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Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations

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Consumer Protection (Trade Descriptions and Safety Requirements) Act
Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations
Rg 1
G.N. No. S 23/2002
(29th February 2004)
[1st April 2002]
—(1)  In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
“CAB” means a conformity assessment body;
“CAB (Foreign — MRA)” means a conformity assessment body in a country other than Singapore designated by that country for purposes of its MRA with Singapore;
“CAB (Local)” means a conformity assessment body referred to in regulation 3(2) of the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board (Conformity Assessment) Regulations (Rg 2);
“controlled goods” means any goods of a type, class or description specified in the First Schedule;
“country” includes a customs territory;
“MRA” means a mutual recognition agreement or arrangement between Singapore and any other country;
“registered controlled goods”, in relation to a Registered Supplier, means any controlled goods registered by him with the Safety Authority under regulation 7;
“RTL” means a recognised testing laboratory referred to in Part V of the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board (Conformity Assessment) Regulations (Rg 2);
“Safety Authority” means the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board established under section 3 of the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board Act (Cap.303A);
“Safety Mark” means the Safety Mark specified in the Second Schedule.
(2)  Where an amendment is made to the description in any item of controlled goods in the First Schedule and it results in subjecting any additional goods to control or removing any specified goods from control, such goods shall, notwithstanding the effective date specified in the second column of the First Schedule corresponding to that item of controlled goods, be subject to control or be removed from control only as at the date the amendment takes effect.
3.  The Safety Authority may, in its discretion and for such period and on such conditions as it thinks fit, exempt any person or any controlled goods from all or any of the provisions of these Regulations.
Supply of safe goods
—(1)  No person shall, in the course of any trade or business, supply or advertise for the purpose of supply any controlled goods after the effective date specified in the First Schedule unless —
such controlled goods are registered controlled goods conforming to the safety requirements specified by the Safety Authority for those goods; and
such controlled goods have affixed to them the Safety Mark in accordance with Part III.
(2)  Where any person contravenes paragraph (1), he shall be guilty of an offence under section 11(2) of the Act, and the Safety Authority may —
require such person to effect a recall of the controlled goods and keep the Safety Authority informed of the progress of such recall; and
take such steps as may be necessary to inform users of the controlled goods of the potential danger of such goods.
(3)  Any person who fails or neglects to effect a recall of the controlled goods required by the Safety Authority under paragraph (2)(a) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
(4)  For the purposes of this regulation, “registered controlled goods” does not include controlled goods whose registration is deemed to be suspended or withdrawn under regulation 24.
Importer or manufacturer to apply to be registered as Registered Supplier and to register controlled goods
—(1)  Any importer or manufacturer in Singapore who intends, in the course of any trade or business, to supply or advertise for supply any controlled goods in Singapore shall apply to the Safety Authority —
to be registered as a Registered Supplier; and
to register any controlled goods which the importer or manufacturer intends to supply or advertise for supply in Singapore.
(2)  An importer or a manufacturer which contravenes paragraph (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
Application for registration of supplier
6.  An application to be registered as a Registered Supplier shall be in such form as the Safety Authority may determine and shall be accompanied by such documents and information as the Safety Authority may require.
Application for registration of controlled goods
—(1)  Subject to paragraph (3), an application for registration of any controlled goods shall be made by a Registered Supplier and shall be in such form as the Safety Authority may require accompanied by —
a certificate of conformity certifying that the controlled goods conform to the safety requirements specified by the Safety Authority for those controlled goods;
such other documents and information as the Safety Authority may require; and
a fee not exceeding the amount specified in the Third Schedule, which shall not be refundable.
(2)  For the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), the certificate of conformity shall be issued by —
a CAB (Local) which certified the controlled goods based on test reports issued in respect of those controlled goods by that or any other CAB (Local);
a CAB (Local) which certified the controlled goods based on test reports issued in respect of those controlled goods by an RTL;
a CAB (Local) which certified the controlled goods based on test reports issued in respect of those controlled goods by a testing laboratory in a country other than Singapore appointed by that country for purposes of its MRA with Singapore; or
a CAB (Foreign — MRA).
