consumar protection act,2054 corrction
Date of Authentications and publication :
2054/10/15, (January 28, 1998)
1. Some Nepal Acts Amendment Act, 2055 2055/10/07(January 21, 1999)
2. Strengthening Republic and Some Nepal Laws Amendt Act, 2066 (2010)
ACT NO. 20 OF THE YEAR 2054 (1998)
Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to make provisions for protecting consumers from
irregularities concerning the quality, quantity and prices of consumer goods or services,
ensuring that no one lowers or removes the attributes or usefulness of consumer goods or
services, preventing circumstances in which monopolies and unfair trade practices may
lead to an increase in prices, as well as false and misleading propaganda regarding the use
and usefulness of consumer goods or services, selling, supplying, importing, exporting
and storing safe and quality consumer goods or services, and protecting the rights and
interests of consumers through the establishment of an agency for redressing the
hardships of consumers, and thus maintaining the health, convenience and economic
welfare of consumers,
Now therefore, the Parliament has enacted this Act in the 26th year of the reign of
Majesty’s King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.
1. Short Title and Commencement : (1) This Act may be called "Consumer
Protection Act, 2054 (1998)."
(2) It shall come into force on Baisakh 1, 2055 (April 13, 1999).
2. Definitions : In this Act, Unless otherwise meant with reference to the subject
or context;
(a) "Consumer" means an individual or institution consuming or using any
consumer good or service.
(b) "Council" means the Consumer Protection Council formed under
Section 3.
(c) "Compensation Committee" means the Compensation Committee
formed under Section 23.
(d) "Consumer goods" mean goods or materials made through the
admixture of several goods which are consumed or used by consumers
and this term also includes raw materials, colours, flavors or chemicals
used in the production of such consumer goods.
(e) "Service" means any labour, facility or consultancy provided for any
work on payment of any kind of service charge or other consideration.
(f) "Production" means the process of producing, preparing, processing,
converting, packing, repacking, assembling or labelling any consumer
goods, or all or any process to be adopted in that connection.
(g) "Label" means a tag, symbol, picture or other d scriptive objects
written, printed, lithographed, symbolized, embossed, affixed or
otherwise shown in consumer goods or their containers.
(h) "Unfair trade practices" means the sale or supply of consumer goods or
services by making false or misleading claims about their actual quality,
quantity, price, measurement, design, make etc., or the sale or supply of
consumer goods produced by others by affecting their quality, quantity,
price, measurement, design, make, etc.
(i) "Sub-standard consumer goods" means consumer goods of any of the
following conditions:
(1) Consumer goods in which the quantity of an essential ingredient has
been lowered, or any other material has been mixed, in such a
manner that the quality falls short of the standard determined under
Section 11.
(2) Consumer goods which are stale, rotten or stored prepared in dirty
or toxic conditions or in which any chemical, colour or flavour has
been used, so that they become harmful to health.
(3) Consumer goods which are fully or partly made of any diseased or
disease-generating animals or birds or harmful vegetation.
(4) Consumer goods of a quality which falls short f the minimum
necessary standard or exceeds the maximum standard prescribed, if
any, in Act or in the orders issued under the Rules framed under Act.
(j) "Vendor" means an individual or a governmental or non-governmental
organization or cooperative society selling and supplying consumer
goods or services on a wholesale or retail basis.
(k) "Laboratory" means an institution which has been established with the
objectives of testing the purity, completeness or quality of consumer
goods, and which has been recognized by Government of Nepal.
(l) "Consumers Association" means an association established under
prevailing law with the objective of protecting and promoting the rights
and interests of consumers.
(m) "Inspection Officer" means an Inspection Officer appointed or
designated under Section 14.
(n) "Prescribed" or "as prescribed" means prescribed or in the manner
prescribed in the Rules framed under this Act.
3. Formation of Consumer Protection Council : (1) A Consumer Protection
Council shall be formed in order to formulate policies relating to the protection
of the rights and interests of consumers, and offer suggestions to Government
of Nepal on matters concerning the rights and interests of consumers.
(2) The Council mentioned in Sub-Section (1) shall comprise of the
following Chairperson and members:
(a) Minister/Minister of State for Supplies - Chairperson
(b) ............
(c) Secretary, Ministry of Supplies - Member
(d) Secretary, Ministry of Industry - Member
(e) Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture - Member
(f) Secretary, Ministry of Home - Member
(g) Secretary, Ministry of Commerce - Member
Removed by Strengthening Republic and Some Nepal Laws Amendment Act, 2066 (2010)
(h) Director-General, Nepal Standards and Weights
and Measures Department
(i) President, Federation of Nepalese Chambers of
Commerce and Industry
(j) Three representatives nominated by Government of
Nepal from non-governmental organizations
associated with the rights and interests of
(k) Two women representatives nominated by
Government of Nepal from among women working
in the fields associated with the rights and interests
of the consumers
(l) An officer of Government of Nepal designated by
Government of Nepal
(3) Members nominated under Clauses (j) and (k) of Sub-section (2)
shall have a tenure of two years, and may be re-nominated for one more term.
