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§42-45.1-4  Property and investigative rights of state. –

Published: 2015

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State Affairs and Government

CHAPTER 42-45.1

Antiquities Act of Rhode Island

SECTION 42-45.1-4

   § 42-45.1-4  Property and investigative

rights of state. –

(a) The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations reserves to itself the

exclusive right and privilege of field investigation on sites owned or

controlled by the state, its agencies, departments, or institutions, in order

to protect and preserve archaeological and scientific information, matter, and

objects. All the information and objects derived from state lands shall remain

the property of the state and be utilized for scientific or public educational


   (b) Furthermore, subject to any local, state, or federal

statute, the title to all bottoms of navigable waters within the state's

jurisdiction in the territorial sea, and the title to any underwater historic

properties lying on or under the bottoms of any other navigable waters of the

state, is hereby declared to be in the state, and the bottoms and underwater

historic properties shall be subject to the exclusive dominion and control of

the state.

History of Section.

(G.L. 1956, § 42-45.1-4; P.L. 1974, ch. 161, § 1.)