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Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules

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Boundaries and Survey Maps Act
(Chapter 25, Section 17(2)(c))
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules
R 5
G.N. No. S 155/2005
(2nd July 2007)
[31st March 2005]
1.  These Rules may be cited as the Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules.
—(1)  In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires —
“ISN” means a network of control ISN markers with ISN co-ordinates approved by the Chief Surveyor;
“ISN co-ordinates” means a plane rectangular co-ordinate system based on the SVY21 datum and using a transverse mercator projection with projection origin (unmarked) located at —
1° 22’ 00" N
103° 50’ 00" E
38744.572 m
28001.642 m;
“ISN marker” means a survey marker designed for integrated surveys with geographical and ISN co-ordinates approved by the Chief Surveyor;
“ppm” means parts per million;
“strata subdivision” has the same meaning as in the Land Titles (Strata) Act (Cap. 158);
“subdivided building” has the same meaning as in the Land Titles (Strata) Act;
“survey document” includes any plan, field book, field notes, form, sketch, computation or information recorded or derived from a survey;
“SVY21 datum” means a geodetic co-ordinate datum based on the WGS84 ellipsoid and a reference point known as BASE7 (located at Pillar 7 Lower Peirce Reservoir) with values fixed at —
02.915414" N
103° 49’
31.975227" E
Ellipsoidal Height
26.824 m
Reduced Level
17.113 m
Geoidal Undulation
9.711 m;
“WGS84 ellipsoid” means a mathematical surface with the following definitions:
Semi-major axis
6378137.0000 m
Semi-minor axis
6356752.3142 m
(2)  Any reference to a survey document includes, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to a survey document in electronic form.
Registered surveyor to be familiar with related legislation
—(1)  Every registered surveyor shall be familiar with —
the Act and any rules made thereunder; and
the Acts set out in the Schedule and any subsidiary legislation made under them.
(2)  Every registered surveyor shall be familiar with, and shall comply with, all the directives and circulars issued by the Chief Surveyor from time to time.
Personal direction and supervision of surveys
4.  Every cadastral survey shall be carried out by or under the immediate personal direction and supervision of a registered surveyor and in strict compliance with these Rules.
Existing survey data to be obtained
—(1)  Every registered surveyor or a representative authorised by the registered surveyor shall, before commencing a cadastral survey, obtain existing survey data relating to the survey he is to carry out, by —
consulting the records of the Authority or, if he is so directed by the Authority, the records of any other registered surveyor or other relevant authorities; and
obtaining from the Chief Surveyor the lot numbers to be used in connection with the survey he is to carry out.
(2)  A registered surveyor or his representative shall not —
use any lot numbers for the survey he is to carry out other than those obtained from the Chief Surveyor, unless he has obtained prior approval from the Chief Surveyor; or
use or quote any lot number in any instrument or caveat to be lodged with the Authority, unless the lot number or the relevant assurance plan, certified plan or strata certified plan from which the lot number is obtained has been approved by the Chief Surveyor.
Compliance with requirements
6.  A registered surveyor shall, before carrying out work on any cadastral survey, check that the proposed cadastral survey is in accordance with all requirements of the Authority and other relevant authorities.
Errors in previous survey
7.  A registered surveyor who discovers an error in a previous cadastral survey which materially affects the accuracy of his cadastral survey shall —
supply the Chief Surveyor with a full report of the error together with all relevant information relating thereto; and
rectify the error in the survey that he is carrying out only after he has received directions to do so from the Chief Surveyor.
Form of survey document to be submitted
—(1)  A registered surveyor shall, upon the completion of a cadastral survey, submit to the Chief Surveyor the survey documents required under the Act and these Rules, and such other survey documents as the Chief Surveyor may require.
(2)  Every survey document used in a cadastral survey and submitted to the Chief Surveyor shall be in such form as the Chief Surveyor may approve.
Field equipment
—(1)  Every registered surveyor engaged in cadastral survey work in Singapore shall —
test his field equipment at least once every 12 months to ensure that it is in good adjustment; and
together with any survey document submitted to the Chief Surveyor in relation to a cadastral survey, submit all test results of the field equipment used in that survey, for the period that the field equipment was used in the survey.