(3)  Where —
there is no CAB (Local) able to test or certify any controlled goods for the purpose of paragraph (1)(a) without unreasonable delay; and
the Safety Authority is satisfied that it would be unreasonable to require the Registered Supplier to have the controlled goods tested or certified by a CAB (Foreign — MRA),
the Safety Authority may, if it thinks fit, perform such conformity assessment on the controlled goods as may be necessary to ensure the controlled goods conform to its safety requirements, and register those controlled goods notwithstanding paragraph (1)(a) is not complied with.
(4)  Any costs and expenses incurred by the Safety Authority in performing any conformity assessment referred to in paragraph (3) shall be borne by the Registered Supplier.
(5)  The Safety Authority shall notify the Registered Supplier in writing of the registration of the controlled goods for which the Registered Supplier has made an application under paragraph (1).
(6)  The Safety Authority may impose such conditions as it thinks fit on the registration of any controlled goods.
(7)  A Registered Supplier who —
procures or attempts to procure the registration of any controlled goods by knowingly making or producing or causing to be made or produced any false or fraudulent certificate of conformity; or
fraudulently or dishonestly uses as genuine a certificate of conformity which he knows or has reason to believe is forged or altered,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
Duration and renewal of registration of controlled goods
—(1)  The registration of any controlled goods shall be valid for a period of 3 years or the period of validity of the certificate of conformity of the controlled goods, whichever is the less, and may be renewed.
(2)  The registration of any controlled goods may be renewed subject to such terms and conditions as the Safety Authority may impose.
(3)  Unless the Safety Authority otherwise allows, an application for renewal of registration of any controlled goods shall be made before the registration of the controlled goods expires.
Application of regulations to renewal of registration of controlled goods
9.  Regulations 7 and 8 shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to a renewal of registration of any controlled goods.
Register of Registered Suppliers and registered controlled goods
—(1)  The Safety Authority shall keep and maintain a register in which shall be entered the names and such particulars of the Registered Suppliers and registered controlled goods as the Safety Authority may determine.
(2)  The Safety Authority may, upon an application by any person accompanied by the fee specified in the Third Schedule, provide a certified copy of an entry in the register.
Removal from register
—(1)  Where —
the Registered Supplier applies to the Safety Authority for his registration to be withdrawn; or
in relation to any controlled goods registered by the Registered Supplier, the Registered Supplier ceases to supply those registered controlled goods,
the Safety Authority may withdraw the registration of the Registered Supplier and may remove the details of such supplier from the register or indicate against the details of such supplier in the register the fact of the withdrawal of registration.
(2)  Where the registration of any registered controlled goods —
expires and is not renewed in accordance with regulation 8; or
is deemed to be suspended or withdrawn under regulation 24,
the Safety Authority may remove the details of the registered controlled goods from the register or indicate against the details of the goods in the register the fact of such expiry, suspension or withdrawal of registration.
Fees collected to be paid to Safety Authority
12.  The fees collected under these Regulations shall be paid to the Safety Authority and may be applied by the Safety Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board Act (Cap. 303A).
Registered Supplier to affix Safety Mark
—(1)  Subject to paragraph (2), no person shall affix the Safety Mark on any goods unless —
he is a Registered Supplier;
he affixes the Safety Mark on controlled goods registered by him with the Safety Authority, and the registration of such controlled goods is not deemed to be suspended or withdrawn under regulation 24; and
he affixes the Safety Mark in accordance with regulation 14.
(2)  Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(a), the Registered Supplier may appoint any person to affix the Safety Mark on his behalf.
(3)  Notwithstanding any appointment referred to in paragraph (2), the Registered Supplier shall remain responsible in respect of any Safety Mark which any person appointed by him fails or neglects to affix in accordance with this Part.
