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Occupational Safety and Health Amendment Act 2009

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Occupational Safety and Health Amendment Act 2009



2009 : 34



[Date of Assent: 15 July 2009]

[Operative Date: 15 July 2009]

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Occupational Safety and

Health Act 1982;

Be it enacted by The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and

with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Assembly of

Bermuda, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Short title

1 This Act, which amends the Occupational Safety and Health Act

1982 (the ―principal Act‖), may be cited as the Occupational Safety and

Health Amendment Act 2009.

Amends section 9

2 Section 9 of the principal Act is amended by inserting the

following next after subsection (4)—

―(5) As an alternative to publication in the Gazette under

section 5(1) of the Statutory Instruments Act 1977, regulations

under this Act may, within one month after filing, be—

(a) deposited for public inspection at the Bermuda

National Library, as defined in the Bermuda

National Library Act 1946, and at other locations

to be determined by the Minister; and



(b) posted on the website of the Government of


(6) Regulations that are deposited and posted under

subsection (5) shall have effect on the day that the Minister

publishes a notice in the Gazette that the regulations have been

deposited and posted under that subsection.

(7) The notice referred to in subsection (6) shall indicate

the locations where the regulations have been deposited and the

web address where they have been posted.‖.

Inserts sections 27 to 36

3 The principal Act is amended by inserting the following after

section 26


27 In sections 28 to 36—

"offence" means a contravention of this Act, or

regulations made under this Act, that is listed in

regulations made under section 36;

"ticket" means a ticket referred to in section 29.

Authorization of ticketing for offences

28 Without prejudice to the procedure set out in the

Summary Jurisdiction Act 1930 for laying an information and

for issuing a summons, an information may be laid and a

summons issued for an offence by means of a ticket issued in

accordance with this Act.

Form of ticket

29 (1) A ticket shall consist of three parts – an information,

a summons and a record of convictions – and shall be in a form

prescribed by regulations made under section 36.

(2) A ticket shall include a reference to the provision of

this Act, or regulations made under this Act, that is alleged to

have been contravened and a description of the offence as set

out in regulations made under section 36.

Issue of ticket

30 An authorized officer who has reasonable cause to believe

that a person has committed an offence may issue a ticket under

this Act to that person by delivering to, or serving on, the person

the summons part of the ticket in accordance with section 31.




31 (1) An authorized officer who issues a ticket shall, upon

completing and signing the summons part of the ticket, either

deliver the summons part to the person charged with the offence

in respect of which the ticket is issued or serve it on that person

by sending it by registered mail to the person’s last known


(2) Unless the contrary is shown, the date of service of a

summons served by registered mail is the fourteenth day after it

was sent to the address referred to in subsection (1).

(3) Where the summons part is delivered to the person

charged, the authorized officer shall request the person charged

with the offence to sign the ticket in the place provided for

signature, and the person’s signature shall be sufficient proof

that the person has received the summons.

(4) A person charged with an offence who refuses

without reasonable excuse to accept delivery of the summons

part of a ticket under subsection (1) commits an offence:

Punishment on summary conviction: a fine of $100.

Payment of penalty out of court

32 (1) An authorized officer who issues a ticket in respect of

an offence may enter on the summons part of the ticket the

amount of any penalty for that offence specified in regulations

made under section 36, in which case the officer shall endorse

on the back of the summons part of the ticket a notice that the

person to whom the summons is directed may, within seven

days after delivery or service of the summons as the case may

be, pay out of court the specified penalty.

(2) Where a summons is endorsed under subsection (1),

it shall provide for a plea of guilty in the following form—


I am aware that I have a right to a hearing in respect of

the offence with which I am charged and that by signing

this plea of guilty I am waiving my right to a hearing and

my signature may result in a conviction against me

without a hearing. I hereby plead guilty to the offence as

charged and consent to be convicted of the offence in my





Signature of Defendant‖

(3) A signature affixed to the form of Plea of Guilty

purporting to be that of the person to whom the summons is

directed is prima facie proof that it is the signature of that


(4) Upon receipt of a summons duly signed with a plea of

guilty and of the amount of the penalty specified in the

summons, an officer of the court shall issue an official receipt for

the amount of that penalty and shall place the summons before

the court.

(5) The court shall formally convict the person charged of

the offence specified in the summons and no further penalty

may be imposed in respect of the offence.

(6) If a person charged with an offence does not plead

guilty to the offence and pay the penalty specified in the

summons, the person shall appear at the time and place

specified in the summons for the hearing of the charge, and, if

they fail to appear, the court may proceed in accordance with

section 4 of the Summary Jurisdiction Act 1930.


33 (1) The information part of a ticket shall be—

(a) signed by the authorized officer who issues the


(b) signed by the person who swears the information

(the ―informant‖) and sworn before a justice of

the peace; and

(c) deposited with the court, together with the record

of conviction part of the ticket.

(2) The information part of a ticket need not be sworn to

before the summons part is delivered or served and the

informant need not be the person who delivers or serves the


Amount of penalty

34 Nothing in this Act prevents the court from imposing any

penalty authorized by law in respect of an offence if—

(a) no amount is entered on the summons; or



(b) the person charged does not plead guilty to the

offence and pay the penalty specified in the


Record of conviction

35 Where the court makes a conviction on an information in a

ticket in respect of an offence, the court shall complete the

record of conviction part of the ticket and an officer of the court

shall cause a copy of it to be forwarded to the Minister.


36 (1) The Minister may make regulations—

(a) prescribing the form of a ticket;

(b) listing offences in respect of which a ticket may be


(c) setting out a description of offences; and

(d) specifying fines for offences, not exceeding $1,000

for any offence.

(2) The negative resolution procedure applies to

regulations made under this section.‖.