(2)  The registered surveyor shall —
keep all test results (including data used for such tests) of any field equipment used in a cadastral survey, for the entire period of that survey until the Chief Surveyor has approved that survey; and
whenever required to do so within that period, produce to the Chief Surveyor any of the test results and the data used for such test.
Abbreviations, symbols and conventional signs in survey documents
10.  The abbreviations, symbols and conventional signs adopted by the Authority shall be used in survey documents.
Plan forms
11.  Plan forms of the quality approved by the Chief Surveyor shall be used for all plans to be deposited with the Authority.
Plotting on plans
12.  The plotting of all points on plans shall be by co-ordinates.
Corrections on plans
—(1)  The correction of printed information on any plan shall be made by drawing a line through the incorrect entry but without obliterating it, and printing the correct entry nearby.
(2)  The correction of an incorrectly drawn line or mark on any plan shall be made by one or more crosses on the incorrect line or mark and by redrawing the correct line or mark in its correct position.
(3)  Each correction shall be initialled by the registered surveyor who prepared the plan.
(4)  A registered surveyor shall not make or permit to be made any correction on any plan by erasing any part of a plan.
Notice to enter land to conduct survey
14.  Where a notice has been given to an occupier of any land under section 11A(2) of the Act, the registered surveyor shall submit a copy of such notice to the Chief Surveyor at least 3 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) prior to the date of entry on the land.
Certification in relation to encroachment
15.  Every survey plan submitted to the Chief Surveyor for approval shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the registered surveyor in the following form:
I, .................................................................., a surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 156), certify that:
there (*is/is no) encroachment affecting any land parcel adjoining the land parcel under my survey;
(if there is encroachment affecting any land parcel adjoining the land parcel under my survey) the particulars of the encroachment are as follows:
Lot and Mukim/TS No. of adjoining land parcel: _______________
Ownership of adjoining land parcel: *State/Private
The encroachment is as shown in: ___________ (state survey document)
Description of encroachment: _______________
The encroachment *was/was not created by the purchaser or owner of the land parcel under my survey; and
(if the encroachment was created by the purchaser or owner of the land parcel surveyed by me) the encroachment has been resolved by: ______________ (describe the manner of resolution). A copy of _________________________ (describe documentary evidence of resolution of encroachment) is attached.
*Delete whichever is inapplicable.”
(Signature and date of certification)
Registered Surveyor.
Application of this Part
16.  This Part shall apply to the survey of every land lot.
Division 1 — Field work
Survey under SVY21 datum
17.  The survey of every land lot shall be conducted under SVY21 datum.
—(1)  A registered surveyor shall traverse and connect at least 4 ISN markers to establish a datum acceptable to the Chief Surveyor for every survey of a land lot.
(2)  The ISN markers shall fully enclose the survey area, unless otherwise directed by the Chief Surveyor.
Approved survey marks
19.  A registered surveyor shall use survey marks approved by the Chief Surveyor.
Emplacement prior to or during survey
20.  Approved survey marks shall be emplaced on the ground prior to or during the course of the survey.
Stability of marks
21.  A registered surveyor shall take reasonable care to ensure that approved survey marks emplaced on the ground are of the appropriate type and are stable.
22.  A registered surveyor shall conduct every cadastral survey according to established principles of survey and shall attain the accuracy specified as follows:
the precision of every measured vector shall be such that the standard deviations of its length and direction do not exceed 5 millimetres ± 5 ppm and ± 5 seconds, respectively;
wherever applicable, the position of every ISN marker adopted in the survey shall have an error ellipse with its semi-major axis not exceeding 0.020 metres;
the length of every traverse circuit shall not exceed 2,500 metres;
the angular misclose shall not exceed 10√n seconds where n is the number of traverse stations occupied in the traverse;
every traverse circuit shall comprise a closed loop;
the fractional linear misclose of traverses shall be better than 1:20,000; and
every vector that is not checked internally shall not exceed 50 metres in length and shall be checked independently.
—(1)  The extent of the land under any survey of a land lot shall be that marked on the ground at the time of survey.
