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Sworn Weighers and Gaugers Act

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Sworn Weighers and Gaugers (CAP. 422 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Licences to weighers and gaugers.
3. Licensees to be sworn.
4. Investigation of complaints against weighers, &c.
5. Fees to be paid to weighers, &c.
6. Public weighing machine to be provided.
7. Licensee to provide himself with a scale, &c.
8. Cer


cates of weighing and gauging.
9. Counterfeiting weighers, &c., mark.

10. Fraudulent certificates.
11. Bribing.
12. Trade custom.



(2nd Novernbq 1889.) 5 / 1889 Ord. 16/1920

1. This Act may be cited as the Sworn Weighers and Shodtifle.
Gaugers Act.

2. It shall be lawful for the Governor-General from fF$c2gd
time to time to issue licences to such persons as he may gaugers.
deem qualified to act as weighers and gaugers within
Antigua and Barbuda.


CAP. 422) Sworn Weighers and Gaugers

Licensees to be

Investigation of
complaints against
weighers, &c.

Fees to be paid to
weighers, &c.


Public weighing
machine to be

Licensee to
provide himself
with a scale, &c.



cates of
weighing and

weighers, &c.,
Ord. 16/1920.

3. Every person licensed to act as a weigher and
gauger shall, before acting as such, be sworn before the
Governor-General or some person authorized by him to well
andtruly discharge the duties of a weigher and gauger.

4. In case any complaint in writing shall be made
against any weigher and gauger of neglect of duty or improp-
er conduct, the Governor-General shall cause such com-
plaint to be investigated, and if he shall be satisfied that such
complaint is well founded he may cancel the licence issued
to such weigher and gauger.

5. The fees fixed by the Schedule in respect of the
weighing of packages and the gauging of casks, shall be paid
by the person making application for the weighing and
gauging of the same to the weigher and gauger entitled
thereto, and in default of payment they may be recovered by
such weigher and gauger before a Magistrate in a summary

6. A public weighing machine shall be provided and
shall be kept at such place and be subject to such regula-
tions as may from time to time be made by the Governor-

7. Every person licensed to act as a weigher and
gauger shall provide himself with a scale capable of weighing
up to two tons and all necessary appliances for gauging.

8. Every weigher and gauger shall give a certificate in
duplicate under his hand to the person for whom he may
weigh or gauge, showing the weight of each package
weighed by him, and the gauge and ullage of each cask
gauged by him, and shall mark each such package and cask
with the weight and contents thereof respectively, and also
with the mark or brand of such weigher and gauger.

9. If any person shall fraudulently forge or counterfeit
the brand or mark on any package or cask of any weigher or
gauger licensed under this Act, or shall fraudulently alter
any such mark, every such person shall be liable on convic-
tion before a Magistrate to be imprisoned with or without
hard labour for any period not exceeding six months.


Sworn W~ghers and Gaugers (CAP. 422 3

10. If any person licensed as a weigher and gauger Frauddent
under this Act shall fraudulently give a false certificate of certificates.

the weight or gauge of any package or cask or of the contents
thereof, such weigher and gauger shall in addition to the
withdrawal of his licence be liable on convictioii before a
Magistrate to a penalty not exceeding three thousand
dollars, or in default of payment to imprisonment, with or
without hard labour, for any period not exceeding six months.

11. Any person who bribes or offers to bribe any Bribing.
weigher or gauger to commit any offence under this Act
shall be liable on conviction before a Magistrate to impris-
onment with or without hard labour for any period not
exceeding six months.

12. Nothing contained in this Act shall prevent the Tradecustom.
usual trade custom of weighing and gauging within Antigua
and Barbuda being adhered to by mutual consent of buyer
and seller.


For weighing hogsheads, per hogshead ......................... 8 cents
For weighing puncheons, or tierces, per puncheon or

tierce ........................................................................ 6 cents
For weighing barrels, per barrel ..................................... 2 cents

........................................... For weighing bags, per bag 2 cents
For weighing other packages, per package .................... 2 cents
For weighing goods in bulk, per 100 lbs ......................... 2 cents

..................................................... For gauging each cask 8 cents