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Customs (Container) Regulations

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Customs Act
Customs (Container) Regulations
Rg 1
G.N. No. S 6/1975
(30th September 2002)
[11th January 1975]
2.  In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
“container” means a box, tank or container of standard dimensions which —
is specially constructed for the safe carriage of goods;
is of permanent character and can be used more than once;
is specially designed to facilitate carriage of goods by one or more modes of transport;
is fitted with devices which enable it to be locked and sealed;
has an internal volume of at least one cubic metre; and
has conspicuous and permanent identification marks;
[Deleted by S 642/2013 wef 31/10/2013]
“container terminal” means a berth or wharf designated by the Director-General as a place from which containers are loaded on or unloaded from vessels, as the case may be;
“full container load”, in relation to a container, means a container with goods for one consignee only or a container with goods from one consignor only, as the case may be;
“less than full container load”, in relation to a container, means a container with goods for more than one consignee or a container with goods from more than one consignor, as the case may be.
Permit required for containers for transhipment
—(1)  No container which has any goods therein and is imported or intended for transhipment shall be removed from the ship wherein they arrived or from the Woodlands Train Checkpoint if imported by train, or beyond the customs station at Woodlands or Tuas if imported by road, except under a permit issued by the proper officer of customs and in accordance with all the conditions specified in the permit.
(2)  Notwithstanding paragraph (1), no permit shall be required for the removal by an authority administering a free trade zone of any container from a vessel direct into such free trade zone, if a full and correct inward manifest required under section 39 of the Act has been furnished to the proper officer of customs.
Permit required for movement of loaded containers
4.  No container which has any goods therein may be moved from a container terminal to a consignee’s premises except under a permit issued by the proper officer of customs and in accordance with all the conditions specified in the permit.
Damaged containers
6.  Any container damaged on import shall be brought to the attention of the proper officer of customs and may not be removed from the customs station at Woodlands or Tuas or from the Woodlands Train Checkpoint or from a container terminal, as the case may be, without the prior permission of a senior officer of customs.
Tampered seals to be notified to customs officer
—(1)  The owner of a container or the agent appointed by him to take charge of or to manage the container shall forthwith notify the proper officer of customs if any seal placed on the container is found by the owner or agent to be tampered with, opened, broken, altered or removed on import.
(2)  Such container shall not be removed from the customs station at Woodlands or Tuas or from the Woodlands Train Checkpoint or from a container terminal, as the case may be, without the prior permission of a senior officer of customs.
Permit to contain full description of contents of container
—(1)  Where a permit to move a container from a container terminal to the consignee’s premises is issued under regulation 4, that permit shall contain a full description of the contents of the container.
Permit required for removal of container
9.  No container which has any goods therein may be removed from a consignor’s premises to a container terminal except in accordance with a permit, issued by the proper officer of customs, authorising the removal.
Supervision for stuffing and unstuffing
10.  The stuffing and unstuffing of every container shall be carried out under the supervision of the proper officer of customs unless a senior officer of customs otherwise requires.
Permission for use of terminal in customs territory
—(1)  No person shall, inside customs territory, make use of or operate a container terminal to store, import or export any containerised goods without the written permission of the Director-General and except in accordance with such conditions as the Director-General may impose.
(2)  Any person applying for such permission shall furnish the following particulars:
his name, identity card number and address;
the name of his firm and, if the applicant is a company, the name of the company;
the type and quantity of goods to be removed from, stored or moved into the container terminal; and
a site plan of the entire container terminal showing access roads and the buildings to be constructed thereon and the boundary or area thereof.
(3)  Upon receiving an application made under paragraph (2), the Director-General may grant such permission subject to such conditions as he thinks fit or refuse to grant it.
(4)  The Director-General may, at any time, vary or revoke any condition of any permission granted under this regulation or impose conditions or additional conditions thereto.
(5)  The Director-General may suspend or revoke any permission granted under this regulation without assigning any reason therefor.
12.  [Deleted by S 791/2004 wef 01/01/2005]
Records of container to be maintained by owner
13.  The owner of every container brought into or removed from the customs station at Woodlands or Tuas or from the Woodlands Train Checkpoint or from a container terminal or, if such owner is not present in Singapore, the agent appointed by the owner to take charge of or to manage the container, shall keep and maintain proper records of the container showing its official number and reference and such other particulars as the Director-General may require in respect of the container.