(4)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
Affixing Safety Mark
—(1)  The Registered Supplier shall print or affix the Safety Mark on the registered controlled goods but where, in the opinion of the Safety Authority, the registered controlled goods are of such a nature as to prevent the goods from being so marked, the Safety Authority may allow the Safety Mark to be affixed on a container in which any one of those goods is contained or a label attached thereto or in any other manner as the Safety Authority thinks fit.
(2)  The Safety Authority may issue directions as to the characteristics and form of the Safety Mark, the particulars to be set out in the mark and the location and manner in which the mark is to be affixed, printed or labelled on any registered controlled goods, container or label.
(3)  Where the registration of any registered controlled goods is deemed to be withdrawn under regulation 24, the Registered Supplier shall take all necessary steps to remove, eradicate or obliterate the Safety Mark from such goods.
(4)  A Registered Supplier who contravenes paragraph (3) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
Registered Supplier to notify Safety Authority of change in particulars
15.  The Registered Supplier shall notify the Safety Authority of any change to the name of the Registered Supplier and any change to such of its particulars as the Safety Authority may require not less than 2 weeks before such change.
Technical file
—(1)  A Registered Supplier shall maintain, and make available to the Safety Authority, a technical file on each of the controlled goods which he registers with the Safety Authority, which shall include such documents and information as the Safety Authority may determine.
(2)  The Registered Supplier shall keep a technical file for a period of not less than 10 years after the registration of the registered controlled goods expires or is deemed to be withdrawn under regulation 24.
(3)  A Registered Supplier shall make available to the Safety Authority any technical file maintained by the Registered Supplier within 7 days of receipt by the Registered Supplier of a request from the Safety Authority for such technical file.
(4)  A Registered Supplier who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
Modifications to registered controlled goods
—(1)  This regulation shall apply to any modification made by any person (other than a consumer) which results in any change to the design, construction or materials of any registered controlled goods.
(2)  Where a modification to the registered controlled goods does not result in a change in model number and affects the safety requirements of the registered controlled goods, the Registered Supplier shall —
send the registered controlled goods to a CAB (Local) or a CAB (Foreign — MRA) to be tested and certified for conformity to the safety requirements of the Safety Authority for those controlled goods; and
update its technical file on the registered controlled goods with details of the change.
(3)  Where a modification to the registered controlled goods does not result in a change in model number and does not affect the safety requirements of the registered controlled goods, the Registered Supplier shall update its technical file on the registered controlled goods with details of the change.
(4)  Where a modification to the registered controlled goods results in a change in model number and affects the safety of the controlled goods, the controlled goods shall be treated as new controlled goods not registered with the Safety Authority, and the Registered Supplier shall obtain a new certificate of conformity for those new controlled goods and apply for registration of those new controlled goods in accordance with regulation 7.
(5)  Where —
a modification to the registered controlled goods results in a change in model number and does not affect the safety of the controlled goods; or
the model number of the registered controlled goods is changed without any modification to the registered controlled goods,
the controlled goods shall be treated as new controlled goods not registered with the Safety Authority, and the Registered Supplier shall apply for registration of new controlled goods in accordance with regulation 7, but need not obtain a new certificate of conformity for those new controlled goods for such registration.
Suspension of and prohibition against supply of registered controlled goods
—(1)  The Safety Authority may suspend or prohibit the supply of any registered controlled goods —
where the registered controlled goods do not or no longer conform to the safety requirements of the Safety Authority;
where the registration of the registered controlled goods was obtained by the Registered Supplier in contravention of regulation 7(7);
where the Registered Supplier has contravened, is contravening or is likely to contravene any condition imposed by the Safety Authority on the registration of the registered controlled goods;
where the Registered Supplier has contravened, is contravening or is likely to contravene any provision in Part III or IV; or
where the Safety Authority is entitled to do so under regulation 21 or 22.
