Published: 1916-08-01
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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– [Original Service 2001] STATUTE LAW OF THE BAHAMAS
ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS SECTION 1. Short title. 2. Notice of an intended marriage to be given to Registrar General. 3. Before publishing notice Registrar General may satisfy himself as to residence. 4. What notice shall state. 5. Time in which a caveat may be entered. 6. Certificate of Registrar to be given under his seal.
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– [Original Service 2001] STATUTE LAW OF THE BAHAMAS
FOREIGN MARRIAGE An Act to give effect in The Bahamas to the Foreign
Marriages Order in Council 1913. [Commencement 1st August, 1916]
1. This Act may be cited as the Foreign Marriage Act. 2. A notice of a marriage intended to be solemnized
under an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom entitled the Foreign Marriage Act 1892 shall be given by one of the parties intending such marriage who has had his or her usual place of abode for a period of not less than one week immediately preceding it in some place in The Bahamas to the Registrar General, in the form given in the Schedule to this Act.
3. (1) Every such notice when received by the Registrar General shall on payment of a fee of two dollars and fifty cents be published by him as an official notice in three issues of the Gazette.
(2) Before publishing such notice the Registrar General may require to be satisfied that the person giving the same has complied with the provisions as to residence contained in section 2 of this Act.
4. Every such official notice shall state that unless the Registrar General is made aware within one month of the third and final notice to be published in accordance with this Act of any impediment or objection which should obstruct the solemnization of the marriage, he will give to the party intending such marriage a certificate that the notice required by section 2 of this Act has been given and published.
5. (1) Any person may, within one month of the date of the third and final publication of the notice, on payment of a fee of two dollars and fifty cents to the Registrar General, enter a caveat signed by him or on his behalf, and stating his residence and ground of his objection to the
7 of 1916 5 of 1987
Short title.
Notice of an intended marriage to be given to Registrar General.
55 & 56 Vict. c. 23. Schedule.
Before publishing notice Registrar General may satisfy himself as to residence. 5 of 1987, Sch.
What notice shall state.
Time in which a caveat may be entered. 5 of 1987. Sch.
STATUTE LAW OF THE BAHAMAS [Original Service 2001]
grant of the certificate, and thereupon the Registrar General shall withhold the certificate until he shall have examined into the matter of the caveat and is satisfied that it does not disclose any impediment or objection which should obstruct the solemnization of the marriage, or until the caveat is withdrawn by the person entering it.
(2) In the case of doubt the Registrar General may refer the matter to the Attorney-General who shall decide upon the same.
(3) If the Registrar General refuses to give the certificate the party intending the marriage may appeal to the Attorney-General who shall thereupon either confirm the refusal or direct the Registrar General to give the certificate.
6. Subject to the provisions of section 5 of this Act the Registrar General on the expiration of one month from the date of the third and final publication of the notice shall give his certificate under his seal that the said notice has been given and published in the manner required by the law of The Bahamas.
SCHEDULE (Section 2)
Notice is hereby given that a marriage is intended to be celebrated at .......................... in the (Country, State, Republic, Empire, etc.) of ........................... before ..................................... the British Marriage Officer appointed for the District between the following parties —
1. Full name of party resident in The Bahamas. Condition ................... (Bachelor, Spinster, Widower, Widow.) Address in The Bahamas............................................................
2. Full name of party resident abroad. Condition ................... (Bachelor, Spinster, Widower, Widow.) Address....................................................................................... Signature..................................................................................... Date.............................................................................................
To the Registrar General.
Certificate to be withheld by Registrar.
Matter may be referred to Attorney- General for decision. Attorney- General may be appealed to if Registrar refuses to give certificate.
Certificate of Registrar to be given under his seal.