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WAC 392-349-010: Remote and necessary small school plants-Criteria

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 392 > Chapter 392-349 > Section 392-349-010



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 392-349-010

Remote and necessary small school plants—Criteria.

(1) Decisions of the superintendent of public instruction on granting remote and necessary status to small school plants within school districts shall be based on a finding that granting remote and necessary status is necessary to assure reasonable provision of a basic education program to students, including related services, equipment, materials and supplies.
(2) In making the finding under subsection (1) of this section, the superintendent of public instruction shall consider, including but not limited to, the factors under (a) through (e) of this subsection. No single factor or combination of factors necessarily warrants granting or denying remote and necessary status. However, it shall be the policy of the superintendent of public instruction to favor those requests which, in the superintendent of public instruction's judgment, meet the provisions of this section. "Favor" does not mean that the listed factors are necessarily exclusive. Additional factors and considerations may be included in a particular request. If there is a factual situation that falls outside the scope of all or a portion of the listed factors, the superintendent of public instruction may consider the facts and reasons the additional factors or considerations support the request.
(a) The student population to be served at the small school site, must meet the small school funding formula for remote and necessary school plants as provided in the Operating Appropriations Act. The grade span served at the small school site shall include the same levels for eligible students established by the district for other elementary, middle, or high schools of the district, and meet the educational needs of the population served by that small school plant.
(b) Existence of an intact, permanent community which is defined as a geographically site-specific, nontransient group of people. This factor must be met.
(c) Transportation: Travel time to another school in the district, or school in another district, is not less than sixty minutes one way, or international boundary crossing processing time is unpredictable or lengthy or both.
(d) Transportation: Student safety from a small school site in the school district to another school in the district, or school in another district, may be at risk due to the condition of roads or waterways, seasonal weather conditions, or topography.
(e) Operational efficiency: Nonavailability of age appropriate grade level or cooperative programs in other school facilities in the district, or in the next nearest district or districts, or other educational organizations approved or recognized by the superintendent of public instruction.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (5), (10), 28A.315.015 (2)(e), 28A.315.175, 28A.315.195(4), 28A.315.205(3). WSR 06-17-038, amended and recodified as § 392-349-010, filed 8/8/06, effective 9/8/06. WSR 05-13-061, recodified as § 180-16-242, filed 6/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: 1994 c 6 § 502 (i)(e). WSR 02-14-113, § 180-24-410, filed 7/2/02, effective 8/2/02. Statutory Authority: 1994 1st sp.s. c 6 § 502 (1)(e). WSR 97-21-069, § 180-24-410, filed 10/15/97, effective 11/15/97. Statutory Authority: 1994 sp.s. c 6 § 502(i)(e). WSR 95-20-055, § 180-24-410, filed 10/2/95, effective 11/2/95.]