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Companies (Accounts of Public Listed Companies) (Substitution of Period) Order

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Companies Act
Companies (Accounts of Public Listed Companies) (Substitution of Period) Order
O 1
G.N. No. S 684/2002
(29th February 2004)
[1st January 2003]
1.  This Order may be cited as the Companies (Accounts of Public Listed Companies) (Substitution of Period) Order.
Application of Order
2.  This Order shall apply to all public companies that are listed or quoted on a securities exchange in Singapore and whose financial year commences on or after 1st January 2003.
Substitution of period
3.  The Minister hereby specifies the period of “4 months” in substitution of the period of “5 months” referred to in section 201(1)(a) of the Act.


Companies (Accounts of Public Listed Companies) (Substitution of Period) Order
(CHAPTER 50, O 1)
This Legislative History is provided for the convenience of users of the Companies (Accounts of Public Listed Companies) (Substitution of Period) Order. It is not part of this Order.
G. N. No. S 684/2002—Companies (Accounts of Public Listed Companies) (Substitution of Period) Order 2002
Date of commencement
1 January 2003
Date of operation
29 February 2004