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Institute of Jamaica Act

Published: 1978-03-28

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1. Short title.

PART I. Preliminary

2. Interpretation

PART IL The Institute and the National Library
of Jamaica

3. Kstablishment of Institute of Jamaica.
4. Functions of Institute.
5. National Library of Jamaica.
6. Minister to give directions on policy.

PART III. Estimates, Audit and Report

7. Estimates.
8. Accounts and audit
9. Liability for improper expenditure.

10. Exemption from stamp duty.
11. Annual report.

PART N. AppoinImenI of Oficms

12. Executive Director of Institute.
13. Appointment of Secremy and other officers.
14. Governor-General to approve appointment of public officer.

PART V. Boar& of Managemenl

15. Boards of Management.
16. Principal administrators of Boards of Management.

p c mclusion of tlna page ia a\Uhoriz4d by LN. 50/1979]


PART VL. Miscellaneous
17. Fellows of the Institute of Jamaica.
18. Rules.
19. Inspection of property,
20. Transitional.


p c indwiou of this page ia authorized by LN. 50/1979]


4 of 1978,

- ~

[28th March. 1978.1 3:

1. This Act maybe cited as the Institute of Jamaica Act. Short title.

PART I. Preliminary

2. In this Act- Interprets-
811985 (a) "Board of Management" means a Board of Management S, 30(a),

appointed under section 15;

"Chairman" ieans the person. appointed Chairman
of the Council pursuant to the First Schedule; First


"chaiiman of a Board bf Management" means the
person appointed chairman of a Board of Manage-
ment pursuant to section 15; and the word chair-
man when used in that context shall be construed as
a reference to the chairman of a Board of Manage-

"Council" means the Council of the Institute con-
stituted in accordance with this Act;

"Executive Director" means the Executive Director of
the Institute appointed pursuant to this Act;

"fUnctions" includes powers and duties;

"Institute" means the institute of Jamaica establi'shed
under this Act;

"member" includes honorary member;

[The inclusion of this page is authorid by LN. 92d2012)

33/20] 0
S. 19.

of Institute of
Jamaica. .


of Institute.
S. 30(b).


"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Council; 1
1 -

"Vice-Chairman" means a person appointed yice-
Chairman of the Council pursuant to the First

(b) references to a principal administrator of a odd of
Management shall be construed as references td the
person appointed to carry out the duties of prirkipal
administrator in relation to such functions as! are
under the control of that Board of Management. 1

I ,

PART 11. The Institute of Jamaica I
3.-(1) There is hereby established a body to be callid the

Institute of ~$naica which shall be a body corporate dnd to
which the prdvisions of section 28 of the ~nterpretatioh Act
shall apply.


(a) the research into, study, encouragement
ment of culture, science and history;

I (2) The provisions of the First Schedule shall, have
effect with respect to the constitution and operation 'of the

(b) the establishment of museums; and 1

Institute and otherwise in relation thereto.

4.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the functions
the Institute shall be-

(c) the discharge of such other functions as may /be con-
I ferred upon it by this Act or any other enactment.


(2) It shall be the duty of the lnstitute in the exkrcise of
its functions-


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(a) ,[Deleted by Act 33 of 201 0.1

(b) to provide, or assist in making provision-

(i) for the reading of papers, the delivery of lec-
tures and the conduct of courses of instruction,
the carrying out of research, the holding of
examinations and the conferring of awards
(whether documentary or otherwise); and

(ii) for the establishment and maintenance of other 811995
institutions of learning, museums, galleries, s. 2.
halls or other places;

for the dissemination, encouragement and develop-
ment of culture, science, history A d any other sub-
ject connected with the functions of the Institute;

(c) to provide awards, prizes and other recognition
for the encouragement of cultural, scientific and his-
torical work in Jamaica;

(4. to provide for the holding from time to time of
cultural, scientific and historical exhibitions;

(e) to compile, publish, distribute or disseminate (or
assist in so doing) any book, volume or part -
thereof, or newspaper, sheet of paper or other printed
material, chart or plan, or any sound recording,
magnetic tape or video tape or other medium for
the dissemination of sounds or the transmission of
visual images or pictures, which in the opinion of
the Institute is of cultural, scientific, historical or
national interest;

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~/2012]

I .33/2010 5. .[Repealed by Act 33 of 201 0.1 S. 19(c). I

u> generally to apply the funds placed at the disposal
the Institute for the purposes of the Institute.

' Minister
to give

, directions
1 on policy.

I r


. .

. .

