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The Land Registration (Overriding Leases) Rules 1995

Published: 1995-12-06

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Statutory Instruments
1995 No. 3154

The Land Registration (Overriding Leases) Rules 1995

6th December 1995

Laid before Parliament
6th December 1995

Coming into force
1st January 1996

The Lord Chancellor, with the advice and assistance of the Rule Committee appointed in pursuance of section 144 of the Land Registration Act 1925(1), in exercise of the powers conferred on him by that section and by section 20(2) of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995(2), hereby makes the following rules:

Citation and commencement

1.  These rules may be cited as the Land Registration (Overriding Leases) Rules 1995 and shall come into force on 1st January 1996.

Statement to be inserted in an overriding lease

2.  The statement required by section 20(2) of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 to be inserted into an overriding lease granted under section 19 of that Act shall in relation to a registrable lease be in the following form:

“This lease is granted under section 19 of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 and is (or is not) a new tenancy for the purposes of section 1 of that Act.”

Mackay of Clashfern, C.
Dated 6th December 1995

Explanatory Note

(This note does not form part of the rules.)
These rules, which come into force on 1st January 1996, prescribe the statement required by section 20(2) of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 to be inserted into an overriding lease granted under section 19 of that Act.

1925 c. 21; section 144(1) was amended by the Administration of Justice Act 1982 (c. 53), section 67(2) and Schedule 5, paragraph (d). The reference to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food was substituted by the Transfer of Functions (Ministry of Food) Order 1955 (S.I. 1955/554).

1995 c. 30.