(2)  Boundary marks found on the ground during the course of any subsequent survey of land lot shall not be disturbed unless there is clear evidence that they are no longer in the position in which they were emplaced at the time of the previous survey.
Survey and marking of boundaries
—(1)  Survey of boundaries by long radiations shall be avoided.
(2)  All boundary points shall be marked on the ground unless they fall in inaccessible positions, such as within walls and pillars of buildings.
(3)  When any boundary point of a land lot cannot be marked by reason of obstructing features such as ponds or other structures, appropriate reference marks to facilitate the determination of the actual boundary point on the ground shall be emplaced.
(4)  The appropriate reference marks referred to in paragraph (3) may be placed on the intersecting boundaries as near as possible to the obstructing feature.
(5)  Every boundary mark emplaced shall be at a station on a closed traverse, failing which, its position shall be determined by 2 independent sets of measurements, both angular and linear, from such a station, except that the second angular measurement shall be made from a different back station, if available, from the one used in the first angular observation.
(6)  Previously surveyed boundaries need not be fully re-measured, if —
the previously emplaced marks on the ground are intact; and
the previous survey had an adequate technical value.
(7)  In a sub-divisional survey, the re-survey of boundaries not affected by the sub-division may be confined to the measurement of the lines required for the closing of traverses.
(8)  Along a straight boundary, marks shall be emplaced on the ground at intervals not exceeding 200 metres.
(9)  All new boundaries, including natural feature boundaries, shall follow straight lines.
(10)  Boundary points on natural feature boundaries need not be marked on the ground.
(11)  Boundaries that curve shall be marked by straight lines on the ground such that no point on the curve shall be more than 20 centimetres from such straight lines.
(12)  In any survey where boundary lines cannot be measured directly, the registered surveyor shall, wherever possible, emplace appropriate traverse marks on the nearest suitable structures, such as alongside the kerbs of metalled roads and driveways and, the coping of concrete drains, with sufficient short connections to the boundary points of the land lots.
Survey involving high water mark
—(1)  Any survey involving the 2.515-metre high water mark shall be referred to the Chief Surveyor together with a copy of a plan showing full relevant details.
(2)  The registered surveyor conducting the survey referred to in paragraph (1) shall thereafter be informed of the accepted boundary by the Chief Surveyor.
(3)  The determination of the 2.515-metre high water mark shall, where practicable, be based on nearby bench marks established by the Authority or other bench marks approved for use by the Chief Surveyor, and the permissible closing error of the levelling for such purpose shall not exceed ± 15√K millimetres where K is the length of the level line in kilometres.
(4)  The reduced level of the 2.515-metre high water mark shall be 0.960 metres above the datum adopted by the Authority, being Mean Sea Level.
Topographical details
26.  Natural and artificial features that are found within 0.5 metres of the boundaries surveyed shall be measured.
Boundary discrepancies
—(1)  If there are differences between the dimensions of boundaries on the ground and those on the survey documents beyond stipulated tolerances, the registered surveyor shall take appropriate measures to determine whether the differences are due to encroachments, to movements of marks or to defects in the previous survey.
(2)  The Chief Surveyor may amend the co-ordinates of land boundaries if he is satisfied that it is necessary to describe with more certainty the boundaries of the land.
Field notes
28.  All field measurements shall be recorded in a format approved by the Chief Surveyor.
Division 2 — Office work
Purpose of computations
29.  All computations required to be submitted with any field notes and plans of a cadastral survey shall —
show the accuracy and adequacy of the field work; and
determine the areas of the land lots surveyed.
Units of measurement
30.  Linear measurements shall be made in metric units.
Calculated and scaled areas
—(1)  Areas shall be computed using any appropriate mathematical formula from the co-ordinates of the land lot, provided that the area computed using a particular mathematical formula shall not differ by more than one hundredth of a square metre when the area of the same land lot is computed using another mathematical formula.
(2)  Co-ordinates correct to 3 decimal places are to be used.
(3)  Areas shall be calculated and entered to the nearest tenth of a square metre.
