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National Honours Act 1998

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No. 23 of 1998. The National Honours Act, 1998. 1 ANTIGUA


[ L.S. ]

I Assent,

James B. Carlisle,

3 1 st December, 1998.


No. 23 of 1998

AN ACT to establish a system of National Honours for the purpose
of according recognition to citizens of Antigua and Barbuda and
other persons for distinguished or meritorious service.

[ 3lst December, 1998 ]

ENACTED BY the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
follows -

1. This Act may be cited as the National Honours Act, 1998. short title.

2. There is established and constituted four societies of honour to Establishment of
be known as: Four Orders.

(i) The Most Exalted Order of the National Hero which is
an Order of Knighthood.,

(ii) The Most Distinguished Order of the Nation which is an
Order of Knighthood;

(iii) The Most Illustrious Order of Merit;

ANTIGUA 2 The National Honours Act, 1998. No. 23 of 1998.


(iv) The Most Precious Order of Princely Heritage.

Members of the 3. Each Order established by this Act shall consist of the Govemor-
Order. General of Antigua and Barbuda who is also ex-oflcio the Grand

Master of each Order and such other members as the Govemor-
General may, in accordance with the regulations governing each
order appoint thereunto.

ordinary members 4. (1) The Sovereign, the Sovereign's Consort, the Heir to the
and members ad Throne and any citizen of Antigua and Barbuda who is appointed to

any of the Orders established under this Act shall be Ordinary

(2) Any person other than the Sovereign, the Sovereign's Consort,
the Heir to the Throne and a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda
appointed to any of the Orders established under this Act shall be
members ad honorem.

Schedule md 5. (1) The Orders established under this Act shall be governed by
regulafio s to the Schedule and such other regulations as may be made under this
govern t-e Orders.

(2) The regulations governing each Order shall be administered
by the Grand Master, and the following officers, the Chancellor, the
Secretary-General. Antigua Herald of Arms and Barbuda Herald of
Arms, all of whom shall be appointed oy the Governor-General.

(3) Where the Grand Master is absent, the person for the time
being performing t4e functions of the office of Govemor-General,
shall discharge th(. functions of the Grand Master.

(4) The four officers mentioned in subsection (2) shall constitute
the Chancery of each Order and shall be known collectively as the
Chancery of the Orders and Decorations of Antigua and Barbuda.

(5) The Office of the chancery shall be situated at Government
House, St. John's.

No. 23 of 1998. The National Honours Act, 1998. 3 ANTIGUA


6. (1) The Governor-General shall cause to be engraved a separate Seal of each
Seal for each Order established by this Act. Order.

(2) The design and details of the seal of each Order shall be
determined by the Governor-General.

7. The Seal of each Order shall, at all times, be kept in the custody custody of Seal.
of the Chancery of the Orders and Decorations of Antigua and

8. (1) There shall, for the purposes of this Act, be a committee to ono ours
be known as the Honours Committee, in this Act referred to as the Ch-mittee.

(2) The Committee shall consist of the following -

(a) one person appointed by the Governor-General;

(b) two persons nominated by the Senate from among
members of the Senate, one of whom shall be a member
of Her Majesty's Opposition in the Senate to be
appointed by the Governor-General;

(c) four persons nominated by the House of Representatives
from among the members of the House of
Representatives of whom one shall be a member of Her
Majesty's Opposition in the House to be appointed by
the Governor-General.

(3) Subject to the provisions of this Act the appointment of a
member of the Committee shall be for the duration of Parliament and
all members shall cease to be members of the Committee when
Parliament is dissolved.

(4) The Governor-Genera! shall appoint a chairman of the
Committee from among the members of the Committee.

(5) Decisions of the Committee shall be confidential and by
majority vote and where the votes are equal the chairman shall
exercise a casting vote.

ANTIGUA 4 The National H o d s Act, 1998. No. 23 of 1998.



Functions of the 9. (1) The functions of the Committee shall include - '

(a) the receiving and consideration of nominations of per-
sons, upon whom may be conferred the honours
established by this Act;

(b) such investigation to determine persons, living or dead,
upon whom may be confend the honours established
by this Act, and the committee shall consider such
nominations in camera and shall be answerable to itself

(c) the preparation of a list of recommendations for the
conferment of honours;

(d) the carrying out of such other duties in relation to this
Act as the Governor-General may, from time to time,
assign to the Committee.

(2) The Committee may, in the performance of its functions,
consult with such other persons or bodies as it thinks necessary.

(3) The Chauman of the Committee shall forward the list of
recommendations to the Prime Minister who shall submit it to the
Governor-General for conferment of honours.