(2)  Where the Safety Authority intends to suspend or prohibit the supply of any registered controlled goods under paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c) or (d), the Safety Authority shall notify the Registered Supplier in writing of its intention and shall in that notification specify —
the reason for which the Safety Authority intends to suspend or prohibit the supply of the registered controlled goods; and
a time period (not being less than 14 days) within which the Registered Supplier may provide to the Safety Authority any explanation he may wish to offer and to inform the Safety Authority if he wishes to be heard.
(3)  Upon considering any explanation of the Registered Supplier and upon providing the Registered Supplier with a reasonable opportunity to be heard (where such a request was made), the Safety Authority may —
subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, withhold the suspension of or prohibition against the supply of the registered controlled goods;
suspend the supply of the registered controlled goods and lift the suspension at such time as the Safety Authority thinks fit; or
prohibit the supply of the registered controlled goods,
and the Safety Authority shall notify the Registered Supplier in writing of its decision.
Inquiry into incident involving registered controlled goods
—(1)  The Safety Authority shall inquire into any complaint or information received by it of any incident involving any registered controlled goods supplied in Singapore which results in any one or more of the following:
damage to any of those registered controlled goods;
damage to any other property; and
injury to any person or loss of life.
(2)  The Safety Authority shall, within 60 days of receipt of the technical file from the Registered Supplier under regulation 16(3), complete its inquiry and prepare a report as to the cause of the incident.
Incident arising out of misuse of registered controlled goods
20.  Where the cause of the incident was the misuse of the registered controlled goods, the Safety Authority shall dismiss the complaint or information received.
Incident arising out of uncertified modification or incorrect testing or certification by CAB
—(1)  Where —
the Safety Authority ascertains the cause of the incident as being —
an uncertified modification of the registered controlled goods; or
the registered controlled goods not conforming to the safety requirements specified by the Safety Authority; and
such uncertified modification or non-conformity affects only one of those registered controlled goods,
the Safety Authority shall notify the Registered Supplier in writing of its findings and, together with the Registered Supplier or otherwise, take such steps as the Safety Authority thinks fit to ensure that such incident does not occur again.
(2)  Where —
the Safety Authority ascertains the cause of the incident as being —
an uncertified modification of the registered controlled goods; or
the registered controlled goods not conforming to the safety requirements specified by the Safety Authority; and
such uncertified modification or non-conformity affects more than one of those registered controlled goods,
the Safety Authority shall notify the Registered Supplier in writing of its findings and the supply of the registered controlled goods shall be suspended from the date of such notification.
(3)  The Registered Supplier may, within 30 days of its receipt of a notification referred to in paragraph (2), provide to the Safety Authority any explanation the Registered Supplier may wish to offer in respect of the incident and any evidence in support of such explanation.
(4)  Where, upon considering any explanation and evidence provided by the Registered Supplier under paragraph (3), the Safety Authority is of the view that the supply of the registered controlled goods should in the interests of public safety be discontinued, the Safety Authority shall prohibit the supply of the controlled goods.
(5)  Where, upon considering any explanation and evidence provided by the Registered Supplier under paragraph (3), the Safety Authority is of the view that the supply of the registered controlled goods will not prejudice public safety, the Safety Authority shall —
subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, lift the suspension on the supply of the controlled goods; and
together with the Registered Supplier or otherwise, take such steps as the Safety Authority thinks fit to ensure that such incident does not occur again.
(6)  The Safety Authority shall inform the Registered Supplier in writing of its decision made under paragraph (4) or (5).
(7)  In this regulation, “uncertified modification” means any modification to —
any registered controlled goods referred to in regulation 17(2) in respect of which regulation 17(2)(a) has not been complied with; or
any registered controlled goods referred to in regulation 17(4) in respect of which the new controlled goods have not been registered with the Safety Authority.
Incident arising out of unknown cause and further inquiry
—(1)  Where the cause of the incident cannot be ascertained by the Safety Authority upon completion of its inquiry into the complaint or information under regulation 19 and the incident resulted in loss of life, serious injury to any person, or damage to any property, the Safety Authority may —
suspend the supply of the registered controlled goods; and
extend its inquiry into the complaint or information for a period not exceeding 30 days.
