Land Surveyors Registration Act
sRepublic of the Marshall Islands
Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan
Arrangement of Sections
Section Page
§301. Short title. .............................................................................................................................. 3
§302. Reference to land surveyors. ............................................................................................... 3
§303. “Practice of land surveying” defined. ............................................................................... 3
§304. Application of Chapter. ....................................................................................................... 4
§305. Administration of the Surveyor General. ......................................................................... 5
§306. Reserved [Section repealed by PL2004-10 all funds to be transferred to the
Ministry of Internal Affairs Special Revenue Fund, established by the
Ministry of Internal Affairs Special Revenue Fund Act, 2003.] ..................................... 5
§307. Trainees or apprentices. ....................................................................................................... 5
§308. Prohibited practices.............................................................................................................. 5
§309. Establishment and Composition of the Board ................................................................. 6
§310. Removal of members; vacancies. ....................................................................................... 6
§311. Compensation of members. ................................................................................................ 7
§312. Clerical and logistic support by Division of Lands and Surveys. ................................. 7
§313. Promulgation of rules and regulations. ............................................................................ 7
§314. Meetings; quorum; vote required to arrive at decision. ................................................. 7
§315. Records; list of registered surveyors. ................................................................................. 7
§316. Annual report........................................................................................................................ 8
§317. Required. ............................................................................................................................... 8
§318. Acts construed as practicing surveying. ........................................................................... 8
§319. Qualifications; residency; age; character; knowledge. .................................................... 9
§320. Qualifications for registration as a land surveyor. .......................................................... 9
§321. Same; credits for experience. ............................................................................................ 10
§322. Reciprocity. ......................................................................................................................... 10
§323. Applications. ....................................................................................................................... 11
§324. Examinations. ..................................................................................................................... 11
§325. Certificate of registration; issuance; effect of issuance. ................................................ 12
§326. Same; expiration and renewal. ......................................................................................... 12
§327. Registered land surveyor’s seal. ...................................................................................... 13
§328. Suspension or revocation. ................................................................................................. 13
§329. Re-issuance of certificates of registration. ...................................................................... 14
§330. Application of Chapter to proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. ........... 15
§331. Exemptions. ........................................................................................................................ 16
§332. Required; contents; prima facie evidence of status. ...................................................... 17
§333. Public inspection. ............................................................................................................... 17
§334. Alteration and amendment. ............................................................................................. 17
sRepublic of the Marshall Islands
Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan
AN ACT to provide for the regulation of certain businesses and professions in the
Republic and for matters connected therewith.
Commencement: Non Specified
Source: 31 TTC 1970 31 1TC 1980
Amended By: P.L. 1998-76 P.L. 2001-36 P.L. 2004-10
§301. Short title.
This Chapter, may be cited as the “Land Surveyors Registration Act”. [31 TTC1970, §1; 31 TTC 1980, §1, modified]
§302. Reference to land surveyors.
Where in any law of the Republic a reference is made to a surveyor as a
registered surveyor, that reference shall be read as a reference to a registered
land surveyor within the meaning of this Chapter. [31 TTC 1970, §2; 31 TTC 1980, §2,modified]
§303. “Practice of land surveying” defined.
The phrase “practice of land surveying” applies to a person who practices
surveying within the meaning of this Chapter, either in a public or private
capacity, and who does or offers to do any one or more of the following:
(a) locates, relocates, establishes, reestablishes, or retraces any
property line or boundary of any parcel of land or any road,
right of way, easement, reserve, etc.;
(b) makes any survey for the subdivision or re-subdivision of any
tract of land;
(c) by the use of the principles of land surveying, determines the
position for any monument or reference point which marks a
property line, boundary or corner, and sets, resets or replaces
any such monument or reference point;
(d) determines the configuration or contour of the earth’s surface
or the position of fixed objects thereon or related thereto, by
means of measuring lines and angles, and applying the
principles of trigonometry;
(e) practices geodetic or cadastral surveying;
(f) determines the information shown or to be shown on any map
or document prepared or furnished in connection with any
one or more of the functions described in Paragraphs (a)
through (e) of this Section;
(g) indicates, in any capacity or in any manner, by the use of the
title “land surveyor”, or by another title or representation, that
he practices or offers to practice land surveying in any of its
(h) procures or offers to procure land surveying work for himself
or others; or
(i) manages, or conducts as manager, proprietor, or agent, any
place of business from which land surveying work is solicited,
performed or practiced. [31 TTC 1970, §3; 31 TTC 1980, §3, modified]
§304. Application of Chapter.