(4) The Chairperson and members of the Council shall receive meeting
allowances as prescribed by Government of Nepal.
4. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Council : (1) The functions, duties and
powers of the Council shall be as follows:
(a) To offer suggestions to Government of Nepal on matters relating to the
protection of the rights and interests of consumers, the supply system and
prices, quality and purity of consumer goods and servic s.
(b) To disseminate or cause to disseminate information relating to the rights
and interests of consumers in order to inform them about the standard of
goods and services so as to protect them in matters concerning consumer
goods and services.
(c) To inform or cause to inform consumers about the prices, quality, quantity
and purity of consumer goods and services, as well as about unfair trade
practices concerning them.
(d) To conduct or cause to conduct studies in connection with the protection of
the rights and interests of consumers.
(e) To offer suggestions to Government of Nepal on changing the existing
policies or framing new policies relating to the protection of the rights and
interests of consumers.
(f) To maintain or cause to maintain updated nation l and international
information relating to the protection of the rights and interests of
(g) To monitor or cause to monitor the rights of consumers and offer
suggestions to Government of Nepal to rectify the sortcomings noticed in
the course of such monitoring.
(h) To discharge or cause to discharge the functios prescribed by Government
of Nepal.
(i) To discharge or cause to discharge such other functions as are deemed
appropriate for the protection of the rights and interests of consumers.
(2) The Ministry of Supplies shall function as the Secretariat of the
5. Procedures Relating to Meetings of the Council : (1)The Council shall meet on
the date and at the time and place appointed by the Chairperson.
(2) The quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be deemed to have been
fulfilled in case it is attended by at least fifty percent of its total membership.
(3) Meetings of the Council shall be presided over by the Chairperson, and,
in absence, by a person chosen by the members from among themselves.
(4) Decisions of the Council shall be authenticated by the Member-
(5) The other Rules of procedures of the Council shall be as determined by
the Council itself.
6. Protection and Promotion of Consumer Rights : (1)For the purpose of
protecting the rights and interests of consumers, every consumer shall have the
following rights:
(a) Right to be protected from the sale and supply of consumer goods and
services which may harm life, body, health and prope ty.
(b) Right to be informed about the prices, attributes, quantity, purity, quality,
etc. of consumer goods and services so as to be safe from unfair trade
(c) Right to be assured of an opportunity to choose consumer goods and
services at competitive prices as far as possible.
(d) Right to be assured that an appropriate agency will hear matters concerning
the protection of the rights and interests of consumers.
(e) Right to be heard and compensated against exploitation and grevances.......
hardships resulting from unfair trade practices.
(f) Right to consumer education.
(2) Government of Nepal shall issue necessary directives to the Council in
order to create an atmosphere favourable for the protection and promotion of the
rights of consumers mentioned in Sub-Section (1).
7. Prohibition to Influence Demand, Supply or Price : No one shall influence the
demand, supply and price of any of the consumer goods r services by taking any
of the following actions in collusion with others:
(a) By fixing the quota of raw materials needed for any of the consumer goods,
or reducing the production of any of the consumer goods, or taking any
other similar actions.
(b) By hoarding any of the consumer goods or servic or otherwise creating an
artificial shortage, or selling and supplying such goods or services at
specified times or places only, or taking any other similar actions.
8. Power to Systematize and Control Supply of Consumer Goods and Services:
(1) For the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of consumers,
Government of Nepal shall exercise the following powers in order to systematize,
control and regulate the supply of consumer goods an services:
(a) To formulate policies relating to the quality, price and the supply system of
consumer goods or services.
(b) To formulate action plans in connection with the monitoring, prevention
and control of unfair trade practices and monopolies which are likely to
harm the rights and interests of consumers, and imple ent such plans.
(c) To analyze and review the situation in respect to the demand and supply of
consumer goods consumed within the country.
(d) To make necessary arrangements for checking any undesirable increase in
prices by producers, vendors or distributors of consumer goods.
(e) To discourage unfair trade practices which are lik ly to create shortages
through artificial or other improper means.
(2) Government of Nepal shall make necessary arrangements in order to
effectively implement the provisions concerning theprotection of the rights and
interests of consumers, regulation of the supply system, and control of the prices
and quality of consumer goods and services.
9. Particulars to be Mentioned in Consumer Goods : A producer shall
compulsorily mention the following particulars on the labels of consumer goods:
(a) Name and address of the producer, and registration number of the industry.