(2)  Where the cause of the incident cannot be ascertained by the Safety Authority upon completion of its inquiry into the complaint or information under regulation 19 and the incident resulted in damage to one of those registered controlled goods or injury to any person (not being a serious injury), the Safety Authority may extend its inquiry into the complaint or information for a period not exceeding 30 days.
(3)  The Safety Authority shall notify the Registered Supplier in writing of its decision made under paragraph (1) or (2), and where the supply of the registered controlled goods is to be suspended, the suspension shall take effect from the date of such notification.
(4)  Where, at the end of a further inquiry, the Safety Authority determines that the incident occurred as a result of any of the causes specified in regulation 20 or 21, the Safety Authority shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of regulation 20 or 21, as the case may be.
(5)  Where the Safety Authority —
is of the view that a further inquiry is not necessary; or
having completed a further inquiry, is unable to ascertain the cause of the incident,
the Safety Authority shall notify the Registered Supplier in writing accordingly and allow the Registered Supplier to make, within 30 days of the date of the notification, any explanation the Registered Supplier may wish to offer in respect of the incident and any evidence in support of such explanation.
(6)  Where, upon considering any explanation and evidence provided by the Registered Supplier under paragraph (5), the Safety Authority is of the view that the supply of the registered controlled goods should in the interests of public safety be discontinued, the Safety Authority shall prohibit the supply of the controlled goods.
(7)  Where, upon considering any explanation and evidence provided by the Registered Supplier under paragraph (5), the Safety Authority is of the view that the supply of the registered controlled goods will not prejudice public safety, the Safety Authority shall —
subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, lift the suspension on the supply of the controlled goods; and
together with the Registered Supplier or otherwise, take such steps as the Safety Authority thinks fit to ensure that such an accident or incident does not occur again.
(8)  The Safety Authority shall inform the Registered Supplier in writing of its decision made under paragraph (6) or (7).
Power of Safety Authority to obtain information, etc.
—(1)  Without prejudice to section 22 of the Act, for the purposes of regulation 18 and any inquiry or further inquiry under this Part, the Safety Authority may require any person whom it believes to have knowledge of the matter (including the Registered Supplier of the registered controlled goods concerned) —
to produce for inspection any book, document, paper or other record relating to or connected with the matter; and
to give all information relating to or connected with the matter as the Safety Authority may require.
(2)  Without prejudice to section 22 of the Act, for the purposes of regulation 18 and any inquiry or further inquiry under this Part, the Safety Authority may require the Registered Supplier of the registered controlled goods concerned to provide to it free of charge samples of the registered controlled goods.
Effect of suspension of or prohibition against supply
—(1)  Where the supply of any registered controlled goods is suspended, the registration of those controlled goods shall be deemed to be suspended.
(2)  Where the supply of any registered controlled goods is prohibited —
the registration of those controlled goods shall be deemed to be withdrawn; and
the Safety Authority may —
require the Registered Supplier to effect a recall of the registered controlled goods and keep the Safety Authority informed of the progress of such recall; and
take such steps as may be necessary to inform users of the registered controlled goods of the potential danger of such goods.
(3)  Where the supply of any registered controlled goods is suspended or prohibited —
those controlled goods shall, for the period of the suspension or from the date of the prohibition (as the case may be), be dealt with under the Act or these Regulations in the same manner as unregistered controlled goods; and
the Registered Supplier shall notify all suppliers who obtained those controlled goods from him, directly or indirectly, of the suspension or prohibition.
(4)  A Registered Supplier who —
fails or neglects to effect a recall of the registered controlled goods required by the Safety Authority under paragraph (2)(b)(i); or
fails to comply with paragraph (3)(b),
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
Savings and transitional provisions
—(1)  Subject to paragraph (3), any controlled goods which immediately before 1st April 2002 were approved by the Safety Authority under and for the purposes of the revoked Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations (Rg 1, 1999 Ed.) shall be treated as registered controlled goods under and for the purposes of these Regulations for the remaining period of such approval.
