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National Parks (Amendment) Act 2004

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No. 11 of 2004. The National Parks (Amendment) 1 ANTIGUA
Act, 2004. AND


I Assent,

James B. Carlisle,

17th September, 2004.


No. 11 of 2004

AN ACT to amend The National Parks Act, Cap. 290.

[Published in the Oflcial Gazette Vol. XYIV
No. 72 dated 14th October, 2004. ]

ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as fol-
lows -

1. This Act may be cited as the National Parks (Amendment) Short title.
Act, 2004.

2. Section 2 of the National Parks Act, in this Act referred to ~ 'mendment of
as the principal Act is amended as follows - section 2.

(a) by the repeal of the definition of "Minister" and the
substitution of the following -

" "Minister" means the Minister to whom the re-
sponsibility of National Parks has been assigned."

(b) by inserting in its appropriate alphabetical order the
following -

"Town and Country Planner" means the person ap-
pointed under section 6 of the Physical Planning NO, 6 ,f 2003.
Act, 2003.

ANTIGUA 2 The National Parks (Amendment) No. 11 of 2004.
AND Act, 2004.


Amendment of 3. Section 4 of the principal Act is amended as follows -
section 4.

(a) by the repeal of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and
the substitution of the following -

"(a) to preserve, protect, manage and develop the
natural, physical and ecological resources and
the architectural, cultural and historical heri-
tage of Antigua and Barbuda;"

(b) by repealing subsection ( l)(d)(i) and substituting
ihe following -

"(i) the repair, restoration and maintenance of any
building of special architectural or historical

(c) by the renumbering of paragraph (d) as (e) and in-
serting the following as paragraph (e) -

"(e) to collaborate with the Town and Country Plan-
ner to compile a list of the buildings of special
architectural or historical interest in any part
of Antigua and Barbuda."

Amendment of 4. Section 10 of the principal Act is amended by the repeal of
section 10. subsection (3) and the :;tibstitution of the following -

. "(3) In the preparation, review or amendment of a Park's
plan, the Parks Commissioner shall consult with the Town
and Country Planner, the members of the local community,
local authorities and other persons affected by the Park's

Amendment of 5. The Second Schedule to the principal Act is amended as
Second Schedule follows -
of Cap. 290.

(a) by repealing paragraph 1 and substituting the fol-
lowing -

" 1. The Nelson's Dockyard National Park con-
sists of all that land situate at and known as Nelson's
Dockyard, Clarence House, Shirley Heights, Dows
Hill, and all lands adjacent to such lands or in the
vicinity thereof as well as all land adjacent to En-

No. 11 of 2004. The National Parks (Amendment) 3 ANTIGUA
Act, 2004. AND


glish Harbour and Falmouth Harbour or in the vicin-
ity thereof measuring approximately 15.94 square
miles and more particularly described in the Sched-
ule to the National Parks (Nelson's Dockyard) Order
1990, S.I. 14 of 1990."

(b) by the repeal of paragraph 3 and the substitution of
the following -

"3. Any Order made by the Minister under this
Schedule is subject to affmative resolution of the
House of Representatives."

Passed the House of Representatives this 26th Passed the Senate this 3rd day
day of August, 2004. of September, 2004.

D. Giselle Isaac-Arrindell,

Edmond A. Mansoor,

Y. Henry, Y. Henry,
Acting Clerk to the House of Representatives. Acting Clerk to the Senate.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Walter A. Massiah, Government Printer

-By Authority, 2004.
800-10.04 [ Price $1.90 ]