(b) In the case of consumer goods such as food and medicines, their ingredients
as well as their quantity and weight.
(c) Quality of consumer goods whose quality has been determined, if any.
(d) Method of consuming consumer goods and possible mpact of such
(e) Price, batch number, production date and expiry date of the consumer
(f) In the case of consumer goods such as electroni goods, hardware and
machinery, guarantee thereof, date of guarantee, and other necessary
(g) In the case of consumer goods which are inflamm ble, dangerous or fragile,
precautions for their safety.
(h) Other particulars as prescribed.
10. Prohibited Actions Regarding Consumer Goods or Services: No one shall take
or cause to take any of the following actions in respect to any of the consumer
goods or services:
(a) To produce, sell, supply, export or import a sub- tandard consumer goods.
(b) To imitate any of the consumer good in such a manner as to mislead
(c) To sell or supply any of the consumer goods or ervices by making false or
misleading claim that the consumer goods or services ar separate one or by
describing the substandard consumer goods or services as of higher
(d) To engage in unfair trade practices in such a manner as to make false or
misleading publicity or advertisements relating to the use, usefulness, or
efficacy of any of the consumer goods or services.
(e) To produce, sell or supply any of the consumer goods or services which
may cause harm to the health of the consumers’.
(f) To take such other actions as prescribed.
11. Standard of Consumer Goods or Services : (1) In case the limits of the quality
or quantity of any ingredient to be used in any of the consumer goods or services
have been determined, Government of Nepal shall determine the standard of such
good or service according to the prescribed procedures.
(2) Government of Nepal shall publish a notice of the determination of the
standard of any of the goods and services under Sub-section (1) in the Nepal
12. Price Lists to be Kept : Every vendor shall keep at a conspicuous place of sh p a
price-list of all consumer goods sold and supplied by him/her, explicitly
mentioning its wholesale and retail prices.
13. Power of Government of Nepal to Conduct Inquiry and Inspections : (1) In
case there is a reasonable ground to believe that any person is engaging in any
unfair trading activity in such a manner as to adversely affect the rights and
interests of consumers, or affecting the price and the supply system of the
consumer goods or services by exercising a monopoly or through any other means,
or producing or selling sub-standard goods, or taking any action which is contrary
to this Act or the Rules framed hereunder, Government of Nepal may conduct or
cause to conduct necessary inquiry and inspection.
(2) Government of Nepal shall take necessary action according to
prevailing laws against any producer, dealer, agent, vendor, individual or
institution found guilty through inquiry and inspection conducted under Sub-
Section (1).
14. Power to Appoint or Designate Inspection Officer : Government of Nepal may
appoint Inspection Officer or designate any officer to work in that capacity in the
prescribed manner in order to monitor the supply of qualitative consumer goods or
services to consumers in a simple manner and at fair prices by making the market
and supply systems effective.
15. Powers of Inspection Officers to Inspect, Inquiry or Search : (1) In case, there
is a reasonable ground to believe that any of the consumer goods or services
which is not safe, efficacious or below the standard is being produced, sold or
supplied, or that any action is being taken in violat n of this Act or the Rules
framed hereunder, at any place, the Inspection Officer may inspect, conduct
inquiry or search such place.
(2) In case, it is found in the course of an inspection, inquiry or search
conducted under Sub-section (1) that any of the goods or services which is not
safe, efficacious or below the standard is being produced, sold or supplied, or that
actions are being taken in violation of this Act or the Rules framed hereunder, the
Inspection Officer shall take a sample of such goods (or service) in the prescribed
manner and impose a ban on the production and sale or supply of such goods or
services for a prescribed period.
(3) Reports of actions taken by the Inspection Officer under Sub-section (2)
shall be submitted to Government of Nepal within three days.
(4) The procedures to be adopted by the Inspection Officer while
conducting inspection, inquiry or search shall be as prescribed.
(5) The other functions, duties and powers of Inspection Officer, and
provisions concerning the implementation of the repo ts submitted by them, shall
be as prescribed.
16. Testing of Consumer Goods : Samples of consumer goods taken by an
Inspection Officer under Section 15 shall be sent to the laboratory for a test within
the prescribed time-limit.
17. Sub-Standard Consumer Goods to be Confiscated: In case any of the consumer
goods is found to be of sub-standard following the est of its sample at the
laboratory where it is sent under Section 16, it shall be confiscated.
18. Penalties : A person who commits or cause to commit the following Act shall be
punished as follows, depending on the degree of offense:
(a) A person who commits or cause to commit any Act in violation of Section
7 shall be punished with an imprisonment for a term not exceeding three
years, or with a fine not exceeding Fifty Thousand Rupees or with both.