(2)  Unless the Safety Authority otherwise allows, no goods approved under the revoked Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations shall be treated as registered controlled goods under paragraph (2) unless the person who obtained the approval for the goods under the revoked Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations is, on 1st April 2002, a Registered Supplier.
(3)  Nothing in this regulation shall prevent the registration of any goods referred to in paragraph (2) from being renewed under Part II of these Regulations.
Regulations 2 and 4(1)
Controlled Goods
Type, class or description of controlled goods
Effective date
1. Components of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) system:
1st April 2002
(a) LPG hose for use in domestic liquefied petroleum vapour phase and liquefied petroleum gas or air appliances not exceeding 5 KPa (50 mbar) operating pressure;
(b) LPG valve namely a device that is made from brass, bronze or aluminium forging, for use with domestic liquefied petroleum gas cylinders, for control of the direction and volume of flow of the liquefied petroleum gas;
(c) LPG regulator namely a non-adjustable device that maintains the outlet pressure constant at a nominal value up to and including 50 millibar, independent, within specified limits, of inlet pressure or flow rate.
2. Cooking range intended for household use namely a device for cooking and includes separate stationary ovens and grills, cooking table cookers, hob elements, grills and griddles which form part of cooking ranges, and ovens and grills for installation in walls except a cooking range having a mass of less than 18 kg.
1st April 2002
3. Gas cooker namely a domestic appliance combining burners for cooking by gas.
1st April 2002
4. Hairdryer namely an electrically operated appliance intended to be used for the drying of hair of persons and incorporating heating elements.
1st April 2002
5. High-fidelity set namely an electronic device for reproduction of sounds, with little distortion, connected to the supply mains as the only energy source intended for domestic and similar general indoor use with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 250 volts rms.
1st April 2002
6. Audio product (other than an electronic device referred to in item 5) namely an electronic device for the reproduction of sound, connected to the supply mains, either directly or indirectly.
1st April 2002
7. Immersion water heater namely a portable household apparatus for heating liquid by immersing an electrically heated rod into it.
1st April 2002
8. Iron namely an electrically operated appliance with a heated soleplate for ironing of clothes, for household and similar purposes.
1st April 2002
9. Kettle namely an electrically operated household appliance for heating of water for consumption, having a rated capacity not exceeding 10 litres.
1st April 2002
10. Microwave oven namely an electrically operated appliance for heating food and beverages using electromagnetic energy (microwaves) in one or more of the I.S.M. frequency bands between 300 MHz and 30 GHz and intended for household use. These appliances may also incorporate a browning function.
1st April 2002
11. Rice cooker namely an electrically operated household appliance for cooking rice.
1st April 2002
12. Refrigerator namely a self-contained assembly consisting of a thermally insulated cabinet for the storage and preservation of foodstuffs above 0°C (32°F) and of a refrigerating unit operating on the vapour compression principle and arranged to extract heat from within the cabinet, whether or not with one or more freezer compartments.
1st April 2002
13. Room air-conditioner namely a self-contained assembly designed as a unit, primarily for mounting in a window or through the wall or as a console. It is designed primarily to provide free delivery of conditioned air to an enclosed space, room or zone (conditioned space). It includes a prime source of refrigeration for cooling and dehumidification and means for the circulation and the cleaning of air, and a drain arrangement for collecting or disposing any condensate. It may also include means for humidifying, ventilating or exhausting air.
1st April 2002
14. Table or standing fan namely an electrically operated appliance for agitating the air, and their associated regulator intended for use on single-phase a.c. and d.c. circuits not exceeding 250 volts and intended for household use and similar purposes.
1st April 2002
15. Television or video display unit namely an electronic device for receiving and displaying information from a transmitting station or local source. The device is to be connected to the supply mains either directly or indirectly, and intended for domestic and similar general indoor use.
