practitioners Act or under the Medical Act, including whether registration
is provisional ___________________________________________________________________
7. Details of continuing medical education courses taken in the last 5 years: __________________
Statutory Declaration
I, hereby declare on oath that the information contained in the above form is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge, information and belief and that there have been no material changes to my
situation since the date of my registration as a medical practitioner as detailed in item 3 above.
The Medical Practitioners Act, 2009. No. 3 of 2009
(Sections, 13 and 16)
Service Fee to be paid
Application for registration $25.00
Registration $500.00
Inspectionof Medical Register $25.00
Copy of Medical Register (per page) $25.00
Application for licensing $25.00
Licence fee $1,000.00
Passed the Senate on the 30th day of
January, 2009.
McKenzie Frank,
T. Thomas,
Acting Clerk to the Senate.
Passed the House of Representatives on the 26th
day of January, 2009.
D. Gisele Isaac-Arrindell,
T. Thomas,
Acting Clerk to the House of Representatives.