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National Honours (Amendment) Act 2000

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NO. 7 of 2000. National Honours (Amendment) 1 ANTIGUA
Act 2000. AND


[ L.S. ]
I Assent,

James B. Carlisle,
Governor- General.

6th September, 2000.


No. 7 of 2000

An Act to amend the National Honours Act No. 23 of 1998.

[ 14th September, 20001

ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as fol-

1. This Act may be cited as the National Honours (Amend- short title.
ment) Act 2000.

2. The National Honours Act, in this Act referred to as the Amendment of
principal Act, is amended in section 12 by renumbering section section 12.
12 as section "12 (1)" and by inserting the following after sec-
tion 12(1) -

"(2) Notwithstanding nominations made by the Com-
mittee for awards under this Act, the Governor-General,
the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition may,
in each calendar year, nominate qualified persons for ap-
pointment to such of the Orders as may be specified by
regulation under this Act.

(3) The Governor-General may make regulations to
govern appointments to the Orders specified in such regu-
lations made under this section."

ANTIGUA 2 National Honours (Amendment) No. 7 of 2000.
AND Act 2000.


(4) The persons pamed and described in Schedule A
are appointed Knight Companions of the Most Exalted
Order of National Hero.

(5) The p m s o ~ named and described in Schedule B is
appointed Knight Grand Collar of the Most Distinguished
Order of the Nation.

Amendment of 3. The principal Act is amended by the addition of the fol-
Schedule. lowing new Schedules -

"Schedule A"

(1) King Court Klaas, a Freedom Fighter and a Martyr in the
sw~gglle for freedom in Antigua and Barbuda.

(2) Vere Cornwall Bird Snr, First Chief Minister, First Pre-
mier and First Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda.

"Schedule B"

Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards, an outstanding cricketer
of international fame and a Captain of the West Indian Cricket

4. The appointment of the persons mentioned in Schedules
A(2) and B are deemed to have been validity made on the 1st
day of January, 1999.

Passed the H ~ u s e of Representati~es Passed the Senate this 20th day of
this 6th day of June, 2000. June, 2000.

B. Harris,

Y. Henry,
Acting Clerk to the House of


L. Smith,
Vice President.

S. Walker,
Clerk to the Senate.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Donovan Southwell, Government Printer

- By Authority, 2000.
800-9.00 [Price $1.20 ]