1st April 2002
16. Vacuum cleaner namely a machine which removes dirt and dust by the suction produced by a motor-driven air pump and intended for household use and similar purposes.
1st April 2002
17. Video cassette recorder namely an electronic device for video recording and play-back, or for play-back only, connected to the supply mains, either directly or indirectly, and intended for domestic and similar general indoor use.
1st April 2002
18. Washing machine namely an electrically operated appliance intended for washing clothes and textiles (whether or not with means for water heating), for water extraction or for drying.
1st April 2002
19. Table lamp or standing lamp namely a portable general purpose luminaire, other than handlamps, for use with tungsten filament, tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamps connected to the supply mains, either directly or indirectly.
1st April 2002
20. Toaster, grill, roaster, hotplate and similar appliances namely electric appliances connected to the supply mains, which make use of direct or indirect (e.g. heated medium such as air and cooking oil) heat for food preparation and intended for household use.
1st April 2002
21. Wall fan or ceiling fan namely an electric fan and its associated regulator intended for mounting on the wall or ceiling and for use on a single phase a.c. and d.c. circuit not exceeding 250 volts for household and similar purposes.
1st April 2002
22. Adaptor namely a device designed to supply a.c. or d.c. power from an a.c. or d.c. source, either by itself or as part of an accessory, for applications such as computers, telecomunication equipment, home entertainment equipment or toys.
1st April 2002
23. Mobile split air-conditioner namely encased mobile assembly designed to provide delivery of conditioned air to an enclosed space, room or zone, including an electrically operated refrigeration system for cooling and possibly dehumidifying the air.
1st April 2002
24. Coffee maker, slow cooker, steam boat and similar appliances namely electrically operated appliances that heats up water to high temperatures in the course of food and beverage preparation.
1st April 2002
25. Laser disc set namely an electronic device for video recording and play-back or laser disc for play-back only connected to the supply mains, either directly or indirectly, and intended for domestic and similar general indoor use.
1st April 2002
26. Mixer, blender, mincer and similar appliances namely electrically operated machines for food and beverage preparation and intended for household use.
1st April 2002
27. Air cooler namely an electrically operated appliance for agitating the air equipped to use water as a cooling medium and its associated regulator intended for use on single phase a.c. and d.c. circuits not exceeding 250 volts for household and similar purposes.
1st April 2002
28. Portable cooking gas appliance namely a portable cooking appliance that uses liquefied petroleum gas, obtained from a gas canister as defined in item 29, as fuel.
1st April 2002
29. Gas canister namely a non-refillable metal container up to 1.4 litres capacity filled with liquefied petroleum gases.
1st April 2002
30. Home computer system (inclusive of monitor, printer, speaker and other mains operated accessories) namely a microprocessor based data system with compact, local computing and calculating power on high definition graphics and with flexible data communication interfacing.
1st April 2002
31. Decorative lighting fixture namely lighting chains fitted with a series or parallel connected incandescent lamps for use either indoors or outdoors on supply voltages not exceeding 250 volts.
1st April 2002
32. 3-pin rectangular type 13-amp plug namely a portable fused device having projecting pins designed to engage with the contacts of a corresponding socket-outlet. A plug also incorporates means for the electrical connection and the mechanical retention of a suitable flexible cord.
1st April 2002
33. Fuse (13-amp or less) for use in a plug namely a device that, by the fusion of one or more of its specially designed and proportioned components, opens the circuit in which it is inserted and breaks the current when this exceeds a given value for a sufficient time. The fuse comprises all the parts that form the complete device.
1st April 2002
34. 3-pin round type 15-amp plug namely a device carrying 3 metallic plug pins substantially cylindrical in form intended for engagements with corresponding socket contacts arranged for connection to a suitable flexible cord.
1st April 2002
35. Multi-way adaptor namely an adaptor having more than one set of socket contacts (the socket contacts may or may not be of the same type or rating as the plug pin portion).