, . Estimates.

and audit.

PART 111. Estimates, Audit and Report
+ I

6. The Minister may, after consultation with the hai id man '
of the Cohcil, give to the Institute such directions bf a .
general character as to the policy to be followed by/ the
Institute in the performance of the functions of the Institufe as
appear to 'the Minister to be in the interest of the Institute

. .
7. The Institute shall, on or before ,such date afld in

such form as may be required by the Minister, in each yeqr ..
prepare and submit to the Minister for approval estimates of
income and ekpenditure to be incurred during the forthcbrhing
financial year. I

and the public; and the Institute shall give effect to

8.--(1) The Institute shall keep proper accounts a . other. . .
records in relation to the business of the Institute and shall
prepare annually a statement of accounts in a form satisfactory
to the Minister.


[The inclusion of this page is authorized b y L N . 92c/2012] I

(2) The accounts and other records in relation to
the business of the Institute shall be kept in such a manner
as to secure the provision of separate information as respects
each of the main functions and activities of the Institute, and to
show as far as may be, the income and expenditure incurred in
relation to'each such function or activity.

(3) The accounts of the Institute shall be audited by
the Auditor-General who, during the course of such audit,
or on the direction of the Minister, shall be entitled at all
reasonable times to examine the accounts and other records
in relation to the business of the Institute.

(4) The Institute shall, within four months after the
end of each financial year or within such further period
as may be allowed by the Minister, submit the statement
o f . its accounts referred to in subsection (1) to the
Minister, together with a copy of any report made by the
Auditor-General on that statement or on the accounts of the

9.-31) In the event of the expenditure of any funds of Liabilityfor
the Institute contrary to the provisions of this Act, or without z:2g&e,
due authority, the amount thereof shall be recoverable from any
person or persons appointed or employed under the provisions
of this Act and incurring or purporting to authorize such
expenditure, and any such persons shall be jointly and severally
liable in that behalf.

(2) Any liability under this section may be enforced
by an action in debt at the suit of a public officer designated
by the Minister for the purpose, and any moneys recovered

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 92~/2012]

From stamp


Director of

in any such action shall be carried to the credit of such of
the Institute's accounts as the Minister shall direct. I ..

10. The Institute shall be exempt from the payment of
stamp duty under any law for the time being , in . force
relating to stamp duties. I

11.-41) The Institute shall, within four months aftei the
end of each financial year or within such time as mab be
allowed by the Minister, cause to be made and transmit tb the
Minister a report dealing generally with the activities $f the
Institute during that financial year, and containing /buch
information relating to the proceedings and of the
Institute as can be made public without detriment tb the
interests of the Institute.

(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of the- report
together with the annual statement of accounts and the ~ddi tor-
General's report thereon and on the accounts to be laid oh the
Table of the House of Representatives and the Senate. 1

PART IV. Appointment of Oflcei-s i

(3) Copies of the Institute's report together with the

12.+1) The Institute may, subject to the approval lof the
Minister, appoint a fit and proper person to be Executive
Director of the Institute at such remuneration and kubject
to such terms and conditions as the Institute may deterdine.

annual statement of accounts and the Auditor-General's
on that statement and on the accounts of the Institute shall
published in such manner as the Minister may direct.

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~/2012] /



(2) The Executive Director appointed under sub-
section (1) shall be the chief executive officer of the Institute
and shall carry out such duties as may be imposed upon
him by this Act or any other enactment or as may be
assigned to him by the Institute.

13. The Institute may appoint and employ a t such re- Awojnf-
muneration and subject to such terms and conditions as Secretary
it thinks fit, a Secretary of the Institute and such other sd&',er
officers, servants and agents as it thinks necessary for the
proper discharge of its functions under this Act:

Provided that no salary in excess of eight thousand dollars
per annum shall be assigned to any post without the prior
approval of the Minister.

ment Of


14. The Governor-General may, subject to such condi- Governor-
General to tions as he may impose, approve the appointment of any

public officer in the service of Jamaica to any office with
the Institute and any public officer so appointed shall, in public
relation to pension, gratui,ty, or other allowance, and to
other rights as a public officer, be treated as continuing
in the service of the Government.


PART V. Boards of Management

Institute may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint
Boards of Management for the exercise or discharge of
such of the functions of the Institute as the Institute may
decide to assign to such a Board of Management.

(2) A Board of Management appointed under sub-
section (1) shall consist of such number of persons as the
Institute, with the approval of the Minister, may determine,
so, however, that any such Board shall include-

15.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Boardsof

(a) at least one member of the Council;

m e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 50119791



trntors of
Roards of
h h n n p

(b) a principal administrator appointed pursuant to
section 16.

