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WAC 246-840-206: Continuing competency audit process and compliance

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-840 > Section 246-840-206



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-840-206

Continuing competency audit process and compliance.

(1) The commission shall audit:
(a) All late renewals; and
(b) A percentage up to five percent of registered nurses and practical nurses renewing their license.
(2) The commission will send an audit form to the registered nurse or practical nurse at the address on record with the department.
(3) A registered nurse or practical nurse being audited will have thirty calendar days to complete and submit to the commission the audit form documenting five hundred thirty-one hours of active practice and forty-five hours of continuing nursing education.
(4) To document practice hours a licensed registered nurse or licensed practical nurse may provide:
(a) Verification from employers of hours worked;
(b) Pay stubs showing hours worked or end of year work hours and payment statements;
(c) Verification from an appropriate representative of the institution validating the hours by his or her signature;
(d) A statement including description of the practice setting, whether they were paid or unpaid, a description of duties and responsibilities and the signature of a supervisor. Unpaid practice means providing uncompensated services considered within the scope and domain of the nursing profession. Examples of unpaid practice include: A nurse volunteering time to a church such as a parish nurse or a nurse volunteering nursing services at a community clinic. There is a wide range of opportunities within the nursing profession to participate in unpaid service to the community;
(e) A log book documenting active nursing practice and the signature of a primary health care practitioner verifying the hours;
(f) Verification from an appropriate health care provider documenting the number of hours of home care for a friend or family member.
(5) To document continuing nursing education a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse may provide:
(a) Certificates of satisfactory course completion and statement describing relevance to professional development plan goals;
(b) A current certificate from a nationally recognized certifying body;
(c) Meeting minutes or meeting attendance rosters documenting participation in professional nursing organizations or employer-sponsored committees;
(d) A final transcript or transcript of classes documenting current progress towards an advanced degree in a field related to nursing practice;
(e) Documentation of completion of a nursing research project as the principal investigator, coinvestigator, or project director. Documentation may include summary of findings, thesis, dissertation, abstract, or granting agency summary;
(f) Publication or submission for publication a health care related article, book chapter, or other scholarly work. Documentation may include a copy of submitted/published article or book chapter and research;
(g) Presentations on a health care or health care system-related topic. Documentation may include a program brochure, agenda, course syllabi or a letter from the offering provider identifying the nurse's participation;
(h) Documentation of independent study or research. Documentation may include a list of activities and time spent on completing these activities.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.79.010 and 18.79.110. WSR 10-24-047, § 246-840-206, filed 11/24/10, effective 1/1/11.]