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§46-2-14  Filing of plat and certificate – Notice to owners. –

Published: 2015

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Federal Navigation and Flood Control Projects

SECTION 46-2-14

   § 46-2-14  Filing of plat and certificate

– Notice to owners. –

The city or town, taking any property, estate, or right of property under the

provisions of §§ 46-2-12 – 46-2-26, shall first cause a plat

with a description thereof to be made, which, with a certificate of the taking

of the same, shall contain a list of the owners thereof and of the persons

interested therein, so far as the same may be known to the town or city taking

the same, and which shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the superior

court for the county where the property or estate is located; and upon the

filing of the certificate, the taking shall thereupon become forthwith

effective and the clerk shall forthwith issue a notice to the several persons

named therein which shall contain the substance of the certificate, and also a

notice of a time and place when the persons may appear in the court and be

heard in reference to the question of the damages sustained by reason of the

taking; and the clerk shall, for four (4) successive weeks thereafter, cause to

be advertised in each issue of some newspaper published in the county a copy of

the notice, requiring all persons interested in the premises to appear at said

time and place, if they see fit, to be heard in the premises. The personal

notice upon known parties shall be served as soon as may be, and at least

twenty (20) days before the time of the hearing, by some officer authorized to

serve process or by some disinterested person.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1956, ch. 3662, § 3; G.L. 1956, § 46-2-14.)