This Chapter applies only to:
(a) surveys of the boundaries of land, or surveys for the purpose
of the establishment, reestablishment or determination of titles
to land; and
(b) any activity performed in relation to the practice of land
surveying as defined in Section 303 of this Chapter. [31 TTC1970, §4; 31 TTC 1980, §4, modified]
§305. Administration of the Surveyor General.
The Minister of internal Affairs shall appoint the Surveyor General, subject
to the qualifications of this Chapter, and the Surveyor General is charged
with the general administration and supervision of this Chapter. [31 TIC 1970, §5;31 TTC 1980, §5, modified, amended in its entirety by P.L 1998-76, §2.]
§306. Reserved [Section repealed by PL2004-10 all funds to be transferred to the Ministry of Internal AffairsSpecial Revenue Fund, established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs Special Revenue Fund Act, 2003.]
§307. Trainees or apprentices.
A registered land surveyor, who has a trainee, apprentice or cadet surveyor,
shall permit the trainee, apprentice or cadet surveyor a reasonable time for
the purpose of attending lectures or gaining practical experience which is
included in the course of traineeship, apprenticeship or cadetship
undertaken by the trainee, apprentice or cadet surveyor by arrangement
with such registered land surveyor. [31 TTC 1970, §7; 31 TTC 1980, §7, modified]
§308. Prohibited practices.
(1) It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $25 or
not more than $1,000, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or
both, for any person to:
(a) practice, or offer to practice, or hold himself out as entitled to
practice, land surveying except when authorized by this
(b) use or attempt to use a certificate of registration that has
expired or has been suspended or revoked;
(c) present or use as his own the certificate of registration of
(d) stamp or seal any document with the seal of a registrant after
the certificate of the registrant has expired or has been
suspended or revoked; or
(e) otherwise violate any provision of this Chapter.
(2) It shall be a felony punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000, or
imprisonment for not more than three (3) years, or both, for any
person to present any false or forged information or evidence
applying for registration under this Chapter.
(3) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, upon request of the
Board of Land Surveyor Examiners, an action may be filed in the
name of the Government of the Marshall Islands in the High Court to
restrain or enjoin the commission or continuance of any acts in
violation of this Chapter. In any such proceeding it shall be
unnecessary to allege or prove that an adequate remedy at law does
not exist or that irreparable damage would result if the relief
requested were not granted. [31 TTC 1970, §8; 31 TIC 1980, §8, modified]
§309. Establishment and Composition of the Board
(1) There is hereby established a Board of Land Surveyor Examiners
(“the Board”) which shall consist of five (5) members appointed by
the Cabinet. The Cabinet shall designate one of the members as
Chairperson of the Board.
(2) Each member of the Board shall serve for a term of two (2) years,
subject to renewal to such further term as the Cabinet may determine.
(3) Four of the members of the Board shall be qualified and experienced
professionals in civil engineering, land surveying, architecture, or
related fields, such as geology or geography. At least one of the
members of the Board shall be a registered land surveyor in the
(4) In the absence or unavailability of a registered land surveyor who is a
citizen of the Republic and ordinarily resident in the Republic, or a
non-citizen who is domiciled or ordinarily resident in the Republic, to
serve on the Board, the Cabinet may appoint a registered land
surveyor from another country to serve on the Board for such term as
the Cabinet may determine”. [31 TIC 1970, §51, 31 TTC 1980, §51, modified, amended inits entirety by P.L. 1998-76, §2.][amended by P.L. 2001-36 §2(A) Oct. 18, 2001]
§310. Removal of members; vacancies.
The Cabinet may remove any member of the Board for misconduct,
incompetency, neglect of duty, or for any other sufficient cause. Vacancies in
the membership of the Board shall be filled by appointment by the Cabinet
as provided in Section 309. [31 TTC 1970, §52; 31 TTC 1980, §52, modified]
§311. Compensation of members.
Members of the Board shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary
expenses incurred in the course of their official duties. [31 TIC 1970, §53; 31 TIC1980, §53.]
§312. Clerical and logistic support by Division of Lands and Surveys.
