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Health Insurance Amendment (No. 2) Act 2009

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Health Insurance Amendment (No. 2) Act 2009


2009 : 49


Assent Date: 15 December 2009

Operative Date: 15 December 2009


1 Short title

2 Amends section 1

3 Amends heading of Part II

4 Inserts sections 11A to 11D

5 Amends section 13

6 Amends section 13B

7 Inserts section 13D

8 Amends Parts I and II


9 Amends section 20

10 Amends section 20A

11 Amends section 25

12 Amends section 38


13 Amends section 5 of Bermuda

Health Council Act 2004

14 Amends section 57 of

Insurance Act 1978

15 Amends statutory instruments

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Health Insurance Act


Be it enacted by The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and

with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Assembly of

Bermuda, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Short title

1 This Act, which amends the Health Insurance Act 1970 (the

“principal Act”), may be cited as the Health Insurance Amendment (No.

2) Act 2009.

Amends section 1

2 Section 1 of the principal Act is amended by—



(a) inserting, in its correct alphabetical place, the


“ “Committee” means the Health Insurance Committee

established under section 11A;”; and

(b) repealing the definition of “Director”.

Amends heading of Part II

3 The principal Act is amended in the heading of Part II by deleting



Inserts sections 11A to 11D

4 The principal Act is amended by, immediately after the heading

of Part II, inserting the following sections—

“Establishment of Committee

11A (1) There is established a Committee to be known as the

Health Insurance Committee which shall, subject to any general

directions of the Minister, have the powers conferred, and

discharge the duties imposed, upon it by or under this Act.

(2) The Committee shall consist of—

(a) the Permanent Secretary with responsibility for

health who shall be the Chairperson;

(b) the Financial Secretary who shall be the Deputy


(c) the Permanent Secretary with responsibility for

financial assistance;

(d) the Chief Executive Officer of the Bermuda Health


(e) the public officer responsible for health insurance

who is designated as such by the Minister; and

(f) two persons (who are not public officers)

appointed by the Minister—

(i) one who has experience and good

standing in the medical profession in

Bermuda; and

(ii) the other who has experience and good

standing in the health insurance sector of

the insurance industry in Bermuda.



(3) A member referred to in subsections (2)(a), (2)(b) or

(2)(c) may designate a public officer to attend a meeting on his


(4) A person appointed under subsection (2)(f) shall be

appointed for a term of three years and is eligible for


(5) In the case of absence or inability of a person

appointed under subsection (2)(f) to act, the Minister may

appoint a person to act temporarily in his place.

(6) A person appointed under subsection (2)(f) may at

any time resign his office by instrument in writing addressed and

transmitted through the Chairperson to the Minister and from

the date of receipt by the Minister of the instrument that

member shall cease to be a member.

(7) The Committee shall be deemed to be properly

constituted notwithstanding that there is a vacancy in the office

of the Chairperson or any other member.

(8) The validity of any proceedings of the Committee shall

not be affected by any defect in the appointment of a member.

(9) No act done or proceeding taken under this Act by

the Committee shall be questioned on the ground of any

omission, defect, or irregularity not affecting the merits of the


(10) No action, suit, prosecution or other proceedings

shall be brought or instituted personally against any member of

the Committee in respect of any act done bona fide in pursuance

or execution or intended execution of this Act.

(11) Fees shall be paid to members of the Committee in

accordance with the Government Authorities (Fees) Act 1971.

Meetings of Committee

11B (1) The Committee shall meet as often as may be

necessary or expedient for the performance of its functions.

(2) The Chairperson may at any time call a meeting of

the Committee and shall call a meeting to be held within five

days of a written request for that purpose addressed to him by

any three members.

(3) At any meeting of the Committee three members shall

constitute a quorum.



(4) At any meeting of the Committee, in the absence of

the Chairperson the Deputy Chairperson shall take the chair

and in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Deputy

Chairperson the members present shall elect one of their

number to take the chair.

