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Trustee Act

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Trustee (CAP. 446 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. United Kingdom Trustee Act, 1850, as extended and

amended by 15 and 16 Vict., c. 55, extended to
Antigua and Barbuda.

3. Powers given to Court of Chancery in England may be
exercised by High Court.

4. Effect of order made under this Act.
5. Reference in United Kingdom Acts to 3 and 4 Wm. 4,

c. 74, to be taken as referring to Act of Antigua
and Barbuda supplying want of fines and recoveries.

6. This Act not to interfere with the operation of United
Kingdom Acts.


1. This Act may be cited as the Trustee Act. Short title.

2. So much of the Act of the United Kingdom ~ ~ , d e ~ ~ ~ ; O ,
Parliament, thirteen and fourteen Victoria, chapter sixty, ,,tendedand
entitled, "An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws amendedb~l5 and 16 Vict., c. 55,
relating to the Conveyance and Transfer of Real and extendedto
Personal Property vested in Mortgagees and Trustees," Antiguaand Barbud .
therein authorized to be cited as "The Trustee Act, 1850," as
extended and amended by the Act of the United Kingdom


2 CAP. 446) Trustee

Parliament, fifteen and sixteen Victoria, chapter fifty-five,
entitled "An Act to extend the Provisions of the Trustee Act,
1850," and of the said last-mentioned Act, as is applicable to
the state a d condition of Antigua and Barbuda, shall be,
and the same is hereby declared to be, henceforth in force
in Antigua and Barbuda in regard to real and personal
property within Antigua and Barbuda.

Powers given to
Court of Chancery

3. The powers and authorities given by the said Acts
in ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ be to the Court of Chancery in England, in regard to real and
exercisedbyaigh personal estate vested in trustees and mortgagees, shall and

may be exercised by the High Court in regard to real and
personal estate within Antigua and Barbuda similarly vested.

Effect of order
made under this

4. An order made under the authority of this Act
A C ~ . shall have the same effect as an order made under the

authority of the said Acts of Parliament.

Reference in
United Kingdom
Acts to 3 and 4
Wm. 4, c. 74, to be
taken as referring
to Act of Antigua
and Barbuda
supplying want of
fines and

5. Where in the said Acts reference is made to the
Act of the United Kingdom Parliament, three and four
William the Fourth, chapter seventy-four entitled "An Act
for the Abolition of Fines and Recoveries, and the substitu-
tion of more simple Modes of Conveyance," such reference
shall, for the purposes of this Act, be construed to mean and
apply to any Act of Antigua and Barbuda for supplying the
want of fines and recoveries.

This Act not to
interfere with the

6. Nothing in, or authorized by, this Act shall be
operationof deemed to interfere with the operation of the said recited
UnitedKingdom Acts of Parliament or any order, matter, or thing thereby