The Division of Lands and Surveys shall provide the Board with necessary
clerical personnel, office facilities and other logistic support. [31 TTC 1970, §54; 31TTC 1980, §54.]
§313. Promulgation of rules and regulations.
(1) The Board is hereby authorized to make rules and regulations needed
in performing its duties not inconsistent with law.
(2) Such rules and regulations shall be:
(a) subject to approval by the Cabinet: and
(b) promulgated in a government bulletin or land gazette or in a
recognized newspaper or periodical circulating in the Republic
or as otherwise provided by law. [31 TTC 1970, §55, 31 TTC 1980, §55,modified.]
§314. Meetings; quorum; vote required to arrive at decision.
The Board shall meet at such times and places as needed and appropriate.
Three members shall constitute a quorum with one of the quorum members
required to be a registered land surveyor. [31 TTC 1970, §56, 31 TTC 1980, §56; amended inits entirety by P.L. 1998-76, §2.]
§315. Records; list of registered surveyors.
The Board shall keep a complete record of all applications for registration
together with the Board’s action thereon and shall annually, during the
month of July, prepare a list showing the names, places of business and
residences of all registered land surveyors for publication. A copy of the list
shall be filed with the Chief of Lands and Surveys. [31 TTC 1970, §57; 31 TTC 1980, §57.]
§316. Annual report.
The Board shall prepare a printed annual report of its activities for the past
fiscal year, which shall be submitted to the Cabinet not later than the first
day of September of each year. [31 TTC 1970, §58; 31 TTC 1980, §58, modified]
§317. Required.
(1) No person shall practice or offer to practice land surveying, or use in
connection with his name, or otherwise use, assume, or advertise, any
title or description to convey the impression that he is a land
surveyor, unless such person has qualified as such by registration as
a land surveyor or is otherwise exempt under this Chapter.
(2) A person shall be construed to practice or offer to practice land
surveying within the meaning and intent of this Chapter who
practices land surveying, or who by oral or written claim or sign,
advertising, letterhead, card, or in any other way represents himself
to be a land surveyor, or through the use of some other title implies
that he is such, or who holds himself out as able to perform or who
does perform any surveying service or work or any other
professional service designated by him as land surveying or generally
recognized as such. [31 TIC 1970, §101; 31 TTC 1980, §101, modified]
§318. Acts construed as practicing surveying.
A person shall be construed to practice or offer to practice land surveying
within the meaning and intent of this Chapter when:
(a) he practices land surveying;
(b) by oral or written claim, or sign, advertising, letterhead, card
or in any other way he represents himself to be a land
surveyor, or through the use of some other title implies that he
is such; or
(c) he holds himself out as able to perform, or who does perform,
any surveying, service or work or any other professional
service designated by him as land surveying, or generally
recognized as such. [31 TTC 1970, §102; 31 TTC 1980, §102, modified]
§319. Qualifications; residency; age; character; knowledge.
No person shall be eligible for registration as a land surveyor under this
Chapter unless he:
(a) is a resident of the Republic;
(b) is more than twenty-one (21) years of age;
(c) is of good character and repute; and
(d) meets the professional qualifications prescribed by this
(e) The Cabinet, on the recommendation of the Board, may waive
the residency requirement for registration for a specific
applicant when it is in the best interests of the Republic. This
type of registration may be terminated by the Cabinet by a
formal sixty days notice. [31 77C 1970, §103; 31 TTC 1980, §103, modified;amended in its entirety by P.L. 1998-76, §2.]
§320. Qualifications for registration as a land surveyor.
The following shall be considered as minimum evidence that the applicant
is qualified for registration as a land surveyor:
(a) graduation from a two-year land surveying course from a
university, college, institute or school approved by the Board
as of satisfactory standing, and an additional one year of
experience under the direct supervision of a registered land
surveyor. The one year of experience shall be clearly
demonstrated to satisfy the Board that the applicant is
professionally qualified and competent. The applicant must
also pass any examination prescribed by the Board.
(b) Graduation from a four-year civil engineering or physical
science course from a university, college, institute, or school
approved by the Board as of satisfactory standing, and an
additional two years of experience in land surveying under the
direct supervision of a registered land surveyor. The two years
of experience shall be clearly demonstrated to satisfy the Board
that the applicant is professionally qualified and competent.
The applicant must also pass any examination prescribed by
the Board.
