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Criminal Code Amendment Act 2010

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Criminal Code Amendment Act 2010



2010 : 5


[Assent Date: 19 March 2010]

[Operative Date: 19 March 2010]


1 Short title

2 Amends section 3

3 Inserts sections 110A to


4 Amends section 315

5 Amends section 315F

6 Inserts section 315G

7 Amends section 329D

8 Amends section 362

9 Amends section 376

10 Duration of section 3

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Criminal Code Act 1907;

Be it enacted by The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and

with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Assembly of

Bermuda, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Short title

1 This Act may be cited as the Criminal Code Amendment Act


Amends section 3

2 The Criminal Code Act 1907 (in this Act referred to as “the

principal Act”) is amended in section 3 by inserting the following

definitions in their proper alphabetical positions—

““anti-social behaviour” means behaviour by a person which

causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to

one or more other persons not of the same household as the




“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Justice;

“public place” includes any highway or estate road and any other

premises or place to which at the material time the public has

or is permitted to have access, whether on a payment or


Inserts sections 110A to 110C

3 The principal Act is amended by inserting the following sections

next after section 110—

“Dispersal of groups and removal of persons under 17 to their

place of residence

110A (1) This section applies where a police officer not below

the rank of inspector has reasonable grounds for suspecting that

in a locality where anti-social behaviour is a significant and

persistent problem—

(a) any member of the public has been intimidated,

harassed, alarmed or distressed as a result of the

presence or behaviour of groups of two or more

persons in a public place in that locality; or

(b) the presence or behaviour of a group of two or

more persons in any public place in the relevant

locality has resulted, or is likely to result, in any

members of the public being intimidated,

harassed, alarmed or distressed.

(2) The police officer referred to under subsection (1) may

in pursuance of subsection (1), give an authorisation that the

powers conferred on a police officer under subsections (6) to (8)

are to be exercisable for a period not exceeding two weeks,

specified in the authorisation.

(3) If an inspector gives an authorisation under

subsection (2), he must as soon as practicable, inform or cause a

police officer of or above the rank of superintendent to be


(4) If it appears to a police officer of or above the rank of

superintendent that it is expedient to do so, having regard to

offences which have or are reasonably suspected to have been

committed or are reasonably suspected to be likely to be

committed in connection with any activity falling within the

authorisation, the police officer may direct that the authorisation

shall continue in force for a further period not exceeding one

month or be reduced.



(5) A direction given under subsection (4) shall be in

writing or, where that is not practicable, recorded in writing as

soon as it is practicable to do so.

(6) In pursuance of subsection (2) and subject to

subsection (7), a police officer may give any of the following


(a) a direction requiring the persons in the group to

disperse (either immediately or by such time as

the officer may specify and in such way as the

officer may specify);

(b) a direction requiring any of those persons whose

place of residence is not within the relevant

locality to leave the relevant locality or any part of

the relevant locality (either immediately or by such

time as the officer may specify and in such way as

the officer may specify); and

(c) a direction prohibiting any of those persons whose

place of residence is not within the relevant

locality from returning to the relevant locality or

any part of the relevant locality for such period

(not exceeding two weeks) from the day of the

giving of the direction as he may specify.

(7) A direction under subsection (6) may not be given in

respect of a group of persons—

(a) who are engaged in conduct which is in

accordance with section 32 of the Labour

Relations Act 1975; or

(b) who are taking part in a public procession which

is lawful under the Public Order Act 1963.

(8) If, between the hours of 9:00pm and 6:00am, a police

officer finds a person in any public place in the relevant locality

who he has reasonable grounds to believe—

(a) is under the age of 17; and

(b) is not under the effective control of a parent or a

responsible person aged 18 or over,

he may remove the person to the person's place of residence

unless the officer has reasonable grounds for believing that the

person would, if removed to that place, be likely to suffer

significant harm.

(9) In this section any reference to the presence or

behaviour of a group of persons is to be read as including a



reference to the presence or behaviour of any one or more of the

persons in the group.