1st April 2002
36. 3-pin portable socket-outlet namely an accessory having a set of 3 socket-contacts designed to engage with the pins of a corresponding plug and having means for the electrical connection of appropriate cables or flexible cords, for connection to, or integral with, a flexible cord, and which can be easily moved from one place to another while connected to the supply.
1st April 2002
37. Portable cable reel namely a device comprising a flexible cable or cord attached to a reel so constructed that the flexible cable may be completely wound onto the reel, and provided with a plug and one or more socket outlets.
1st April 2002
38. Instantaneous electric water heater namely an electrically operated stationary appliance for household and similar purposes and intended for heating water below boiling temperature with its rated voltage not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
1st April 2002
39. Mains pressure electric storage water heater, namely, an electrically operated stationary appliance for household and similar purposes and intended for storing and heating water below boiling temperature with its rated voltage not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
1st April 2002
40. Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) namely a device intended to protect persons against indirect contact, the exposed conductive parts of the installation being connected to an appropriate earth electrode.
1st April 2003
41. 3-pin 13-Ampere Socket-outlet namely a 13A shuttered socket-outlet in single or multiple arrangements with associated controlling switches, for flush mounting in suitable box or for surface or panel mounting. The socket-outlet is suitable for the connection of portable appliances, sound-version equipment, luminaries, etc., in a.c. circuits only operating at voltage not exceeding 250 V r.m.s at 50 Hz.
1st April 2003
42. 3-pin round type 15-ampere Socket-outlet namely a 15A shuttered socket-outlet which contains switch connected between the current carrying contact of the socket-outlet and the relevant supply terminal for flush mounting in suitable box or for surface or panel mounting. The socket-outlet is suitable for the connection of electrical appliances in a.c. circuits only operating at voltage not exceeding 250 V r.m.s at 50 Hz.
1st April 2003
43. Domestic electric wall switch namely a manually operated general purpose switch for a.c. only with a rated voltage not exceeding 440V and a rated current not exceeding 63A, intended for household and similar fixed-electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors.
1st April 2003
44. Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamp namely a unit inserted between the supply and one or more fluorescent lamps which, by means of inductance, capacitance, or a combination of inductance and capacitance or electronic circuitry, serves mainly to limit the current of the lamp(s) to the required value.
1st April 2003
45. Isolating Transformer for downlight fitting namely a transformer with input and output windings of which are electrically separated to limit hazards due to accidental simultaneous contact with earth and live parts or metal parts which may become live in the event of an insulation failure.
1st April 2003.
Safety Mark
The complete Safety Mark comprises a safety logo enclosed in a square on the left, the words “SAFETY MARK” enclosed in a rectangle on the right and a unique 8-digit certification number traceable to the registrant running across the bottom of the square and rectangle.
The colour is Pantone 287C Blue.
Regulations 7 (1) and 10(2)
1.—(1) Application for registration as registered controlled goods
(2) Application for renewal of registration of registered controlled goods
(3) Duplicate of notification issued under regulation 7(5)
(4) Certified copy of extract from register
$5 per page.
2. The fees referred to in paragraph 1 are not inclusive of goods and services tax chargeable under the Goods and Services Tax Act (Cap.117A) on the services in respect of which the fees are payable, and the person responsible for paying such fees shall bear and pay to the Safety Authority any goods and services tax as may be charged on the supply of services in addition to such fees.
[G.N. No. S 23/2002]


Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations
(CHAPTER 53, Rg 1)
This Legislative History is provided for the convenience of users of the Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations. It is not part of these Regulations.
1994 Revised Edition—Consumer Protection (Labelling of Tobacco Product Containers) Regulations
Date of operation
25 March 1992
Date of operation
15 June 1997
G. N. No. S 238/1999—Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations 1999
Date of commencement
28 May 1999
Date of commencement
1 April 2002
Date of operation
29 February 2004