(c) Six years of experience in land surveying under the direct
supervision of a registered land surveyor. The six (6) years of
experience shall be clearly demonstrated to the Board to satisfy
the Board that the applicant is professionally qualified and
competent. The applicant must also pass any examination
prescribed by the Board.” [31 TTC 1970, §104, 31 TTC 1980, §104, modified,amended in its entirely by P.L.1998-76, §.2.][amended by P.L. 2001-36 §2(B) Oct. 18, 2001]
§321. Same; credits for experience.
In considering the qualifications of applicants as to experience under
Section 320 of this Chapter:
(a) teaching of land surveying in an approved curriculum in a
university, college, or school approved by the Board as of
satisfactory standing may be credited as experience;
(b) experience and training in the armed services of the United
States in civil engineering or land surveying may be credited
as experience;
(c) the satisfactory completion of each year of approved
curriculum m a school or college approved by the Board as of
satisfactory standing, without graduation, shall be considered
as equivalent to a year of experience under Section 320(b) or
(c) of this Chapter. Graduation in a curriculum other than land
surveying from a college or university of recognized standing
may be considered equivalent to two (2) years of experience
under this Chapter; provided, however, that no applicant shall
receive credit for more than four (4) years of experience
because of undergraduate educational qualifications. [31 TTC1970, §105; 31 TTC 1980, §105, modified.]
§322. Reciprocity.
(1) The Board may, upon application and payment of the fee required by
Section 323 of this Chapter, issue a certificate of registration as a land
surveyor, without oral or written examination, to any person who
holds a current valid certificate of registration (or the equivalent
thereof) issued as such by any state, territory or possession of the
United States, or of any country, provided that the applicant’s
qualifications meet the requirements of this Chapter.
(2) The Surveyor General may, with the consent of the Chief of Lands
and Surveys, enter mm a reciprocal agreement with surveyor’s
registration boards or other competent authorities of a state or
territory of the United States, or of any country.
(a) for the recognition of the status of a person authorized by that
board or competent authority to practice as a land surveyor in
a state or territory of the United States, or some other country,
and for the registering of any such person as a registered land
surveyor under this Chapter; and
(b) for the examination of a candidate who has served under a
term of cadetship or apprenticeship to a licensed or registered
land surveyor and whose articles have been registered in the
office of the Surveyor General. [31 TTC 1970, §106; 31 TTC 1980, §106,modified.]
§323. Applications.
(1) Application for registration shall be on forms prescribed and
furnished by the Board and shall:
(a) designate the registration applied for;
(b) show the applicant’s education and a detailed summary of his
technical work;
(c) furnish not less than five (5) references, at least three (3) of
which shall be with regard to his technical work; and
(d) set forth such other information as the Board may prescribe.
(2) Every application shall be accompanied by an application fee of ten
dollars ($10.00). No refund shall be made in the event registration is
§324. Examinations.
(1) When oral or written examinations are required, they shall be held at
such time and place as the Board shall determine.
(2) All examinations shall be prescribed by the Board, subject to the
requirements of this Chapter and shall have for their scope the
determination of the applicant’s ability to practice land surveying. All
examinations shall include the subjects of professional ethics and the
provisions of this Chapter.
(3) The examination, in addition to other matters, shall cover the
procedure and rules governing the survey of public lands as set forth
in the “Manual of Surveying Instructions” issued by the Division of
Lands and Surveys, Government of the Marshall Islands. [31 TIC1970, §108; 31 TTC 1980, §108, modified]
§325. Certificate of registration; issuance; effect of issuance.
(1) The Board shall issue a certificate of registration to any applicant for
registration as a land surveyor, who, having paid the application and
registration fee, has satisfactorily met all the requirements of this
Chapter. Certificates shall show the full name of the applicant, shall
have a serial number, and shall be signed by the Chairman and the
Secretary of the Board under seal of the Board.
(2) The certificate for a registered land surveyor shall authorize the
“practice of land surveying”.
(3) The certificate of registration, as issued by the Board, shall be prima
facie evidence that the person named therein is a registered land
surveyor entitled to all the rights and privileges of such while such
certificate remains unrevoked or unexpired. [31 TTC 1970, §109; 31 TTC1980, §109, modified]
§326. Same; expiration and renewal.
