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CASA 254/13 - Direction — number of cabin attendants (Sunstate Airlines)

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Instrument number CASA 254/13
I, GERARD J. CAMPBELL, Executive Manager, Operations Division, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 208 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and subsection 33 (3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.
[Signed G.J. Campbell]
Gerard J. Campbell
Executive Manager
Operations Division
22 November 2013
Direction — number of cabin attendants (Sunstate Airlines)
1          Duration
                 This instrument:
(a)   commences on 1 December 2013; and
(b)   expires at the end of 31 May 2014, as if it had been repealed by another instrument.
2          Revocation
                 Instrument CASA 133/13 is revoked.
3          Application
                 This instrument applies to an aircraft mentioned in section 4 that is operated by Sunstate Airlines (Qld) Pty Limited, Aviation Reference Number 065667 (the operator), and engaged in regular public transport, or charter, operations.
4          Direction
                 In spite of subparagraph 6.1 (b) of Civil Aviation Order 20.16.3 (CAO 20.16.3), the operator may operate an Australian registered Dash 8-400 aircraft with a type certificate data sheet that provides for a maximum seating capacity of 78 passengers if there is 1 cabin attendant for every 50 passenger seats or part of that number.
Note   CAO 20.16.3 applies in all other respects to an aircraft referred to in this section.
5          Conditions
                 The direction is subject to the conditions mentioned in Schedule 1.
Schedule 1          Conditions
        1     For this direction to apply, there must be not less than 73 passengers on board the aircraft.
        2     During the aircraft take-off, landing operation and in prepared emergencies, whenever there are 73 or more passengers on the aircraft, row 2 right-hand seats must be occupied by 2 physically competent (able-bodied) persons.
        3     All passengers seated in row 2 right-hand side seats must receive and respond to a briefing approved by CASA which instructs them on the operation of emergency exits and subsequent actions required in the event of an emergency.
        4     The operator must ensure that the aircraft can be evacuated in 90 seconds.
        5     Arrangements for the seating and briefing of passengers must be in accordance with procedures set out in the operator’s operations manual and approved by CASA.
        6     A copy of this direction must be included in the operator’s operations manual as made and without alteration.