The following plumbing work shall be permitted without a license
but shall be subject to inspection and approval in accordance with
local, city or municipal ordinances:
(1) Plumbing work done by a property owner in the property
owner's homestead;
(2) Plumbing work that is not performed in conjunction
with new construction, repair or remodeling, and is performed on a
property that is:
(A) located in a subdivision or on a tract of land
that is not required to be platted under §232.0015, Local Government
Code; or
(B) not connected to a public water system and is located
outside a municipality, or
(C) located outside a municipality and connected to
a public water system that does not require a license to perform plumbing;
(D) located inside a municipality that is within a
county that has fewer than 50,000 inhabitants and that:
(i) has fewer than 5,000 inhabitants; and
(ii) by municipal ordinance has authorized a person
who is not licensed under this the Plumbing License Law to perform
(3) Verification of medical gas and vacuum piping integrity
and content;
(4) Work done on existing plumbing by a maintenance
man or maintenance engineer, as defined in §361.1 of this title
(relating to Definitions), that is incidental or connected to other
maintenance duties, provided that such an individual does not engage
in cutting into fuel gas plumbing systems, the installation of gas
fueled water heaters or plumbing work for the general public;
(5) Plumbing work done by a railroad employee on the
premises or equipment of a railroad, provided such an individual does
not engage in plumbing work for the general public;
(6) Plumbing work done by a person engaged by a public
utility company to:
(A) lay, maintain, or operate its service mains or
lines to the point of measurement; and
(B) install, change, adjust, repair, remove or renovate
appurtenances, equipment, or appliances;
(7) Appliance installation or appliance service work,
other than installation and service work on water heaters, done by
bona fide appliance dealers and their employees that do not offer
to perform plumbing work to the general public, in connecting appliances
to existing openings with a code approved appliance connector without
cutting into or altering the existing plumbing system;
(8) Irrigation work done by an individual working and
licensed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under Chapter
1903, Occupations Code, as an irrigator or installer;
(9) LP Gas service and installation work done by an
individual working and licensed by the Texas Railroad Commission under
Chapter 113 of the Natural Resources Code as a LP Gas Installer;
(10) Water Treatment Specialists licensed by the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality under §341.034 of the Health
and Safety Code may engage in residential, commercial or industrial
water treatment activities including making connections necessary
to complete the installation of a water treatment system;
(11) Water well pump installation and service work
performed by an individual licensed by the Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality under Chapter 1902 of the Occupations Code;
(12) Residential potable water supply or residential
sanitary sewer connections performed by an organization certified
by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to perform self-help
project assistance on a Self-Help Project which complies with §1301.057
of the Occupations Code (Plumbing License Law); and
(13) Water treatment installations, exchanges, services,
or repairs.