Authorisations under section 110A: supplemental provisions

110B (1) An authorisation under section 110A(2) must—

(a) be in writing;

(b) be signed by the officer giving it; and

(c) specify—

(i) the relevant locality;

(ii) the grounds on which the authorisation is

given; and

(iii) the period during which the powers

conferred by section 110A(6) to (8) are


(2) Publicity must be given to an authorisation given

under section 110A(2) and the extension or reduction of an

authorisation given under section 110A(4) by either or both of

the following methods—

(a) publishing an authorisation notice in a newspaper

with wide circulation;

(b) posting an authorisation notice in a conspicuous

place or places within the relevant locality.

(3) An "authorisation notice" is a notice which—

(a) states the authorisation has been given;

(b) specifies the relevant locality; and

(c) specifies the period during which the powers

conferred by section 110A(6) to (8) are exercisable.

(4) Subsection (2) must be complied with before the

beginning of the period mentioned in subsection (3)(c).

(5) An authorisation may be withdrawn by—

(a) the officer who gave it; or

(b) any other officer whose police area includes the

relevant locality and whose rank is the same as or

higher than that of the officer mentioned in

paragraph (a).



(6) The withdrawal of an authorisation does not affect

the exercise of any power pursuant to that authorisation in

respect of a matter which occurred prior to its withdrawal.

(7) The giving or withdrawal of an authorisation does not

prevent the giving of a further authorisation in respect of a

locality which includes the whole or any part of the relevant

locality to which the earlier authorisation relates.

(8) In this section "authorisation" means an

authorisation under section 110A(2).

Powers under section 110A: supplemental

110C (1) A direction under section 110A(6)—

(a) may be given orally;

(b) may be given to an individual or to two or more

persons together; and

(c) may be withdrawn or varied by the person who

gave it.

(2) A person who refuses to comply with a direction given

to him by a police officer under section 110A(6) or resists

removal by a police officer under section 110A(8), commits an

offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not

exceeding $2,500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding

three months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(3) A police officer may arrest without warrant any

person he reasonably suspects has committed an offence under

subsection (2).

(4) The powers conferred under section 110A are in

addition to and not in derogation of any power otherwise


Amends section 315

4 Section 315(4) of the principal Act is amended by deleting the

definition of “public place”.

Amends section 315F

5 The principal Act is amended in section 315F—

(a) in subsection (1) by deleting “believes” and “24 hours”

and substituting “suspects” and “two weeks”,

respectively; and

(b) in subsection (2) by deleting “24 hours” and substituting

“period not exceeding one month or be reduced”.



Inserts section 315G

6 The principal Act is amended by inserting the following section

next after section 315F—

“Power to deal with items obscuring or concealing identity

315G (1) A police officer may in any public place, stop a

person and—

(a) require that person to remove any item which

the police officer reasonably suspects that

person is wearing to obscure or conceal his

identity; or

(b) seize any item which that person has and

which the police officer reasonably believes

that person could wear to obscure or conceal

his identity.

(2) A police officer may use reasonable force, if

necessary, in the exercise of the powers conferred under

subsection (1).

(3) A person who fails to comply with an order from a

police officer under subsection (1) or obstructs a police officer in

the course of performing his duties under subsection (1),

commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction, to a

fine not exceeding $2,500 or to imprisonment for a term not

exceeding three months or to both such fine and


Amends section 329D

7 Section 329D(1) of the principal Act is amended by deleting the

definition of “Minister”.

Amends section 362

8 Section 362(4)(a) of the principal Act is amended by deleting “of


Amends section 376

9 Section 376(4) of the principal Act is amended by deleting “of


Duration of section 3

10 (1) Section 3 of this Act shall continue in force until 31 December

2013 and then expire, unless the Minister responsible for Justice, by

Notice published in the Gazette, extends its duration beyond 31

December 2013.



(2) Where the Minister responsible for Justice issues a Notice

under subsection (1) to extend the duration of section 3 beyond 31

December 2013, he may, from time to time, but before the expiration of a

Notice already issued, issue another Notice to extend the duration of

section 3, as and when needed.

(3) On the expiration of section 3 of this Act, section 16 of the

Interpretation Act 1951 shall apply as if section 3 of this Act had been

repealed by another Act.