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Government Gazette Act 1981

Published: 1981-10-05

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Government Gazette Act 1981
sRepublic of the Marshall Islands
Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan
Arrangement of Sections
Section Page
§201. Short title. .............................................................................................................................. 3
§202. Interpretation. ....................................................................................................................... 3
§203. Establishment of the Government Gazette. ...................................................................... 3
§204. Publication. ............................................................................................................................ 3
§204A. Contents of the Gazette and publication thereof. ............................................................ 4
§205. Effect of publication in the Government Gazette. ........................................................... 4
§206. False Government Gazettes. ............................................................................................... 5
§207. Notification in place of publication. .................................................................................. 5
§208. Effect of this Chapter . ......................................................................................................... 5
§209. Allocation of funds. .............................................................................................................. 6
sRepublic of the Marshall Islands
Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan
AN ACT to establish a Marshall Islands Government Gazette, and for related
Commencement: October 5, 1981
Source: P.L. 1981-4
Amended By: P.L. 1989-35
§201. Short title.
This Chapter may be cited as the “Government Gazette Act 1981”.[P.L. 1981-4, §1.]
§202. Interpretation.
In this Chapter, or in any other law or instrument made after the making of
this Chapter, a reference to the Government Gazette is a reference to the
Marshall Islands Government Gazette provided for in Section 203 of this
Chapter . [P.L. 1981-4, §2.]
§203. Establishment of the Government Gazette.
There shall be an official journal of the Government of the Marshall Islands,
which shall be entitled the Marshall Islands Government Gazette.[P.L. 1981-4, §3.]
§204. Publication.
(1) The publication of the Government Gazette shall be the responsibility
of the Secretary of Internal Affairs.
(2) Production of a document purporting to be the Government Gazette
and to have been printed by authority of the Government of the
Marshall Islands is prima facie evidence that the document is a copy
of the Government Gazette published on the day stated on it.[P.L. 1981-4, §4; amended bp P.L. 1989-35, §2 substituting new paragraph (1).]
§204A. Contents of the Gazette and publication thereof.
(1) The Gazette shall be published at least once a month, and where the
necessity requires, a Gazette Extraordinary may be published any
time before the next issue.
(2) All legislation passed by the Nitijela, regulations made under any
law, publications and notices, and all instruments required by law to
be published or notified, shall be published in the Gazette.
(3) All invitations to bid, and matters relating to procurement of the
Government shall be published in the Gazette.
(4) All regulations, notices, and publications of any Government agency,
public corporation, or statutory authority that are required to be
made or published shall be, and all matters of public interest relating
to such agency, corporation, or authority may be, published in the
(5) It shall be the duty of the head of every Ministry, Department,
Agency, Corporation, or Authority to submit to the Secretary of
Interior and Outer Islands Affairs copies of all such documents
referred to in subsection (2) above for publication, immediately after
enactment, promulgation, or making of such documents. [P.L. 1989-35, §3.]
§205. Effect of publication in the Government Gazette.
(1) Where any instrument is required by law to be published or noticed
in the Government Gazette, a copy of the Government Gazette
purporting to contain the instrument is, in the absence of proof to the
contrary, conclusive evidence of the due making of the instrument on
the date stated in it and of its text.
(2) Where the Government Gazette contains any instrument, publication
on which in the Government Gazette is not required by law, a copy of
the Government Gazette containing the instrument is prima facie
evidence of the due making of the instrument on the date stated in it
and of its text. [P.L. 1981-4, §5.]
§206. False Government Gazettes.
A person who knowingly compiles a document that purports to be a copy of
the Government Gazette, or so closely resembles the Government Gazette
that an ordinary person would take it to be a copy of the Government
Gazette, or who knowingly publishes or distributes such a document, shall
be guilty of a felony and shall upon conviction be liable to a term of
imprisonment not exceeding four (4) years. [P.L. 1981-4, §6.]
§207. Notification in place of publication.
(1) Where any other law provides that any instrument shall or may be
published in the Government Gazette, it is a sufficient compliance
with that law if a notice of the making of the instrument and of its
general effect is published in the Government Gazette, together with
details of where copies of it may be obtained.
(2) For the purposes of Subsection (1) of this Section, copies of an
instrument to which that Subsection applies must be available, at the
time of the publication of the issue of the Government Gazette in
which the notice is published, at least on Majuro Atoll and at the
office of the Chief Secretary’s representative on Ebeye Island,
Kwajalein Atoll. [ P.L. 1981-4, §7.]
§208. Effect of this Chapter .
(1) The provisions of this Chapter are in addition to, and not in
derogation of any other law that provides for the manner of
publication of proof of any matter or thing.
(2) Where any law made before the making of this Chapter provides that
any matter or thing shall or may be published in a newspaper or
other publication, it is a sufficient compliance with that law if the
matter or thing is published in the Government Gazette, or noticed in
the Government Gazette in accordance with Section 207 of this
Chapter . [P.L. 1981-4, §8.]
§209. Allocation of funds.
There shall be appropriated in the annual Appropriation Act a sum not less
than twenty thousand dollars (US $20,000) from the General Fund for the
expenses relating to the publication of the Gazette. [P.L. 1989-35, §4.]