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WAC 182-526-0575: How to request review of an initial order

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 182 > Chapter 182-526 > Section 182-526-0575



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 182-526-0575

How to request review of an initial order.

(1) A party must make the request for review of an initial order in writing and file it with the board of appeals (BOA) at the address given in WAC 182-526-0030 and within the deadlines set forth in WAC 182-526-0580. The party should identify the:
(a) Parts of the initial order with which the party disagrees; and
(b) Evidence supporting the party's position.
(2) A party should also send a copy of the review request to the other parties.
(3) After receiving a party's request for review of an initial order, the BOA serves a copy to the other parties, their representatives, and the office of administrative hearings. The other parties and their representatives may respond as described in WAC 182-526-0590.
[Statutory Authority: 2011 1st sp.s. c 15 § 53, chapters 74.09, 34.05 RCW, and 10-08 WAC. WSR 13-02-007, § 182-526-0575, filed 12/19/12, effective 2/1/13.]