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Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund
Act 2012
Title Page
Preamble 1
Chapter 1 Preliminary 1
Chapter 2 Establishment 2
Chapter 3 Fund Replenishment 3
Chapter 4 Investments 4
Chapter 5 Operation 5
Chapter 6 Accounting 5
Chapter 7 Miscellaneous 6
Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund Act 2012 1
Whereas Article 14 Section 12, of the Constitution mandates the
establishment of a Relief Fund;
Whereas the Druk Gyalpo has the prerogative to use this Fund
for urgent and unforeseen humanitarian relief; and
Whereas the Druk Gyalpo may be pleased to grant urgent relief
to the people of Bhutan in times of unforeseen calamities.
The Parliament of the Kingdom of Bhutan do hereby enact the
Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund Bill 2012 on the 30 th
Day of the 4 th
Month of Water Male Dragon Year of the Bhutanese Calendar
corresponding to the 19 th
Day of June 2012 at its 9 th
Session of
the First Parliament.
Chapter 1
Title and Commencement
1. This Act shall:
ACT 2012;
Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund Act 2012 2
b. Come into force on the………..day of
the………….month of the……….year,
corresponding to the ………day of the
…….month of the…………year; and
c. Extend to the whole of Bhutan.
2. This Act hereby repeals any provisions of any law, by-
law, rules or regulation which is inconsistent with this
Chapter 2
3. The Office of the Gyalpoi Zimpon shall open an account
with a bank in the country titled The Druk Gyalpo Relief
4. The Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund shall consist of the
a) Government deposits;
b) Donations from Bhutanese individuals and entities;
c) Donations from foreign individuals and entities; and
d) Interest and other incomes that may be accrued from
the investments made under Section 11.
Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund Act 2012 3
5. The Ministry of Finance shall deposit an initial amount
of Nu. 20 million into the Fund account.
6. The Ministry of Finance shall increase the Fund
annually by Nu. 20 million until the balance reaches the
ceiling of Nu. 100 million.
7. Further increase in the government deposits beyond Nu.
100 million shall be subject to the approval of
8. Donations made to the Fund from individual persons,
private entities and non-governmental organizations
within and outside country will not be considered when
determining the maximum ceiling of the fund, Nu. 100
Chapter 3
Fund Replenishment
9. Any expenditure from the Fund shall be replenished by
an amount required to maintain the Fund at Nu. 100
million in the following financial year immediately upon
the approval of the national budget.
10. This replenishment of the expenditure in the Fund
account shall be in addition to the annual deposit of
Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund Act 2012 4
Nu. 20 million as mentioned above in Section 6, Chapter
11. If the need arises for higher amounts than the balance in
the Fund Account at any particular time during the
financial year, the additional amount shall be made
available immediately and included in the
supplementary budget appropriation bill.
Chapter 4
12. The Office of the Gyalpoi Zimpon may from time to
time invest in short-term interest bearing deposits or
freely convertible securities any or all sums to the credit
of the Relief Fund account which may not be
immediately required for any relief purposes.
13. The returns from such investments shall be credited to
the Fund account.
14. These returns shall be taken into account in reaching the
balance of the account to the ceiling of Nu. 100 million.
Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund Act 2012 5
Chapter 5
15. The Fund shall be used on the command of the Druk
16. The Fund account shall be maintained and operated by
the Office of the Gyalpoi Zimpon.
Chapter 6
17. The audited annual accounts of the Fund shall be
prepared and submitted to the Druk Gyalpo and the
Ministry of Finance.
18. The assets and the securities belonging to the Fund shall
be valued at the market value on the last day of such
Druk Gyalpo Relief Fund Act 2012 6
Chapter 7
Rule Making Power
19. The Office of the Gyalpoi Zimpon shall make rules for
effective implementation of this Act.
20. The amendment of this Act by way of addition, variation
or repeal shall be effected by a simple majority of the
respective Houses or vote of not less than two-thirds of
the total members of Parliament present and voting on a
motion submitted by one-third of the members of either
Authoritative Text
21. The Dzongkha text shall be the authoritative text, if
there exists any difference in meaning between the
Dzongkha and the English text.