(1) Certificates of registration shall expire on the last day of the month of
December following their issuance or renewal and become invalid at
the end of such day unless renewed.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Board to notify every person registered
under this Chapter of the date of expiration of his certificate of
registration and the amount of the fee that shall be required for its
renewal for one year. Such notice shall be mailed no later than the
first of December. Renewal may be effected at any time during the
month of December by payment of a renewal fee of $5.
(3) The failure on the part of any registrant to renew his certificate
annually in the month of December shall not deprive such person of
the right of renewal, but the renewal fee to be paid after the month of
December shall be increased by $1 for each month or fraction of a
month that payment of renewal is delayed; provided, however, that
the maximum fee for delayed renewal shall not exceed $10. The
failure of the Board to notify a registrant of the date of the expiration
of his certificate, or the amount of the renewal fee, shall not extend
the duration of the certificate of registration. [31 TTC 1970, §110; 31 TTC1980, §110, modified.]
§327. Registered land surveyor’s seal.
(1) Every registrant may, upon being issued a certificate of registration,
obtain a seal of a design authorized by the Board, which shall bear
the registrant’s name and the legend “registered land surveyor”, and
shall provide space for stating the serial number and date of
expiration of the certificate of registrations. Plans, specifications, plats
and reports prepared by a registrant shall be stamped with such seal
when filed with the Government of the Marshall Islands during the
term of the registrant’s registration, and shall also show the serial
number and date of expiration of such certificate of registration.
(2) It shall be a misdemeanor for anyone to stamp or seal any documents
with such seal after the certificate of registration of the person named
thereon has expired or has been revoked, unless such certificate shall
have been renewed and reissued. [31 TTC 1970, §111, 31 TTC 1980, §111, modified.]
§328. Suspension or revocation.
(1) The Board shall have the power, duty, and authority to investigate
violations of this Chapter and may suspend or revoke a certificate of
registration on any of the following grounds:
(a) the registrant is practicing in violation of this Chapter;
(b) the certificate of registration has been obtained or that the
registrant has obtained such certificate by fraud or
(c) the certificate of registration was obtained by bribery or
payment of any money except fees prescribed by this Chapter;
(d) the registrant is falsely impersonating a practitioner or former
practitioner or is practicing under an assumed or fictitious
(e) the registrant has been convicted of an offense arising from or
in connection with the practice of land surveying, or any
offense involving moral turpitude, in which case a certified
copy of the record of conviction shall be conclusive evidence
(f) the registrant has violated any provision of this Chapter;
(g) the registrant has aided and abetted in the practice of land
surveying any person not duly authorized to practice land
surveying except as provided under Section 333 1(c) of this
(h) the registrant has been guilty of fraud or deceit, or of gross
negligence, incompetence, misconduct in the practice of land
surveying; or
(i) the registrant has permitted his seal to be affixed to any plans.
specifications or drawings that were not prepared by him or
under his personal supervision, or by his employee or
(2) Proceedings under this Section may be initiated upon complaint by
any person or by the Board. All charges shall be in writing and sworn
to by the person making them. All charges, unless dismissed by the
Board as unfounded or trivial, shall be heard by the Board within
three (3) months after the date on which they have been preferred.
The time and place for such hearing shall be fixed by the Board, and a
copy of the charges together with a notice of the time and place of
hearing, shall be personally served upon or mailed to the last known
address of such registrant at least thirty (30) days before the date
fixed for the hearing. At any hearing, the registrant shall have the
right to appear personally and have counsel, to cross-examine
witnesses appearing against him, and to produce evidence and
witnesses m his own defense. [31 TTC 1970, §112; 31 TTC 1980, §112, modified.)
§329. Re-issuance of certificates of registration.
(1) The Board for reasons it deems sufficient may reissue a certificate of
registration to any person whose certificate has been revoked
provided three (3) or more members of the Board vote in favor of
such re-issuance.
(2) A new certificate of registration may be issued to any person whose
certificate has been revoked, lost, destroyed, or mutilated, subject to
the rules of the Board and upon payment of a fee of $10. [31 TIC 1970, §11331 TIC 1980, §113, modified]
§330. Application of Chapter to proprietorships, partnerships, and
(1) The practice of land surveying may be performed by employees of a
proprietorship, partnership, or corporation engaged m construction,
manufacturing, transportation, distribution, or communications
insofar as such land surveying is involved in its operations, provided,
that it is performed by, or under the supervision of, a land surveyor
in responsible charge, registered under this Chapter.