(4)  Scaled areas, where applicable, shall be entered to the nearest square metre and distinguished from other areas by the abbreviation “Sc.” that is entered after the scaled areas.
Plan scales
—(1)  Except under circumstances which are, in the opinion of the Chief Surveyor, unusual, certified plans shall be plotted according to the following scales:
for built-up areas, housing estates and party wall surveys — 1:100, 1:200 or 1:500; and
for other surveys — 1:1,000, 1:2,000, 1:5,000 or 1:10,000.
(2)  The scale on which a certified plan is drawn shall be so selected such that the information of each land lot can be clearly seen.
(3)  If, on any part of a certified plan, measurements would otherwise be illegible or difficult to interpret, a diagram drawn on a scale larger than that of the plan or drawn not to scale may be added as an inset.
Representation of boundary lines on certified plan
33.  Boundary lines shall be represented by firm black lines on any certified plan.
Information on certified plan
34.  The information shown on a certified plan shall be so printed that it is unnecessary to orientate the plan form in order to interpret it.
Certified plan number
35.  Every certified plan shall be allotted a serial number by the Chief Surveyor, which shall be known as the certified plan number.
Plan heading
36.  The heading of each certified plan shall include —
the certified plan number allotted by the Chief Surveyor to that plan;
the Mukim number or Town Subdivision number of the land lot or lots surveyed; and
the scale of the plan, in the form of a representative fraction.
Information to be shown on certified plan
37.  Every certified plan shall contain the following information:
a schedule showing the original lot number and the previous certified plan number and, in the case of a subdivision or amalgamation, the new lot numbers;
the lot numbers of land lots under survey as significantly shown near the centre of the respective lots to which they refer;
the area of each land lot under survey shown beneath the lot number or, where it is necessary to show such area more clearly, such area may be tabulated with the lot number;
the station number for each boundary point;
the adjacent lot numbers;
the Northing and Easting co-ordinates of each boundary point tabulated with reference to their respective station numbers;
the North Point;
the words “All co-ordinates shown are based on SVY21 datum.”;
the name of the registered surveyor who conducted the survey, the name of every assistant employed by the registered surveyor who assisted in the conduct of the survey, if any, and the date of completion of the survey;
the certified plan number from which any co-ordinates have been wholly or partly compiled;
the names of the draftsman and the person who checked the plan, and the dates of completion of the drafting and checking of the plan;
the sketch plan “SK” number and pages;
the numbers and boundaries of any Mukim and Town Subdivision;
the co-ordinate lines accompanied by their values, and cadastral map sheet lines accompanied by their respective map numbers within the area;
the survey marks by means of conventional signs and abbreviations;
the street names and house numbers;
the approved or authorised plan reference number;
the plan reference number referred to in the request for survey;
the relevant file reference number of the Authority; and
any other information, numerical or otherwise, that may be of relevance in locating boundaries or survey marks.
Certification of survey documents and plans
38.  Every survey document and every certified plan deposited with the Authority under section 11C of the Act shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the registered surveyor who conducted the survey as follows:
“I,........................................................., a surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 156), certify that this document has been prepared by me or under my immediate supervision, in accordance with the Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules (R 5).
(Signature and date of certification)
Registered Surveyor.”.
Application of this Part
39.  This Part shall apply to the survey of every strata lot.
Division 1 — Field work
Field survey procedures
—(1)  Every strata lot shall be surveyed and the linear measurements of the survey shall be rounded off to the nearest centimetre.
(2)  The building comprising the strata lots shall be fixed directly in relation to the boundaries of the lot on which the building is situated unless ground circumstances do not permit such fixing, and all common properties which encroach on adjacent land shall be surveyed.
(3)  Where strata lots on the same storey or on different storeys of a building are identical, the strata lots of one such storey shall be shown in the field book complete with dimensions.
(4)  Every page of the field book bearing diagrams of identical strata lots shall contain the following statement:
“All strata lots including those shown as “similar” herein have been entered into and all relevant measurements have been fully made.”.
(5)  Where the strata lots involve land, they shall be marked with the approved survey marks on the ground.