Records of container’s movements and contents
14.  A person to whom any permission to make use of or operate a container terminal to store, import or export any containerised goods is granted under regulation 11 shall keep and maintain proper records of —
every container brought into or removed from the container terminal in respect of which the permit is issued; and
such details of goods stuffed into or unstuffed from the container as the Director-General may require.
Securing of dutiable goods in containers
—(1)  The proper officer of customs may lock, seal or otherwise secure a container containing any goods at any place, including any free trade zone, in such manner as he thinks fit.
(3)  All costs and expenses incurred —
under paragraph (1), shall be borne by the owner of the container or the agent appointed by the owner to take charge of or to manage the container; and
(4)  No person shall, without prior permission of the proper officer of customs, tamper with, open, break, alter or remove any lock, seal or other safeguards used in respect of a container under paragraph (1).
(5)  No person shall, without the written permission of a proper officer of customs —
possess a seal, which is to be or is issued by the Customs and Excise Department for the purpose of securing a container; or
use or re-use such a seal for that purpose.
(6)  No person shall possess a seal which that person knew or had reason to believe at the time when he possessed it to be a counterfeit of a seal issued by the Customs and Excise Department for the purpose of securing a container or use that counterfeit seal to secure a container.
Examination of goods
—(1)  Where it appears to a senior officer of customs that any container is being transported to a consignee’s premises, he may require the goods to be brought to any customs station or premises for examination.
(2)  The person in charge of or transporting the container shall comply with any such requisition.
Facilities for customs
18.  The person to whom permission has been granted under regulation 11 shall provide, at his own expense at the container terminal in respect of which the permission was granted, office accommodation for officers of customs and such other facilities and equipment as the Director-General may require, including equipment for examining, weighing, fumigating, disinfecting and destroying goods.
Hours for stuffing and unstuffing of containers
19.  The stuffing and unstuffing of any container, in respect of which customs supervision of its stuffing and unstuffing has not been waived by a senior officer of customs under regulation 10, shall be carried out during —
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday; and
8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. on Saturday.
Extension of hours
—(1)  An application for an extension of the time allowed for the stuffing and unstuffing of containers under regulation 19 may be made by giving notice to a proper officer of customs not less than one hour before the expiration of that time.
(2)  Where an extension of time is granted under paragraph (1), the applicant shall pay on demand such fee as the Director-General may charge under section 98 of the Act for the attendance of an officer of customs.
(3)  A proper officer of customs may refuse to accept an application if notice has not been given within the time specified in paragraph (1).
22.  Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Regulations or any of the conditions of a permit shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $8,000.
Composition of offences
123.  [Deleted].
1  Regulation 23 relating to the composition of offences has been transferred to the Customs (Composition of Offences) (Consolidation) Regulations (Rg 10).


Customs (Container) Regulations
(CHAPTER 70, Rg 1)
This Legislative History is provided for the convenience of users of the Customs (Container) Regulations. It is not part of these Regulations.
G. N. No. S 202/1975—Customs (Container) Regulations 1975
Date of commencement
Date not available
G. N. No. S 59/1976
Date of commencement
Date not available
G. N. No. S 296/1983
Date of commencement
Date not available
Date of operation
25 March 1992
G. N. No. S 233/1993
Date of commencement
Date not available
G. N. No. S 372/1994
Date of commencement
Date not available
G. N. No. S 553/1997—Customs (Container) (Amendment) Regulations 1997
Date of commencement
2 January 1998
G. N. No. S 393/1998—Customs (Container) (Amendment) Regulations 1998
Date of commencement
1 August 1998
Date of operation
1 July 1999
G. N. No. S 6/1975
Date of commencement
1 July 1999
G. N. No. S 227/2002—Customs (Container) (Amendment) Regulations 2002
Date of commencement
1 June 2002
Date of operation
30 September 2002
G. N. No. S 791/2004—Customs (Container) (Amendment) Regulations 2004
Date of commencement
1 January 2005
Date of operation
Date not available.
G.N. No. S 642/2013—Customs (Container) (Amendment) Regulations 2013
Date of commencement
31 October 2013