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Seventh-Day Adventist Church Incorporation Act

Published: 1927

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Seventh-Day Adventist Church (CAP. 399 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2 . Constitution of Board of Trustees.
3. Powers of Board of Trustees.
4. Power of Board to dispose of property, etc.
5. Execution of documents.
6. Saving.


(28th May, 1927.) 141 1927.



WHEREAS there has been constituted a Conference 611981.

known as the Leeward Islands Conference of Seventh-dav
Adventists consisting of the Churches in Antigua,
St. Christopher-Nevis, Dominica, Montserrat, the Virgin
Islands and in the French Islands adjoining, which have been
officially organized and accepted into fellowship by vote of
the delegates assembled in session:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient that a Board of
Trustees of the said Seventh-day Adventist Church in Antigua
and Barbuda should be incorporated and should have power
to hold lands and other property in trust for the said Church.


2 CAP. 399) Seuenth-Day Adventist Church

Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Seventh-Day Adventist
Church Incorporation Act.

Constitution of
Board of

2. A Board of Trustees, consisting of the President
Trustees. for the time being of the North Caribbean Conference of

Seventh-day Adventists, the Secretary and the Treasurer for
the time being of the Conference and one other person to
be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church of Antigua and Barbuda shall
be and is hereby created a body corporate by the name of
"the Board of Trustees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
of Antigua and Barbuda" hereinafter called "The Board of
Trustees" and by such name aforesaid shall have perpetual
succession and shall be capable of suing and being sued in
all Courts of Justice in Antigua and Barbuda, and shall have
and use a Common Seal which may from time to time be
altered by the North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day

Powers of Board
of Trustees.

3. The Board of Trustees shall, subject to the rules,
regulations and control of the North Caribbean Conference
of Seventh-day Adventists, have full power to acquire for
the said Church by purchase, exchange, demise, gift, devise
or otherwise, lands or other property of any kind whatsoever
in perpetuity or for a life or lives or for any term of years,
and also any money, securities for money, goods or chattels
whatsoever; and subject to such rules and regulations and
control as aforesaid, and subject also to the performance of
any trust upon which any lands or other property may have
been acquired.

Power of Board
to dispose of

4. It shall be lawful, for the Board of Trustees, subject
property, etc. to such rules, regulations and control as aforesaid, from time

to time by deed under their seal to sell or demise, grant,
convey, exchange or otherwise dispose of, any land or other
property vested in the said Board of Trustees, upon such
terms as the Board of Trustees with the consent of the North
Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists may see fit.

Execution of 5 . All conveyances, mortgages, cancellation of
documents. mortgages, leases, transfers, and other documents necessary

to give effect to the several matters, acts and things or any
of them mentioned and specified in sections 3 and 4 requiring


Seventh-Day Adventist Church (CAP. 399 3

to be formally executed by or on behalf of the Board of
Trustees shall be deemed sufficiently executed if sealed with
the Common Seal and subscribed to by any two members
of the Board of Trustees.

6. Nothing in this Act shall affect or be deemed to Saving.
affect the rights of Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors or
of any body politic or corporate or of any other persons except
such as are mentioned or referred to in this Act and those
claiming by through from or under them.