(b) A person who commits or cause to commit any Act in violation of Clause
(a) of ∝...........Section 9 shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
not exceeding two years, or with a fine not exceeding Thirty Thousand
Rupees or with both.
(c) A person who commits or cause to commit any Act in violation of Clause
(a) of Section 10 shall be punished with imprisonmet for a term not
exceeding three years, or with a fine not exceeding F fty Thousand Rupees
or with both.
∝ Deleted by Some Nepal Acts Amendment Act, 2055
(d) A person who commits or cause to commit any Act in violation of Clauses
(b), (c) and (d) of Section 10 shall be punished with imprisonment for a
term not exceeding five years, or with a fine not exceeding One Hundred
Thousand Rupees or with both.
(e) A person who commits or cause to commit any Act in violation of Clause
(e) of Section 10 shall be punished as follows:
(1) If there is a threat to life, for a term not exc eding fourteen years, or
with a fine not exceeding Rs 500,000, or with both.
(2) In case the strength of any organ of the body is likely to be reduced
or lost, with imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years, or
with a fine not exceeding Rs 500,000, or with both.
(3) In other circumstances, with imprisonment for a term not exceeding
five years, or with a fine not exceeding Rs 300,000 or with both.
(f) Any person who takes or instigates others to take any action, other than
those mentioned above, which violates tact or the Rules framed under this
Act shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years, or with a fine not exceeding Rs 200,000, or with both.
19. Government of Nepal to be the Plaintiff : Government of Nepal shall be the
plaintiff in cases under this Act.
20. Investigation and Filing of Lawsuits : (1) Lawsuits relating to offenses
punishable under this Act shall be investigated by Inspection Officers and lawsuits
shall be filed with the concerned District Court within 35 days from the date of
completion of such investigations.
(2) While investigating and filing lawsuits under Sub-section (1), an
Inspection Officer may seek the opinion of the Government Attorney, and such
cases shall be defended by the Government Attorney.
21. Summary Trial Procedure to be Adopted : The procedure mentioned in the
Summary Procedure Act, 1972 shall be adopted in the process and disposal of
lawsuits filed under this Act.
22. Claims for Compensation May be Made: In case any consumer suffers a loss or
damage of any kind as a result of the sale of any consumer good or service
contrary to this Act, such consumer, or any Consumer Association on behalf, may
file a complaint with the Compensation Committee within 35 days from the date
of such loss or damage, requesting for the realization of compensation from the
person who has sold or supplied such consumer good or service.
23. Compensation Committee : (1) A Compensation Committee as follows shall be
formed in each district in order to conduct inquiry nto complaints filed under
Section 22 and realize compensation in consideration of losses or damages
suffered by the consumer:
(a) Chief District Officer - Chairperson
(b) District Attorney - Member
(c) District Medical Officer - Member
(d) A representative of the District
Consumers Association designated by
Government of Nepal
(e) Representative, District Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
(f) An officer designated by Government of
(2) The Compensation Committee shall take a decision on a complaint
filed in connection with compensation within the prescribed time-limit. The
working procedure to be followed while taking decision shall be as prescribed.
24. Realization of Compensation : In case the Compensation Committee holds that
a consumer has suffered a loss or damage following inquiry into a complaint filed
for compensation under Section 22, it shall arrange for the payment of
compensation on the basis of such loss or damage to the concerned consumer or
25. Appeal : Any person who is dissatisfied with the decision taken by the
Compensation Committee under Section 24 may file an appeal with the
concerned Appellate Court within 35 days from the date of such decision.
26. Power to Initiate Lawsuits Under the Prevailing Laws : In case any action
which is an offense under this Act is also an offense under any other prevailing
Nepal Law, this Act shall not be deemed to have prejudiced the right to initiate
lawsuits under any other law.
27. Power to Form Sub-Committees: (1) Government of Nepal or the Council
may form necessary Sub-Committees in order to fulfill the objectives of this Act.
(2) The functions, duties, powers and procedures of a Sub-Committee
formed under Sub-Section (1) shall be as prescribed by Government of Nepal or
the Council.
28. Delegation of Powers: Government of Nepal or the Council may delegate some
of the powers vested in it under this Act to any Sub-Committee formed under
Section 27, or to any officer as it requires.
29. Immunity for Actions Taken With Bona fide Motives : Inspection Officers,
Compensation Committee or employee of the Government of Nepal shall not be
held personally liable for any action taken by him/her with good intentions in the
course of fulfilling their duties under this Act orthe Rules framed hereunder.
30 Power to Frame Rules : Government of Nepal may frame necessary Rules in
order to implement the objectives of this Act.
Note : Words changed by the Some Nepal Acts Amendmt Act, 2055.
"District Attorney" instead of District Government Advocate"