Strata boundaries
41.  Unless otherwise stipulated on the strata certified plan, the common boundary of any lot with another lot or with the common property shall be the centre of the floor, wall or ceiling, as the case may be.
Certification of field book
42.  The first diagram page of the field book of every strata survey deposited with the Authority under section 11C of the Act shall bear a certificate signed by the registered surveyor who conducted the survey in the following form:
“I,....................................................., a surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 156), certify that these field notes and diagrams on pages ........... to ........... are a correct and complete record of the survey done by me, or under my immediate personal direction and supervision, in strict compliance with the Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules (R 5).
(Signature and date of certification)
Registered Surveyor.”.
Division 2 — Office work
Strata certified plan
43.  Every strata certified plan shall contain —
a site plan;
a storey plan; and
an elevation sketch.
Plan scales
—(1)  Except under circumstances which are, in the opinion of the Chief Surveyor, unusual, all strata certified plans shall be plotted according to the following scales:
for site plans — 1:200, 1:500 or 1:1,000; and
for storey plans — 1:100 or 1:200.
(2)  The scale on which a strata certified plan is drawn shall be so selected such that the area of each strata lot and all relevant details can be clearly seen.
(3)  If, on any part of a strata certified plan, measurements or details would otherwise be illegible or difficult to interpret, a diagram drawn on a scale larger than that of the plan or drawn not to scale may be added as an inset.
Representation of boundary lines on strata certified plan
45.  Boundary lines shall be represented by firm black lines on any strata certified plan.
Strata certified plan number
46.  Every strata certified plan shall be allotted a serial number issued by the Chief Surveyor, which shall be known as the strata certified plan number.
Plan heading
47.  The heading of each strata certified plan shall include —
the strata certified plan number allotted by the Chief Surveyor to that plan;
the Mukim or Town Subdivision number of the strata lot or lots surveyed; and
the scales of the site and storey plans, in the form of representative fractions shown below the respective plans.
Plan schedule
48.  Every strata certified plan shall contain a schedule showing the original strata lot number and the previous strata certified plan number and, in the case of a subdivision or amalgamation, the new strata lot numbers.
Site plan
49.  Every site plan shall show —
the numbers and boundaries of any Mukim and Town Subdivision;
the land lot number and the area of the land lot;
the boundary lines of the land lot on which the building is sited;
the outline of the building;
the natural and artificial features that are found within 0.5 metres of the boundaries surveyed;
the encroachment, if any, on adjacent land lots;
the street names and house numbers;
the cadastral map number; and
the North Point.
Storey plan
50.  Every storey plan shall show —
details of the strata lots on every storey or where strata lots on different storeys are identical, the details of the strata lots on one such storey;
the strata lot numbers of strata lots under survey as significantly shown near the centre of their respective strata lots;
the area of each strata lot under survey beneath its respective strata lot number;
where a strata lot occupies more than one storey, a table showing —
the floor area, the void area (if any) and the total area of each storey of the strata lot; and
the total area of the strata lot;
the adjacent strata lot numbers;
boundary marks emplaced for strata lots involving land, by means of abbreviations, symbols and conventional signs used by the Authority;
the encroachment, if any, on adjacent land lots; and
the North Point.
Elevation sketch
—(1)  Every elevation sketch shall contain —
the strata lot numbers;
the corresponding unit numbers for every storey; and
the ceiling height of every storey rounded off to the nearest centimetre.
(2)  Where it is not possible to show the strata lot numbers on the elevation sketch, the strata lot numbers and their corresponding unit numbers shall be tabulated.
Additional information to be shown on strata certified plan (other than for subdivided building)
52.  Every strata certified plan, other than a strata certified plan for a subdivided building, shall contain the following information and references:
the name of the registered surveyor who conducted the survey, the name of every assistant employed by the registered surveyor who assisted in the conduct of the survey, if any, and the date of completion of the survey;
the field book number and pages;
where applicable, the number of any building plan approved by the Commissioner of Building Control under the Building Control Act (Cap. 29), from which the details on the strata certified plan have been compiled;
where applicable, the number of the subdivision plan approved by the Chief Planner under the Planning Act (Cap. 232);
where applicable, the date of the plan for subdivision of the building which has been authorised by a notification made by the Minister under section 21(6) of the Planning Act; and
the relevant file reference number from the Authority.
