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Education (School Support) Rules 2004

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Education (School Support) Rules 2004


BR 43/2004


1996 : 22



1 Citation
2 Interpretation
3 Period of responsibility
4 Responsibilities of parents
5 Parental support for


6 Damage to property
7 Insurers, subrogated
8 Other remedies
9 Application
10 Commencement

The Minister of Education, in exercise of the powers conferred on
him by section 8(ef) of the Education Act 1996, makes the following

1 These Rules may be cited as the Education (School Support)
Rules 2004.

2 In these Rules —

"parent" in relation to a student, includes a guardian and any
person who has the actual custody of the student;



"service provider" includes a school psychologist, a counselor, a
learning support teacher, an educational therapist, a
physiotherapist, a speech therapist, staff from the
Department of Child and Family Services, and any other
person recognised by the Ministry of Education and
Development as providing a service which is essential for a
child's growth and development;

"student" means any person under nineteen years of age for
whom a parent has responsibility and who is enrolled in a
preschool, primary school, middle school, senior school, or in
a programme of instruction approved by the Minister for the
time being responsible for Education;

"team meeting" means a meeting of the parent of a student, a
representative of the school and a service provider, as
appropriate, called by the school principal, to discuss and
formulate recommendations on the needs of the student.

Period of responsibility
3 A parent shall be subject to these Rules from the time a student
is enrolled in a school, until the student ceases to be enrolled.

Responsibilities of parents
4 (1) In pursuance of paragraph (2), a parent has the
responsibility at all times, while on school property or at a school related
activity, to model positive behaviour.

(2) A parent shall not, while on school premises or at a school
related activity —

(a) use profane language;

(b) make offensive gestures; or

(c) engage in violent or threatening behaviour towards —

(i) any school authority;

(ii) a person acting on behalf of a school authority;

(iii) a member of staff of a school;

(iv) a student;

(v) a person lawfully on the school premises; or

(vi) a person lawfully at the school related activity.

(3) A parent shall provide accurate documentation and
information as evidence that a student is eligible for enrollment.



(4) A parent shall ensure that a student has received all
required immunisations prior to being enrolled at a school, except where
this may conflict with the religious or moral values of the parent.

(5) A parent shall inform the school principal, in writing, of any
medical or other condition peculiar to a student —

(a) on admission of the student; or

(b) as soon as the parent becomes aware of such medical or
other condition.

(6) A parent shall discharge his or her responsibilities under
the Code of Conduct 2003 published by the Ministry of Education and
Development and any amendment of, or any successor to, that Code.

Parental support for schools
5 (1) A parent or a person designated by a parent shall, in
respect of a student —

(a) attend at least one parent-teacher conference each
academic year; and

(b) when requested by the principal to do so —

(i) attend any team meeting pertaining to the student;

(ii) attend at least one half-day per academic year in
the classroom in which the student is taught; and

(iii) attend at least one parent-teacher association
meeting each academic year or participate in a
school support programme to be determined by the

(2) A parent shall ensure that all homework assigned to a
student is completed and returned to the school, in accordance with
instructions provided by the school.

Damage to property
6 (1) If a student destroys, damages, or converts —

(a) property belonging to or for the use of the school;

(b) the property of any person lawfully on the school
premises; or

(c) the property of any person at a school related activity,

the student and the parent of the student are liable for the value of the



(2) Where a student is found liable under paragraph (1), the
principal of the school may request the student or the parent to refund
the value of the property destroyed to the owner of the property or
request the student to do community service or both.

(3) A parent shall not damage —

(a) property belonging to or for the use of a school;

(b) the property of any person lawfully on a school
premises; or

(c) the property of any person at a school related activity.

Insurers, subrogated
7 An insurer who has paid an amount as compensation to a
person in connection with a loss or damage is subrogated to the rights of
the person under these rules to the extent of the amount.

Other remedies
8 Nothing in these rules shall be interpreted to limit remedies
otherwise available under existing law or to preclude the development of
remedies under the law.

9 These rules shall apply to aided schools and maintained schools

10 These Rules shall come into force on the 1st day of September

Dated this day 24 of June, 2004

Minister of Education and Development