(5) At any meeting of the Committee, every member (or

his designate referred to in section 11A(3)) shall have one vote

but, in the event of an equality of votes, the chair of the meeting

shall have a second or casting vote.

(6) Subject to subsection (5), the decisions of the

Committee shall be by a majority vote.

(7) The Committee shall have power to co-opt persons for

the purpose of any particular meeting if such persons are

considered by it to be competent to assist in any special area of

the Committee's deliberations, but any such persons shall not be

entitled to vote at the meeting.

(8) Minutes of each meeting of the Committee shall be

kept in proper form.

(9) Subject to this section, the Committee may regulate

its own proceedings.

Functions of the Committee

11C (1) The functions of the Committee are—

(a) to manage the health insurance plan and the

FutureCare plan;

(b) to receive claims submitted by or on behalf of

insured persons in respect of payments to be

made out of the Health Insurance Fund, the

FutureCare Fund and the Mutual Re-Insurance

Fund (“the Funds”);

(c) to investigate and decide on such claims;

(d) to authorize the payment of claims which have

been approved by it;

(e) to manage and keep under constant review the

state of the Funds;

(f) to keep under constant review, and advise the

Minister regarding, the payment of subsidies

under sections 2 and 3;

(g) to make recommendations to the Minister in

respect of matters concerning the Funds; and



(h) to perform such other functions as may be

assigned to it by or under this Act or by the


(2) The Committee shall make an annual report to the

Minister containing such information as the Minister may


Minister may consult Committee

11D In the exercise of his functions under this Act the Minister

may consult the Committee on any matter but, notwithstanding

that the Minister has consulted the Committee on any matter, he

may act in his discretion in that matter.”.

Amends section 13

5 Section 13 of the principal Act is amended by—

(a) in subsection (1), deleting the words “for persons under

the age of 65 years”; and

(b) repealing subsection (4).

Amends section 13B

6 Section 13B(4) of the principal Act is repealed.

Inserts section 13D

7 The principal Act is amended by, immediately after section 13C,

inserting the following—

“Committee to offer only health insurance plan or

FutureCare plan

13D The Committee shall not offer to the public any contract or

plan of insurance other than the health insurance plan or the

FutureCare plan.”.

Amends Parts I and II generally

8 The principal Act is amended by deleting the word “Council”

wherever it appears in Parts I and II (other than in the definition of “the

Council” in section 1(1)) and, in each case, substituting the word


Amends section 20

9 Section 20(2) of the principal Act is amended by deleting the

word “Director” wherever it appears and, in each case, substituting the

word “Council”.



Amends section 20A

10 Section 20A(1) of the principal Act is amended by deleting the

words “section 18(1)” and substituting the words “section 20(1)”.

Amends section 25

11 Section 25 of the principal Act is amended by, in subsections (3)

and (7), deleting the word “Director” and, in each case, substituting the

word “Council”.

Amends section 38

12 Section 38 of the principal Act is amended by—

(a) deleting the word “Director” wherever it appears in the

section and, in each case, substituting the word

“Committee”; and

(b) in subsection (3), deleting the word “he” and substituting

the words “the Committee”.

Amends section 40

12A Section 40 of the principal Act is amended—

(a) in subsection (1)—

(i) by repealing paragraphs (c), (ca), (k) and (ka);


(ii) by, in paragraph (m), deleting the word “provide”

and substituting the words “subject to

subsection (1A), provide”; and

(b) by, immediately after subsection (1), inserting the


“(1A) The Minister may, acting on the

recommendations of the Committee, make regulations—

(a) prescribing the terms and conditions of

the health insurance plan or the

FutureCare plan, including allowable

exclusions, and provisions as to

cancellation, automatic renewal and cover

on termination of employment;

(b) prescribing the conditions subject to

which benefit under the health insurance

plan or the FutureCare plan shall be

payable for treatment of insured persons

provided in a hospital outside Bermuda;




(c) under sections 2(4), 3(3) or 38(2) of this



Amends section 5 of Bermuda Health Council Act 2004

13 Section 5(e) of the Bermuda Health Council Act 2004 is amended

by deleting the following words—

“to manage the health insurance plan and the FutureCare plan

established under the Health Insurance Act 1970 and”.

