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The A638 Trunk Road (Doncaster Road Railway Bridge, Agbrigg, To Junction With B6273 Garmil Lane, West Of Wragby) (Detrunking) Order 1995

Published: 1995-03-14

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Statutory Instruments
1995 No. 819

The A638 Trunk Road (Doncaster Road Railway Bridge, Agbrigg, To Junction With B6273 Garmil Lane, West Of Wragby) (Detrunking) Order 1995

14th March 1995

Coming into force
14th April 1995

The Secretary of State for Transport makes this Order in exercise of powers conferred by sections 10 and 12 of the Highways Act 1980(1), and now vested in him(2), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf:—

1.  This Order may be cited as the A638 Trunk Road (Doncaster Road Railway Bridge, Agbrigg to Junction with B6273 Garmil Lane, West of Wragby) (Detrunking) Order 1995 and shall come into force on 14th April 1995.

2.  In this Order—

(i)“principal road”

as a classification for a highway, means that the highway is a principal road for the purposes of enactments and instruments which refer to high– ways classified as principal roads and is also classified for the purposes of every other enact– ment and instrument which refers to highways classified by the Secretary of State; and

(ii)“the trunk road”

means the A638 Trunk Road.

3.  The length of the trunk road described in the Schedule to this Order shall cease to be a trunk road and shall be classified as a principal road from the date on which this Order comes into force.

Signed by the authority of the Secretary of State for Transport

K. A. Lasbury Director
Yorkshire and Humberside Network Management The Highways Agency
14th March 1995


The length of the trunk road ceasing to be a trunk road is situated between the former Wakefield City Boundary, Doncaster Railway Bridge, Agbrigg, (marked A on the plan) and the junction of the B6273 Garmil Lane with the A638 (T) Doncaster Road at Nostell Priory (marked B on the plan) and is shown by broad black dashes on the plan numbered HA10/YHNMD 30 marked the “A638 Trunk Road (Doncaster Road Railway Bridge, Agbrigg to Junction with B6273 Garmil Lane, west of Wragby) (Detrunking) Order 1995”, signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport and deposited at the Department of Transport, Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3PY.

1980 c. 66.

S.I. 1981/238.