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WAC 516-38-052: Computer Use-Procedures

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 516 > Chapter 516-38 > Section 516-38-052



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 516-38-052

Computer use—Procedures.

Application forms for computer services are available at the computer center. Large projects shall be brought to the center's attention at the earliest possible time in the planning stage.
The specified times of availability of center facilities will be determined by the director and posted in a conspicuous location in the computer center. The times of availability may vary from time to time as necessary, and shall provide for an orderly progression of data processing by which the academic, administrative, and instructional requirements receive processing and such schedules may be developed and projected to provide maximum utilization of the many areas of the data processing facility for the students, faculty and administration.
[Order 72-10, § 516-38-052, filed 11/17/72.]