Amends section 57 of Insurance Act 1978

14 Section 57(1)(b) of the Insurance Act 1978 is amended by

deleting the words “Bermuda Health Council (established under the

Bermuda Health Council Act 2004)” and substituting the words “Health

Insurance Committee”.

Amends statutory instruments

15 (1) The following statutory instruments are amended by

deleting the word “Council” wherever it appears in the statutory

instrument and, in each case, substituting the word “Committee”—

(a) Health Insurance (Audit of Accounts) Regulations 1971;

(b) Health Insurance (Cover) Regulations 1971;

(c) Health Insurance (FutureCare Plan) (Premium) Order


(d) Health Insurance (Health Insurance Plan) (Additional

Benefits) Order 1988;

(e) Health Insurance (Health Insurance Plan) (Premium)

Order 1987;

(f) Health Insurance (Portability of Subsidy) Regulations


(2) The Health Insurance (Plans) Regulations 1987 are

amended by—

(a) deleting the words “Bermuda Health Council” wherever

they appear and, in each case, substituting the words

“Health Insurance Committee”;

(b) deleting the word “Council” wherever it appears and, in

each case, substituting the word “Committee”; and



(c) deleting the word “Director” wherever it appears and, in

each case, substituting the word “Committee”.

(3) The Health Insurance (FutureCare Plan) (Additional

Benefits) Order 2009 is amended by—

(a) in paragraph 2, repealing the definition of “Council” and

inserting, in its correct alphabetical place, the


“ “Committee” means the Health Insurance Committee

established under section 11A of the Health

Insurance Act 1970;”; and

(b) in the Schedule thereto, deleting the word “Council”

wherever it appears and, in each case, substituting the

word “Committee”.

(4) The Health Insurance (Approved Scheme) Regulations 1971

are amended, in the Schedule thereto, by—

(a) deleting the word “Director” and substituting the word

“Council”; and

(b) deleting the words “section 28(3)” and substituting the

words “section 26(3)”.

(5) The Health Insurance (Certificate of Entitlement)

Regulations 1971 are amended by deleting the word “Director” wherever

it appears and, in each case, substituting the word “Committee”.

(6) The Health Insurance (Exemption) Regulations 1971 are

amended by—

(a) deleting the word “Director” wherever it appears and, in

each case, substituting the word “Council”; and

(b) in regulation 2(2), deleting the words “he may issue” and

substituting the words “the Council may issue”.

(7) The Health Insurance (Health Insurance Plan) (Enrolment)

Rules 1987 are amended by—

(a) in the definition of “enrolment” in paragraph 2(1),

deleting the words “Council under section 11” and

substituting the words “Committee under section 13”;

(b) in the definition of “enrolment period” in paragraph 2(1),

deleting the word “Council” and substituting the word

“Committee”; and

(c) in paragraph 5(1), deleting the word “Director” and

substituting the word “Committee”.



(8) The Health Insurance (Inspection of Records) Regulations

1971 are amended by, in regulation 3(4), deleting the words “the Director

or someone duly authorized by him” and substituting the words “a

person duly authorized by the Council”.

(9) The Health Insurance (Licensing of Insurers) Regulations

1971 are amended, in the Schedule thereto, by deleting the word

“Director” and substituting the word “Council”.

(10) The Health Insurance (Portability) Regulations 1971 are

amended by—

(a) deleting the word “Council” wherever it appears and, in

each case, substituting the word “Committee”; and

(b) deleting the word “Director” wherever it appears and, in

each case, substituting the word “Committee”.

(11) The Health Insurance (Procedure for Subsidy Payments)

Regulations 1971 are amended by—

(a) deleting the word “Council” wherever it appears and, in

each case, substituting the word “Committee”; and

(b) in regulation 3(3), deleting the words “the Director and

one other member of”.