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RCW 28A.320.025: School district name change

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 28A > Chapter 28A.320 > Section 28A.320.025



RCW 28A.320.025

School district name change.

(1) The board of directors may change the name of the school district if:
(a) Either ten percent of the registered voters of the district file a petition requesting that the name of the school district be changed and submit the proposed new name with the request to the board or the board passes a motion to hold a hearing to change the school district name;
(b) After receiving the petition or adopting the motion, the board holds a hearing within one month after the petition was submitted to the board. The board shall publish notice of the hearing and the proposed new name once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the school district. At the hearing, other names may be proposed and considered by the board without additional notice requirements; and
(c) A majority of the board votes to adopt the new name.
(2) If the board adopts the new name, the new name shall be recorded in the school district office and with the educational service district superintendent, the superintendent of public instruction, the state board of education, and the secretary of state.
[1999 c 101 § 1.]