Certification of strata certified plan (other than for subdivided building)
53.  Every strata certified plan, other than a strata certified plan for a subdivided building, shall bear a certificate by the registered surveyor who conducted the survey in the following form:
“I, ..........................................................., a surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 156), certify that this plan correctly represents the survey done in strict compliance with the Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules (R 5).
(Signature and date of certification)
Registered Surveyor.”.
Lodgment of strata certified plan for subdivided building
54.  All strata certified plans in relation to any survey of one or more strata lots comprised in a subdivided building, when lodged with the Authority, shall collectively be known as the strata title plan for that subdivided building.
Additional requirements for strata title plan
55.  Every strata title plan lodged with the Authority shall, in addition to the requirements relating to strata certified plans, comply with the following requirements:
the strata certified plan number shall be endorsed on the bottom right-hand corner of the plan as “ST ........”;
the Mukim or Town Subdivision of the land parcel shall be stated on the immediate left-hand side of the strata certified plan number;
the plan shall measure 500 millimetres in length by 353 millimetres in width and shall have clear margins on the face of each sheet of not less than 40 millimetres on the left-hand side and not less than 15 millimetres on the right-hand side, at the top and at the bottom;
each sheet shall be numbered consecutively and the number shall be endorsed on the top right-hand corner of each sheet as “Sheet ......”;
the first sheet shall contain the strata title plan heading, a site plan, the relevant field book numbers and pages, the relevant cadastral map numbers and the certifications referred to in rule 56;
the second sheet shall contain a plan schedule of subdivision, a legend of the common property, an elevation sketch, and where applicable, a legend setting out the provisional lots and a table of accessory lots;
subsequent sheets shall contain storey plans; and
where a strata lot occupies more than one storey, subsequent sheets shall contain a table showing —
the floor area, the void area (if any) and the total area of each storey of the strata lot; and
the total area of the strata lot.
Certification of strata title plan
—(1)  The first sheet of the strata title plan shall bear —
a certificate signed by the registered surveyor in the following form:
“I, ................................ of ............................................., a surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 156) certify that:
(a) all buildings and lots shown in this Strata Title Plan prepared by me containing sheets (No. ......... to .........) in relation to the external surface boundaries of the parcel are in accordance with *the approved Building Plans No. ......... dated ................../the approved subdivision plans ......... dated ................../the plan dated .................. for the subdivision of the building which has been authorised by a notification made by the Minister under section 21(6) of the Planning Act (Cap. 232); and
(b) this plan correctly represents the survey done in strict compliance with the Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules (R 5).
(Signature and date of certification)
Registered Surveyor.
*Delete whichever is inapplicable.”; and
a certification of approval signed by the Chief Surveyor in the following form:
“I, ................................................................., Chief Surveyor, Singapore, certify that the strata certified plans ST ...... to ...... shown on this Strata Title Plan have been lodged with the Singapore Land Authority and approved by me.
Signature: “.
(2)  In the case of phased development where any provisional lot created in a strata subdivision is to be surveyed only upon completion of the construction of the building, the following paragraph shall be added to the certification of approval by the Chief Surveyor under paragraph (1)(b):
“The boundaries and dimensions of the provisional lot are inconclusive and are subject to survey.”.
Transitional provisions
—(1)  Any cadastral survey commenced before 31st March 2005 shall continue to be conducted in accordance with the revoked Land Surveyors (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules (Cap. 156, R 4) as if those Rules had not been revoked.
(2)  Any act, matter or thing that was done under or for the purposes of the revoked Land Surveyors (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules shall, so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of these Rules, be taken to have been done for the purposes of and have effect as if it had been done under the corresponding provisions of these Rules.


Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules
(CHAPTER 25, R 5)
This Legislative History is provided for the convenience of users of the Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules. It is not part of these Rules.
G. N. No. S 155/2005—Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules 2005
Date of commencement
31 March 2005
2007 Revised Edition—Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules
Date of operation
2 July 2007