Appointment or 10. No member of the Committee shall, while serving as such
xhancementof member, be appointed to or advanced within any of the Orders
members of the
Committee. established by this Act.

Secretary of the 11. (1) There shall be a secretary to the Committee who shall be
Committee. appointed by the Governor-General, but the secretary shall not be a

member of the Committee.

(2) The Secretary to the Committee shall maintain a register of
names of persons to whom dignities, honours and decorations have
been awarded and such other records relating to the award of
dignities, honours and decorations as the Committee considers
necessary and performs such other functions in respect of such
awards as the Governor-General may direct.

No. 23 of 1998. The National Honours Act, 1998. 5 ANTIGUA


12. Any person or organization may nominate a person for the Nominations to be
bestowal of membership of any of the Orders established by this Act to the

and such nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Secretary.

Committee for consideration by the Committee.

13. The expenses incurred by the Committee in the performance Expenses of
of its functions as well as the provision of the insignias of the various Committee to be

Orders and grades thereof shall be paid out of the funds provided for ~z
the purpose by Parliament.

14. (1) The Governor-General may, make regulations for the Regulations.
better canying out of the purposes and provisions of this Act and in
particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,
may make regulations providing -

(a) for the style and title of those awarded honours
established by this Act;

(b) for badges for the purposes of this Act and the form

(c) for the investiture of persons in relation to the Orders
established by thls Act;

(d) for the seal and motto of each of the Orders established
by this Act as well as the design of the insignia of each

(e) for the wearing of the insignia issued in relation to any
Order established by this Act, and for any other right or
privilege appurtenant to the conferment of the dignity,
honour, style or title assigned to any such member of an
Order established under this Act;

f$ for the prevention of abuses in the wearing of insignia
issued in relation to any Order created under this Act, or
in assuming any style or title assigned to any member of
such Order established under this Act.

(2) Any regulation made under this Act shall be subject to
a f f i t i v e resolution of Parliament.

ANTIGUA 6 The National Honours Act, 1998. No. 23 of 1998.


Reclassification of
me* of 15. (1) The Members of Orders established under the National

Orders. Awards Act Cap. 289 are reclassified as follows -

(a) A member of the Order of the Nation becomes a Knight
or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order
of the Nation;

(b) A member of the Order of Distinction becomes a Grand
Cross of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit;

(c) A Member of the Order of Honour becomes a member
of the Order of the Most IUustrjous Order of Merit as
follows -

Gold becomes a Grand Cross;

Silver becomes a Grand Officer;

Bronze becomes a Commander.

(2) A person appointed to the Order established under the
National Heroes Act, No.10 of 1994 becomes a Knight or Dame
Companion of the Most Exalted Order of National Hero.

Repeal. 16. The following Acts are repealed -

(a) The National Awards Act Cap. 289; and

(b) The National Heroes Act 1994 No. 10 of 1994.


Most Exalted 1. (I) The Most Exalted Order of National Hero shall be
Order of conferred upon a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda in recognition of
Hero. preeminently distinguished service to Antigua and Barbuda or to

humanity at large.

(2) The Most Exalted Order of National Hero may be conferred
upon a person posthumously or during his lifetime, but a deceased
recipient does not appear in the current list of members-at the time
of the award, notwithstanding lus membership of the Order.

No. 23 of 1998. The National Honours Act, 1998. 7 ANTIGUA


2. (1) The Most Distinguished Order of the Nation may be
awarded to a person who has rendered distinguished and outstanding
service to Antigua and Barbuda.

(2) The Most Distinguished Order of the Nation may be awarded
posthumously but a deceased recipient does not appear in the current
list of members at the time of the award, notwithstanding his
membership of the Order.

3. (1) The Most Illustrious Order of Merit may be awarded to any
person who has rendered meritorious service to Antigua and Barbuda.

(2) The Most Illustrious Order of Merit may be awarded
posthumously but a deceased recipient does not appear in the current
list of members at the time of the award, notwithstanding his
membership of the Order.

4. (1) The Most Precious Order of Princely Heritage may be
awarded to any person who has rendered invaluable service to
Antigua and Barbuda in any field of heritage and other cultural

(2) The Most Precious Order of Princely Heritage may be
awarded posthumously but a deceased recipient does not appear in
the current list of members at the time of the award, notwithstanding
his membership of the Order.

5. A person ceases to be a member or member ad honorem of the
Order established by this Act upon -

(a) his resignation from the Order, which must be in writing
and which shall have effect on the date it is accepted by
the Grand Master;

(b) the revocation of an award by the Grand Master on the
recommendation of the Committee.