(3) The Institute shall, with the prior written
approval of the Minister, appoint one of the members of
each Board of Management, being a member of the Council,
to be chairman of the Board of Management.

(4) Every act done or proceedings taken by a Board
of Management in respect of any function assigned to it by
the Institute shall be in the name of the Institute and every
such act or proceeding shall be as valid and binding as
if it were done or taken by the Council.

( 5 ) A Board of Management shall be designated and
referred to by such name as may be assigned to it by the
Institute upon appointment.

(6) The provisions of the Second Schedule shall have
effect in relation to Boards of Management appointed
under this section.

(7) The appointment of a Board of Management to
discharge any function shall not preclude the exercise of
that function by the Council.

16.41) The Institute may, subject to the approval of the
Minister, appoint persons to carry out the duties of principal
administrators at such remuneration and upon such terms
and conditions as the Institute may determine.

(2) A person appointed pursuant to subsection (1)
shall be known by such description or title as the Institute
inay designate and he shall be responsible, subject to the
general directions of any Board of Management of which
he is a member, for supervising and controlling the carrying
out of the functions assigned to that Board of Management.

F e inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 50119791


. PART VI. Miscellaneous
17 .41 ) The Institute may from time to time elect persons, Fellowsof

the Institute being persons appearing to the Institute to have achieved dis- of,,aica,
tinction in culture, science or history (including the training of
artists and education in the arts) to be Fellows of the Institute of ,
~ G a i c a .

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a person elected a
Fellow of the Institute of Jamaica, pursuant to this section,
shall be an honorary member of the Council and shall be
entitled to all the rights and privileges of a member of the
Council. b

(3) If at any time the persons elected to be Fellows
of the Institute of Jamaica shall be more than five in

*number they shall, by ballot carried out under the super-
vision of the Executive Director, select five of their number
to be honorary members of the Council and only the persons so
selected shall be honorary members of the Council.

18. Subject to the 'provisions of this Act, the Council Rules.
may with the approval of the Minister, make rules for the pur-
poses of this Act with respect to the following matters-

(a) for regulating the conduct of meetings of the Institute;

(b) for prescribing the duties and conduct of its officers;

, (c) for the admission and removal of members;

(d) for the management of the Institute and the use of any
of the facilities of the Institute by members of the

(e) for the care, use and upkeep of the objects of cultural,
scientific, historical and national value, the articles
in the museum and other valuable articles of the

[The inclusion of this page is .authorized %y L.N. 921320121

Inspection .
of property.


for establishing fines and penalties for the violati01
the rules;

I (g) generally for carrying this Act into effect. .

19. The property of the Institute shall be subject
inspection at such times and by such persons as the Mini
may direct. I


20.-(1) The Institute shall be deemed to succeed to a l l
the, rights, privileges, obligations and .liabilities of the body
corporate known as the Board of Governors of the InstidUte
of Jamaica established under the previous Act (hereinher
referred to as the former Institute); and accordingly-

(a) any legal proceedings that may have been continued
or commenced by br against the former Institute +ay
be continued or commenced by or against the Institute
established under this Act;

- ' I

(c) all assets and liabilities vested in the former Institute

(b) all persons who, at the 28th day of March, 1978, held
offices under the former Institute shall, fiom ha t

shall, by virtue of this section and without f d h e r

date, hold under the Institute established by this
the like respective offices or employments and by

assurance, be transferred to and vested'in the ~nstitute


established under this Act. I

same tenure and upon the same terms as t h e r e t o p
they held those offices under the former Institute;

I * (2) In relation to any period commencing on or after
the 28th day of March, 1978, every reference in any Act, or .
in any instrument having the force of law, to the fohner
Institute shall be deemed to be a reference to the ~nsditute
established under this Act.

. -
[The inclu$ion of this page is authorized by LN. 92c/2012]


(3) In this section “the previous Act” means the
Act which immediately prior to the 28th day of March,
1978, made provisions in relation to the constitution of the
former Institute.

FIRST SCHEDULE (Section 3 (2 ) )

1 . 4 1 ) There shall be a Council of the Institute which, subject to
the provisions of this Aot. shall be responsible for the policy and the
general administration of the Institute.

