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Chapter 75.50.010 Rcw Dispositions: Salmon Enhancement Program

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Dispositions > Title 75 > Chapter 75.50

Chapter 75.50.010 RCW Dispositions




Legislative findings.

[1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 33 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1993 sp.s. c 2 § 45; 1985 c 458 § 1.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.010 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Long-term regional policy statements.

[1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 34 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1985 c 458 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.020 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Salmon enhancement plan — Enhancement projects.

[1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 35 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1985 c 458 § 3.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.030 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Commission to monitor enhancement projects and enhancement plan.

[1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 36 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1985 c 458 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.040 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Annual report to legislature.

[1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 37 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1987 c 505 § 72; 1985 c 458 § 5.]

Repealed by 1998 c 245 § 176.


"Enhancement project" defined.

[1985 c 458 § 6.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.050 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Regional fisheries enhancement group authorized.

[1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 38 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1993 sp.s. c 2 § 46; 1989 c 426 § 1.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.060 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Regional fisheries enhancement groups — Goals.

[2000 c 107 § 105; 1997 c 389 § 5; 1993 sp.s. c 2 § 47; 1989 c 426 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.070 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Regional fisheries enhancement groups — Incorporation prerequisites.

[1990 c 58 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.080 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Regional fisheries enhancement group account — Revenue sources, uses, and limitations.

[2000 c 107 § 106; 1998 c 245 § 155; 1998 c 191 § 27; 1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 39 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995). Prior: 1993 sp.s. c 17 § 11; 1993 c 340 § 53; 1990 c 58 § 3.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.090 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Regional fisheries enhancement groups — Start-up funds.

[2000 c 107 § 107; 1997 c 389 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.100 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Regional fisheries enhancement group advisory board.

[2000 c 107 § 108; 1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 40 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1995 c 367 § 5; 1990 c 58 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.110 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Regional fisheries enhancement group advisory board — Duties and authority.

[2000 c 107 § 109; 1998 c 96 § 1; 1995 c 367 § 6.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.120 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Enhancement efforts — Biennial report.

[1995 c 367 § 7; 1990 c 58 § 5.]

Repealed by 1998 c 245 § 176.


Regional fisheries enhancement salmonid recovery account — Created.

[1997 c 389 § 3.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.130 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Skagit river salmon recovery plan.

[1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 41 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1993 sp.s. c 2 § 48; 1992 c 88 § 1.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.140 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Coordination with regional enhancement groups — Findings.

[1995 c 367 § 1.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.150 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Fish passage barrier removal task force — Membership — Recommendations — Report to legislature.

[2000 c 107 § 110; 1997 c 389 § 6; 1995 c 367 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.160 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Salmonid fish passage — Removing impediments — Grant program — Administration — Database directory.

[1999 c 242 § 4; 1998 c 249 § 16.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.170 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Fish passage barrier removal program.

[1995 c 367 § 3.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.180 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Field testing of remote site incubators.

[1995 c 367 § 10.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.190 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Remote site incubator program — Reports to the legislature.

[1998 c 251 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.200 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.


Severability — 1985 c 458.

[1985 c 458 § 12.]

Recodified as RCW 77.95.900 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 137.