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WAC 246-854-085: Osteopathic physician assistant interim permit-Qualifications and requirements

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-854 > Section 246-854-085



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WAC 246-854-085

Osteopathic physician assistant interim permit—Qualifications and requirements.

An interim permit is a limited license. The permit allows an individual who has graduated from a board approved program within the previous twelve months to practice prior to successfully passing the board approved licensing examination. (1) An individual applying to the board for an interim permit under RCW 18.57A.020(1) must have graduated from an accredited board approved physician assistant program. (2) An interim permit is valid for one year from completion of a board approved training program. The interim permit may not be renewed. (3) An applicant for an osteopathic physician assistant interim permit must submit to the board: (a) A completed application on forms provided by the board; (b) Applicable fees as specified in WAC 246-853-990; and (c) Requirements as specified in WAC 246-854-080. (4) An interim permit holder may not work in a remote site. [Statutory Authority: RCW 18.57.005, 18.57A.020, 18.57A.040, 18.130.050, and 2013 c 203. WSR 15-03-013, § 246-854-085, filed 1/8/15, effective 2/8/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.57.005, 18.57A.020. WSR 07-11-057, § 246-854-085, filed 5/11/07, effective 6/11/07.]