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RCW 57.02.015: Board of commissioners may notify property owners about petitions—Review of petitions—Information

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 57 > Chapter 57.02 > Section 57.02.015



RCW 57.02.015

Board of commissioners may notify property owners about petitions—Review of petitions—Information.

The board of commissioners of a district may notify the owner or reputed owner of any tract, parcel of land, or other property located within the area included in a petition being circulated for a local improvement district or utility local improvement district under chapter 57.16 RCW, an annexation under chapter 57.24 RCW, a consolidation under chapter 57.32 RCW, a merger under chapter 57.36 RCW, a withdrawal of territory under chapter 57.28 RCW, or a transfer of territory under RCW 57.32.160.
Upon the request of any person, the board of commissioners of a district may:
(1) Review a proposed petition for proper drafting; and
(2) Provide information regarding the effects of the adoption of any proposed petition.
[1996 c 230 § 103; 1979 c 35 § 3. Formerly RCW 56.02.110.]


Part headings not law—Effective date—1996 c 230: See notes following RCW 57.02.001.