(2) The practice or offer to practice land surveying for the public, as
defined in Section 303 of this Chapter, by individuals registered
under this Chapter through a corporation as officers, employees or
agents, is permitted subject to the provisions of this Chapter, and
provided that all personnel who act in its behalf as land surveyors in
responsible charge are registered under this Chapter, or are persons
lawfully practicing under Section 331 of this Chapter. In case this
practice is done through a corporation organized after the effective
date of this Chapter, it shall be required at all times that the president
and a majority of the officers and directors are registered land
surveyors, and further, that said corporation shall have been issued a
certification of authorization by the Board as provided in this
(3) A corporation desiring a certificate of authorization shall file with the
Board an application, using a form provided by the Board, listing the
names and addresses of all officers and board members of the
corporation, and also, of the individual or individuals duly registered
to practice land surveying who shall be in responsible charge, and
other information required by the Board. The same form, giving the
same information, must accompany the annual renewal fee. In the
event there shall be a change in any of these persons during the year,
such change shall be designated on the same form and filed with the
Board within thirty (30) days after the effective date of said change. If
all of the requirements of this Section are met, the Board may issue a
certificate of authorization to such corporation.
(4) No corporation authorized to practice land surveying under this
Chapter shall be relieved of responsibility for the conduct or acts of
its agents, employees, or officers by reason of its compliance with the
provisions of this Section, nor shall any individual practicing land
surveying be relieved of responsibility for services performed by
reason of his employment or relationship with such corporation. All
final drawings, specifications, plans, reports, or other papers or
documents involving the practice of land surveying which shall have
been prepared or approved for the use of such corporation, or for
delivery by it to any person, or for public record, shall be dated and
bear the signature and seal of the land surveyor who prepared or
approved them. [31 TTC 1970, §114; 31 TTC 1980, §114. modified]
§331. Exemptions.
This Chapter shall not apply to:
(a) a person not a resident of and having no established place of
business in the Republic, practicing or offering to practice land
surveying in the Republic when such practice does not extend
in the aggregate more than thirty (30) days in any calendar
year; provided, that such person is legally qualified by
registration to practice such profession in the country of his
residence and in which the requirements and qualifications for
obtaining a certificate of registration are not lower than those
specified in this Chapter;
(b) a person not a resident of and having no established place of
business in the Republic, or who has recently become a
resident thereof, practicing or offering to practice land
surveying in the Republic for more than thirty (30) days in any
calendar year, if he has filed an application for a certificate of
registration with the Board and has paid the required fee, such
exemption to continue only for such time as the Board requires
for the consideration of the application for registration;
provided, that such person is legally qualified to practice such
profession in the country of his residence and in which the
requirements or qualifications for obtaining a certificate are
not lower than those specified in this Chapter;
(c) an employee or subordinate of a person holding a certificate of
registration under this Chapter or an employee or a person
exempted from registration by Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
Section; provided, that the work of such employee or
subordinate does not include final designs or decisions and is
under the direct responsibility and supervision of a person
holding a certificate of registration under this Chapter or a
person exempted from registration by Paragraphs (a) and (b)
of this Section;
(d) officers, employees or members of the armed forces of the
United States, as long as their practice of land surveying is
limited to that work specifically authorized by the armed
forces; and
(e) the practice of any legally recognized profession other than
that of land surveyor. [31 TTC 1970, §115; 31 TIC 1980, §115, modified]
§332. Required; contents; prima facie evidence of status.
The Surveyor General shall record in a book to be kept for the purpose and
to be known as the register of land surveyors the names and addresses of all
registered land surveyors, together with the details and dates of the
qualifications in respect of which they are registered by the Board of Land
Surveying Examiners. Every entry in the register shall be signed by the
Surveyor General. A copy of an entry in the register, purporting to be
certified by the Surveyor General as a true copy, is prima facie evidence that
the person named therein is a registered land surveyor. [31 TTC 1970, §151, 31 TTC1980, §115, modified]
§333. Public inspection.
The register of land surveyors shall be opened to public inspection upon
payment of a fee of $l. [31 TTC 1970, §152, 31 TTC 1980, §152.]
§334. Alteration and amendment.
The Surveyor General shall from time to time make such alterations and
amendments in the register as are necessary for the purpose of making the
register an accurate record of the names, addresses and qualifications of
registered land surveyors. [31 TTC 1970, §153, 31 TTC 1980, §153, modified.]