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Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act 1993

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No. 5 of 1993. The Protection of Animals
(Amendment) Act, 1993.



I Assent,

Wilfred Jacobs,

17th February, 1993.


No. 5 of 1993.

AN ACT to amend the Protection of Animals Act (Cap. 113).

[18th February, 1993.1

ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as

1. This Act may be cited as the Protection of Animals short title.
(Amendment) Act, 1993.

2. The Protection of Animals, in this Act referred to as the Amendment of
principal Act, is amended in section 2 by the insertion after the section 2 of Cap.
definition of "cruelty" of the following- 113.

"Minister" means the Minister responsible for Agricul-

3. The principal Act is amended by the insertion after section Insertion of
5 of the following section- section 5A in the

principal Act.

"Seizure of animal 5A (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
subject to cnlelty. section 5, where any animal is being subjected

to cruelty, the Minister may authorise the
Commissioner of Police to cause the animal to
be seized and place it in the care of any person
oa authority as the Minister may direct.



The Protection of Animals No. 5 of 1993.
(Amendment) Act, 1993.

(2) Immediately after authorising the sei-
zure of an animal under subsection (I), the
Minister shall by notice in the Gazette, notify
the owner or any person in charge of the
animal of its seizure and require the owner or
the person in charge of the animal to claim the
animal and give reasons why he has caused
the animal to suffer.

(3) If the owner of the animal seized does
not make a claim of the animal within 14 days
of the notice given under subsection (2) or
fails to give satisfactory reason to the Minister
why he has failed to take good care of the
animal, the animal shall be considered to be
forfeited to the Crown from the date of the

(4) In making an order for the seizure of an
animal under this section, the Minister may
give any other order that is necessary for the
proper maintenance or disposal of the animal.

(5) No person may reclaim an animal
seized under the provisions of this section

(a) he gives satisfactory proof to the
Minister, that he is in a position to
provide proper maintenance and
care to the animal;

(b) he pays the cost incurred in the
maintenance of the animal during
its seizure:

(c) he gives an undertaking to report
to the Minister at times to be
specified by the Minister on the
maintenance of the animal; and

(d) where necessary he allows any
person authorised by the Minister
to supervise the maintenance of
the animal.

No. 5 of 1993. The Protection of Animals
(Amendment) Act, 1993.



(6) An order made under this section
shallnot be a bar to the prosecution of any
person who contravenes the provisions of this

4. The principal Act is amended by the insertion after section Insertion of
9 of the f6llowing section- section 10 in the

principal Act.

"Regulations. 10. (1) The Minister may make Regula-
tions prescribing anything which is required
or authorised by this Act to be prescribed and
generally for the better carrying out of the
provisions of this Act.

(2) Regulations made under this section
may prescribe-

(a) the method of disposal or sale of any
animal seized under this Act;

(b) the costs that may be paid by any
person whose animal is seized un-
der this Act;

(c ) the fines which may be charged for
any purpose under this Act and the

Passed the House of Representatives Passed the Senate this
this 25th day of January, 1993. 1 lth day of February, 1993.

C. L. Murray,

L. A. Dowe,
Clerk to the House of Representatives.

B. T. Carrott,

L. A. Dowe,
Clerk to the Senate.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by James Adolphus McKenzie Sebastian, Government Printer

-By Authority, 1993.
800-2.93 [Price $1.551