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Arms Amendment Act [No.2]

Published: 2006

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Arrangement of Provisions

1. Short title and
2. Principal Act

3. Insertion of new section
4. Authorising disposal of
firearms, etc. detained by


2006, No. 11

AN ACT to amend the Arms Ordinance 1960.
[21st July 2006]

BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Assembly of Samoa in
Parliament assembled as follows:

1. Short title and commencement-(1) This Act may be
cited as the Arms Amendment Act (No. 2) 2006.
(2) This Act shall come into force on the date of assent of
the Head of State.
(3) Notice of commencement of this Act shall be published
in Samoan and English in the Savali and one other newspaper
circulating in Samoa.

2. Principal Act - In this Act, “Principal Act” means the
Arms Ordinance 1960.

3. Insertion of new section – After section 9 of the
Principal Act, the following section is inserted:
4 Arms Amendment Act (No. 2) 2006, No. 11

“9A Amensty-(1) The Minister may from time to
time in writing declare a firearm amnesty period.
(2) A person who hands a firearm in at a police station
during a firearm amnesty period does not commit the
offence under section 9 of being in possession of a firearm
without a certificate of registration for that firearm.
(3) A person who hands ammunition, explosives or
dangerous weapons in at a police station during a firearm
amnesty period does not commit the offence under section
13 of carrying or being in possession of that ammunition,
explosive or dangerous weapon except for a lawful, proper
and sufficient purpose.
(4) Any firearm, ammunition, explosive or dangerous
weapon handed in during a firearm amnesty period may
immediately be disposed of in such manner as the
Commissioner may direct.”

4. Authorising disposal of firearms, etc. detained by
police – Section 25 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting
“for not less than 2 years” and substituting “for not less than 6


The Arms Amendment Act (No. 2) 2006 is administered in the
Ministry of Police, Prison and Fire Services