(2) The Council shall consist of-
(U) not less than ten or more than tweniy-five persons appointed

by the Minister to be members;
( b ) such Fellows of the Institute of Jamaica not exceeding five

in number as are entitled to be honorary members of the
Comcil under section 17;

(c) the person holding the office of Chairman of the National
Trust Commission under the Jamaica National Trust Act
who shall be a member of the Council ex 08cio:

(4 the person holding the office of Chairman o f the Jamaica
Festival Commission under the Jamaica Festival Commission
Act who shall be a member of the Council ex oscio; and

(e) the Executive Director who shall be a member of the Council
ex oficio.

(3) The Minister shall appoint one of the members appointed
by him under sub-pragraph (2x4 to be Chairman of the Council, and
shall appoint two other such members to be Vice-chairmen of the

2 . 4 1 ) A member of the Cowncil, not k i n g a Fellow of the Institute ~~~~~~~f
of Jamaica shall, subject to the provisions of this Schedule, hold 05ioe.
office for a period not exceeding three years, and such member shall
be eligible for reappointment

(2) A Fellow of the Institute of Jamaica selected under section
17 (3) shall, subject to the provisions of this Schedule. hold office
as an honorary member of the Council for a period of five years
from the date of his becoming an honorary member under section
17 (3) and shall be eligible hr re-seleotion.

dK. Institute of Jamaica) to act temporarily in the place of ,& Chair. appoint-
man, a Vice-Chairman or a memkr of the Council appointed under ments.
paragraph l(2) (a) in the case of the absence or inability to act of such
Chairman, Vice-chairman or member as the case may be.

3. The Minister m a y appint any person (not Wig a Fellow of T~~~~~

W inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 50/1!?79]



4 . 4 1 ) Any member of the Council appointed under paragraph l(2)
(U), or any other member other than the Chairman or a Vice-Ohairman
or an ex oficio member, may at any time resign his office by instru-
ment in writing addressed to the Minister and transmitted &?U&
the Chairman, and from the date of the receipt by the Miruster
of such instrument s h member shall cease to be a memw of the

(2) The Chairman or a Vice-chairman may at any time reSign
his office by instrument in writing a d d r e d to the Minister and
such resignaton shall take effect as from the date of the receipt of
such instrument by the Minister.

5.+1) The Minister may at any time revoke the a-tmmt of any
member of the Council appointed under paragraph 112) (a) and may
at any time revoke the appointment of the Chairman and any Vice-

(2) A Follow of the Institute of Jamaica may be removed from
membership of the Council by Fellows of the Institute of Jamruca
who are honorary members of the council by ballot carried out under
the supervision of the Executive Diredor.

ation ion
of appoint-

seal of
‘“stitute. 6.+1) The seal of the Institute shall be kept in the custody of the Chairman or Secretary and shall be afIixed to instruments pursuant

to a resolution of the Council in the presence of the Chairman, or any
other member of the Council authorized to act in that behalf.

(2) The seal of the Institute shall be authenticated by the signa-
tures of the Chairman and any other member of the Council authorized
to act in that behalf.

(3) All documents, other than thnse required by law to be under
seal, made by, and all decisions of, the Council may be signified under
the hand of the Cbairman or any member of the Council or officer
authorized to act in that behalf.


7. The Institute shall have its principal office in Kiogszon or St.
Andrew but may maintain such branch offices, agencies and w m -
pondents (whether within or outside Jamaica) as the Institute thinks

Funds. 8. The funds of the Institute shall consist of fees collected. such
moneys as may from time to time be placed at its disposition for
tbe purpose of this Act by Parl~ament and such other moneys as may
lawfully be paid to the Institute.

of manber-
ship. Gazette.

9. The names of all members of the Council as first constituted
and every change in the membership thereof shall be published in the

[The inclusion of this page iS authorizad by L.N. 50/1979]



lO.-(i~Thc Council shall meet as oftcn as may be necessary or Procedure
expedient for the transaction of its business, and such meetings shall o f m e e t w 5 .
be held at such places and times and on such days as the Council may

(2) The Chairman may at any time call a special meeting
to be held within seven days of a written request for that purpose
addressed to him by any six members of the Council.

(3) The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Council
a! which he is present, and in his absence from any meeting a Vice-
Chairman, elected by the members present, shall preside, and, if no
Chairman or Vice-chairman is present, the memhers present and con-
stituting a quorum shall elect a chairman from among their members
to preside at that meeting.

(4) A quorum of the Council shall be seven.
( 5 ) The decision of the Council shall be by a majority of votes

and in addition to an original vote, the person presiding at a meeting
shall have a casting vote in any case in which the voting is equal.

