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Salvation Army Incorporation and Vesting Act

Published: 1981

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Salvation Army Incorporation (CAP. 394 1
and Vesting



Arrangement of Sections

Short title.
Transfer of property.
Appointment of General of the Salvation Army.
Power to acquire property.
Power to sell property.
Power to appoint an attorney.
Saving of Crown and other rights.


WHEREAS by a Deed Poll dated the 7th day of August
1878, made by William Booth and duly recorded in the
Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice in England,
it was declared that a Society had been formed under the
name of "The Christian Mission" for the purposes men-
tioned in the said Deed:

AND WHEREAS by another Deed Poll dated the 24th
day of June 1880, made by the said William Booth and duly
recorded as aforesaid it was declared that the name of the
said Society had been changed to "The Salvation Army":


2 CAP. 394) Salvation Army Incorporation
and Vestinp

AND WHEREAS by another Deed Poll made by the
said William Booth and recorded as aforesaid on the 22nd
day of June 1904, the purposes and object of The Salvation
Army -,were more fully set forth and declared:

AND WHEREAS in and by the said Deeds it was
declared that the General of The Salvation Army should have
power to acquire any real or personal property which might
in his judgment be required for the purposes of The Salvation
Army, and the said William Booth was declared the first
General of The Salvation Army and provision was made
for the appointment of subsequent Generals of The Salvation

AND WHEREAS General Arnold Brown was duly
appointed General of The Salvation Army in 1977:

AND WHEREAS The Salvation Army has acquired
real property in Antigua and Barbuda for its purposes and
also acquired certain personal property and it is now desirable
to provide for the vesting of the said real and personal
property in the present and future Generals for the time being
of The Salvation Army:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient to incorporate the
General for the time being as a corporation sole to vest in
such corporation the real and personal property acquired
in Antigua and Barbuda for and on behalf of the members
of The Salvation Army in Antigua and Barbuda.

Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as The Salvation Army
Incorporation and Vesting Act.

Incorporation. 2. General Arnold Brown the General of The Salva-
tion Army and his successors in office shall be and is hereby
constituted a corporation by the name of "The General of
The Salvation Army" and by this name shall have perpetual
succession and also by that name may sue and be sued, and
shall have a common seal.

Transfer of

3. All real and personal property in Antigua and
Barbuda and any estate or interest in or concerning the same
respectively which are now held or vested in any person on


Salvation Army Incorporation (CAP. 394 3
and Vesting

behalf of the members of The Salvation Army in Antigua
and Barbuda are hereby transferred and vested in The
General of The Salvation Army and his successors and assigns
for the same estate and interest and to the extent which the
same were vested in the said person.

4. Upon the recording in the High Court Registry ~ ? ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ f
in Antigua and Barbuda of copies certified by the proper Salvation Army.
officer or sealed by the proper Department of The High Court
of Justice in England of documents purporting to be the
appointment of and acceptance of office by a General of The
Salvation Army, the person named in such appointment and
acceptance shall be deemed to be the General of The Salvation
Army until the recording of similarly certified copies of new
appointment and acceptance.

5 . The General of The Salvation Army shall have full Power to acquire

power to acquire by purchase, transfer, donation, exchange,
devise, bequest, grant, conveyance or otherwise any real or
personal property in Antigua and Barbuda or any estate or
interest therein.

6. The General of The Salvation Army shall, subject Power to sell

to any restraint, reservation or condition contained in the
document under which he shall have acquired title thereto,
be entitled to sell, mortgage, lease and otherwise dispose of
and deal with all property which may for the time being be
vested in or have been acquired by him under any of the
provisions of this Act, and he may sue for and recover all
property and effects both real and personal and may assign
and transfer any monies belonging to The Salvation Army
or to any person on behalf of The Salvation Army or to any
General of The Salvation Army in his capacity as General
of The Salvation Army.

7. The General of The Salvation Army shall have full Power to appoint
an attorney.

power to appoint an attorney for such time and purposes
and with such powers as may be stated in the power of
attorney and to revoke any such appointment and to confer
on any such attorney appointed as aforesaid power to appoint
a substitute in his stead.


4 CAP. 394) Salvation Army Incorporation
and Vesting

Saving of Crown
and other rights.

8. Nothing in this Act shall prejudice or affect the
rights of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors or any body
politic or corporate or of any other persons except such as
are .pentioned in this Act and those claiming by, from,
through or under them.