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Financial Management and Accountability (Abolition of 24 Special Accounts) Determination 2012/02

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Financial Management and Accountability (Abolition of 24 Special Accounts) Determination 2012/021
Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997
I, PENELOPE YING YEN WONG, Minister for Finance and Deregulation, make this Determination under subsection 20 (3) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.
Dated  30th May 2012
Minister for Finance and Deregulation
1              Name of Determination
                This Determination is the Financial Management and Accountability (Abolition of 24 Special Accounts) Determination 2012/02.
2              Commencement
                This Determination commences at the time at which subsection 22 (4) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 is complied with.
Note   This Determination takes effect in accordance with section 22 of the Act. The Parliament must consider the Determination before it can take effect, and either House may pass a resolution disallowing the Determination. If neither House passes such a resolution, the Determination takes effect on the day immediately after the last day upon which such a resolution could have been passed.
3              Definition
                In this Determination:
Act means the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.
Special Account has the meaning given by section 5 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.
4                 Abolition – Schedule 1
                Each Special Account mentioned in Schedule 1 is abolished on the earlier of:
                 (a)   the time when its balance reaches zero; and
                 (b)   30 June 2012.
5                 Abolition – Schedule 2
                Each Special Account mentioned in Schedule 2 is abolished on the earlier of:
                (a)    the time when its balance reaches zero; and
                (b)    30 June 2013.
Schedule 1        Special Accounts abolished on the earlier of the balance reaching zero and 30 June 2012
(section 4)
Special Account

Other Trust Moneys Account
Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Communications and Media Authority

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Electoral Commission

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Human Rights Commission

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian National Audit Office

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Public Service Commission

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Taxation Office

Other Trust Moneys Account
Australian Trade Commission

Other Trust Moneys Account
Department of Finance and Deregulation

Other Trust Moneys Account
Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Other Trust Moneys Account
Department of the Senate

Other Trust Moneys Account
Department of the Treasury

Other Trust Moneys Account
Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Other Trust Moneys Account
Federal Court of Australia

Other Trust Moneys Account
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia

Other Trust Moneys Account
National Archives of Australia

Other Trust Moneys Account
National Capital Authority

Other Trust Moneys Account
National Native Title Tribunal

Other Trust Moneys Account
Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman

Schedule 2        Special Accounts abolished on the earlier of the balance reaching zero and 30 June 2013
(section 5)
Special Account

Australian Archives Projects and Sponsored Activities Special Account
National Archives of Australia

Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board Special Account
Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board

Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board Special Account
Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board