(6) Minutes in proper form of each meeiing of the Council
shall be kept.

(7) The validity of the proceedings of the Council shall not be
&toted by any vacancy amongst the members thereof or by any
defect in the appointment of a member thereof.

(8) Subjaet to the provisions of this Schedule. the Council may
regulate its own proceedings.

11.41) Any member of the Council who, otherwise than as such D ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~
member, is duectly or indirectly interested in a contract made or of interest.
entered into, or proposed to be made or entered into, by the Institute
shall as soon BS possibb after the relevant facts have m e to his
knowledge. disclose tbe nature of his interest at a meeting of the

(2) A disclosure under t h i s paragraph shall be raarded in the
minutes of the Council and the member-

(a) shall not takc part after thc disclosure. in any deliberation
or decision cf tbe Council rclatiDg to the contract: and

(b ) shall be disregarded for the purpose of forming a quorum
of the Council in any such deliberation or decision.

12.41) No membr of the Counml shall be personally liable for ~ ~ ~ p t i ~ ~
any act OK default of the Institute done vr omiued to be done in good from
faith in the wurse of the operation of the Institute.

(2) Where any m e e r of the council is exempt from liability
by r e a m only of the prov~siom of this paragraph the Institute shall
be liable to thc extent that it would be if the said m k r wao
a servant or agent of the Institute.

Kb Musion of W i pagt is autlmized by LN, r0/199]



13. The office of Chairman. Vice-chairman or other member of the
Council shall not be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V
of the Constitution of Jamaica.

Tenure of
'nice of
Board of




of agpoint-

of member-


SECOND SCHEDULE (Section 15(6) )

1. The members of a Board of Management (except the principal
administrator of that Board) shall, subject to the provisions of this
Schedule, hold office for such period not exceeding three years as the
Institute may determine upon the appointment of such member and
shall be eligible for reappointment.

2. If the chairman of a Board of Management is absent or unable
10 act, the Institute may appint another member of the Council to
act i n his place.

3. The Institute, with the approval of the Minister, may appoint
any person to act temporarily in the place of any member of a Board
of Management in the case of the absence or inability to act of such

4 . 4 1 ) Any member of a Board of Management. other than the
chairman or principal administrator may at any time resign his &ice
by instrument in writing addressed to the Board of Management and
transmitted through the chairman of swh Board, who shall forthwith
cause it to be forwarded to the Institute, and from the date. of the
receipt by the Institute of such instrument, such member shall ocasc
to be a member of the Board of Management.

(2) The chairman of a Board of Management may at any time
resign his office by instrument in writing addressed to the Instit&
and from the date of receipt by the Institute of such instrument such
chairman shall cease to be chairman of the Board of Management.

5. The Institute may, with the prior written approval of the Minister.
at any time revoke the appointment of the chairman of a Board
of Management.

6. The name assigned to a Board of Management and the names
of all membzrs of'the Board of Management as .first constituted, and
any-change in membeiship thereof. shall be published in the Garefte.

. . . ..

7.41) A Board of Management shall meet a t such times as may
be necessary or expedient for the transaction of business, and such
meetings shall be held at such place'and times and on swh days
a the Board of Management shall determine.

[T.he. inc:usiea of. teis page .authorized by LH. 'XI] 15591

. .
. . .. .- . ~ ~- ~ . . . ~~. ,.. .


(2) The chairman of a Board of Management may at any time
call a special meeting to be held within seven days of a written
request for that purpose addressed to him by any three members of
the Board of Management.

greater number as may be determined by the Institute when appointing
that Board

ment shall have power to regulate its own proceedings.

shall nut he affected by any vacancy amongst the members thereof proceed-

8. The quorum of a Board of Management shall be three or such Quorum

9. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, a Board of Manage- procedure.

10. The validity of any proceedings of a Board of Management val,d,tyof

or by any defect in the appointment of a member thereof. lugs

11.-(1) No member of a Board of Management shall be personally ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t j ~ ~
liable for any act 01 default of the Board of Management done or from
omitted to be done in gmd faith in the course of the operations Ilabllity.
t h e d .

(2) Where any member of a Board of Management is exempt
from liability by reason only of the provisions of paragraph (1). the
Institute shall be liable to the extent that it would be if the membcr
was a servant or agent of the Institute.

12 The office of chairman or other member of a Board of Manage- oniceof
ment shall not be a public o h for the purposes of Chapter V of chamnan

or h e r
the Oonstitution of Jamaica. mrmhrr _.

not public