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Customs (Permits to Remove Goods) Order

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Customs Act
Customs (Permits to Remove Goods) Order
O 8
G.N. No. S 148/2003
(31st December 2004)
[1st April 2003]
No permit shall be required
2.  For the purposes of section 34(2) of the Act, no permit shall be required for the removal of goods if the goods are —
dutiable goods (other than intoxicating liquors or tobacco) the duty on which does not exceed $300;
intoxicating liquors of any type and of an amount not exceeding 10 litres in total;
tobacco of any type and of an amount not exceeding 0.4 kilogrammes in total; and
petroleum of an amount not exceeding 10 litres in a spare container of a motor vehicle.
[G.N. No. S 148/2003]


Customs (Permits to Remove Goods) Order
(CHAPTER 70, O 8)
This Legislative History is provided for the convenience of users of the Customs (Permits to Remove Goods) Order. It is not part of this Order.
G. N. No. S 148/2003—Customs (Permits to Remove Goods) Order 2003
Date of commencement
1 April 2003
Date of operation
31 December 2004