6. (1) The Most Exalted Order of National Hero shall comprise
one grade only, that of Knight or Dame Companion and shall confer
the style, title and dign~ty of Sir or Dame for life and the spouses of
such Knight Companion shall be accorded the style and title of Lady
for life.

Most Distinguished
Order of the

The Most
Illustrious Order
of Merit.

Most Precious
Order of Princely

Termination of

Designation of the
Most Exalted
Order of National

ANTIGUA 8 The National Honours Act, 1998. No. 23 of 1998.


(2) A member of the Order of the Most Exalted Order of National
Hero is entitled -

(a) to have the letters KNH or DNH, placed after his or her
name on all occasions when the use of such letters is
customary; and

(b) to wear-the insignia of the Order prescribed by the
Grand Master.

Designation of the 7. (1) The Most Distinguished Order of the Nation shall comprise
Most Dis- the following six grades -
tinguished Order
of the Nation.

(a) Knight or Dame Grand Collar;

(b) Knight or Dame Grand Cross;

(c) Knight or Dame Commander;

(d) Commander;

(e) Officer;

Cf) Member.

(2) The grade of the Knight or Dame Grand Collar, Knight or
Dame Grand Cross, Knight or Dame Commander shall confer the
style, title and dignity of Sir or Dame for life and the spouses of such
Knights shall be accorded the style and title of Lady for life.

(3) A member of the Order of the Most Distinguished Order of the
Nation is entitled in the case of -

(a) a Knight or Dame Grand Collar to have the letters KGN
or DGN placed after his or her name on all occasions
when the use of such letters is customary;

(b) a Knight or Dame Grand Cross to have the letters
KGCN or DGCN placed after his or her name on all
occasions when the use of such letters is customary;

(c) a Knight or Dame Grand Commander to have the letters
KCN or DCN placed after his or her name on all
occasions when the use of such letters is customary;

No. 23 of 1998. The National Honours Act, 1998. 9 ANTIGUA


(d) a Commander to have the letters CN placed after his or
her name on all occasions when the use of such letters
is customary;

(e) an Officer to have the letters ON placed after his or her
name on all occasions when the use of such letters is

@ a member to have the letters MN p1a.A after hls or her
name on all occasions when the use of such letters is

(4) A member of the Order of the Most Distinguished Order of the
Nation is entitled to wear the insignia prescribed for his or her grade
by the Grand Master.

8. The Most Illustrious Order of Merit shall comprise the Designation of the
following five grades - ~ o s t ulustrious

Order of Merit.

(a) Grand Cross;

(b) Grand mcer;

(c) Commander;

(d) Officer;

(e) Member.

(2) A member of the Order of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit
is entitled in the case of -

(a) a Grand Cross to have the letters GCM placed after his
or her name on all occasions when the use of such letters
is customary;

(b) a Grand Officer to have the letter GOM placed after his
or her name on all occasions when the use of such letters
is customary;

(c) a Commander to have the letters CM placed after his or
her name on all occasion when the use of such letters is

ANTIGUA 10 The National Honours Act, 1998. No. 23 of 1998.


(d) an Officer to have the letters OM placed after his or her
name on all occasions when the use of such letters is

(e) a Member to have the letters MM placed after his or her
name on all occasions when the use of such letters is

(3) A member of the order of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit
is entitled to wear the insignia prescribed for his or her grade by the
Grand Master.

Designation of the 9. (1) The Most Precious Order of Princely Heritage shall
comprise the following five grades -

Order of Princely

(a) Grand Cross;

(b) Grand Officer;

(c) Commander;


(e) Member.

(2) A member of the Order of the Most Precious Order of the
Princely Heritage is entitIed in the case of -

(a) a Grand Cross to have the letters GCH placed after his
or her name on all occasions when the use of such letters
is customary;

(b) a Grand Of fe r to have the letters GOH placed after his
or her name on all occasions when the use of such letters
is customary;

(c) a Commander to have the letters CH placed after his or
her name on all occasions when the use of such letters
is customary;

(d) an Officer to have the letters OH placed after his or her
name on all occasions when the use of such letters is

No. 23 of 1998. The National Honours Act, 1998. 11 ANTIGUA


(e) a Member to have the letters MH placed after his or her
name on all occasions when the use of such letters is

(3) A member of the Order of the Most Precious Order of Princely
Heritage is entitled to wear the insignia prescribed for his or her grade
by the Grand Master.

Passed the Housde of Representatives Passed the Senate tlus 21st day of
thls 14th day of December, 1998. December, 1998.

B. Harris,

L. Smith,

S. Walker, S. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives. Clerk to the Senate.

Printed at the Government Printing Ofice, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Rupert Charity, Government Printer

-By Authority, 1998.
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