Article 1
This Standard is enacted pursuant to Article 41 of the Nuclear Reactor Facilities Regulation Act(hereinafter referred to as the“Act”).
Article 2
The review fee for each operating nuclear power reactor applying for construction permit is NT$10,600,000; for each unit at rated thermal power level in excess of 1,000MW, an additional NT$5,200 shall be assessed for every additional 1,000kW.
Article 3
The review fee for each operating nuclear power reactor applying for operating license is NT$9,000,000; for each unit at rated thermal power level in excess of 1,000MW, an additional NT$5,200 shall be assessed for every additional 1,000kW.
For facilities operated before February 18th 2004, when this Standard was revised, the review fee for operating license renewal referred to in the previous Paragraph shall be exempted.
For an application for license renewal in accordance with the Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Act, the review fee shall be assessed in accordance with the Paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 4
The review fees for a power generation nuclear reactor facility submitting the rated thermal power uprate safety analysis report are as follows:
1. Power uprate less than 2%: NT$2,500,000 for each unit.
2. Power uprate greater than 2% but less than 7%: NT$5,300,000 for each unit.
3. Power uprate greater than 7% but less than 20%: NT$10,800,000 for each unit.
Article 5
The annual construction inspection fee for each operating nuclear power reactor is NT$15,000,000.
The inspection fee referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be assessed by the calendar year from the date of issuance of the construction permit to the day before issuance of the operating license.
If it is less than one year, it shall be assessed according to the fraction of actual days to a full year.
Article 6
The annual inspection fee for each operating nuclear power reactor is NT$12,000,000.
The inspection fee referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be assessed by the calendar year from the date of issuance of the operating license to the day before issuance of decommissioning permit.
Article 7
The annual nuclear fuel inspection fee for each operating nuclear power reactor is NT$2,000,000.
The inspection fee referred to in the Preceding paragraph shall be assessed by the calendar year from the date of initial fuel loading to the day before issuance of the decommissioning permit.
If it is less than one year, it shall be assessed according to the fraction of actual days to a full year.
Article 8
A review fee for each Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Analysis technical report submitted by the power generation nuclear reactor facilities is NT$500,000
Article 9
A review fee for each operating nuclear power reactor conducting Ten-Year Integrated Safety Assessment is NT$5,300,000.
Article 10
A review fee for operating nuclear power reactor applying for decommissioning permit is NT$10,600,000; for each unit at rated thermal power level in excess of 1,000MW, an additional NT$5,200 shall be assessed for every additional 1,000kW.
Article 11
The annual decommissioning inspection fee for each operating nuclear power reactor is NT$4,250,000
The inspection fee referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be assessed by the calendar year from the date of issuance of the decommissioning permit to the date of termination of decommissioning permit.
If it is less than 1 year, it shall be assessed according to the fraction of actual days to a full year.
Article 12
A fee for each applicant for initial or re-qualification examination for reactor operator license of a power generation nuclear reactor facility: the first stage test fee is NT$5,000; the second stage test fee is NT$10,000 for reactor operator license, NT$15,000 for senior reactor operator license, NT$25,000 for senior reactor operator license without having reactor operator license.
An applicant for reactor operator license of a research nuclear reactor facility, the test fee is NT$15,000 for reactor operator license; NT$20,000 for senior reactor operator license.
Article 13
An issuance fee of NT$1,500 each shall be assessed for license/permit of construction, operating, reactor operator, or senior reactor operator of a power generation nuclear reactor facility.
Article 14
The review fee for the dedication of commercial grade items and certification of dedication agency, certification of authorized inspection agencies for nuclear reactor facilities during construction, and certification of authorized inspection and testing agencies for nuclear reactor facilities during operation are respectively as follows:
1. Domestic applicant: NT$ 265,000.
2. Foreign applicant: NT$ 480,000.
Article 15
Fees for construction inspection, operation inspection, nuclear fuel inspection, and decommissioning inspection shall be assessed before the end of March every year. Fees for other regulatory service shall be assessed upon application.
Article 16
This Standard shall become effective as of the date of promulgation.
This Standard were amended and promulgated on September 14, 2012, and shall become effective on January 1, 2013.