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WAC 170-290-0143: In-home/relative providers-Background checks-Required persons

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 170 > Chapter 170-290 > Section 170-290-0143



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 170-290-0143

In-home/relative providers—Background checks—Required persons.

(1) Background checks for eligible licensed and certified providers are covered under chapter 170-06 WAC.
(2) A background check must be completed for:
(a) All in-home/relative providers who apply to care for a WCCC consumer's child; and
(b) Any individual sixteen years of age or older who is residing with a provider when the provider cares for the child in the provider's own home where the child does not reside.
(3) A background check must be completed for individuals listed in subsection (2)(a) and (b) of this section at least every two years.
(4) Additional background checks must be completed for individuals listed in subsection (2)(a) and (b) of this section when:
(a) Any individual sixteen years of age or older is newly residing with a provider when the provider cares for the child in the provider's own home where the child does not reside;
(b) DSHS has a valid reason to check more frequently;
(c) An in-home/relative provider applies to provide care for a family, such as when:
(i) A break in service occurs to the current consumer;
(ii) There is a break in consumer eligibility; or
(iii) A provider is currently providing care and there are no prior background results for this provider.
(5) DSHS does not need to request a new background check for an individual in subsection (2)(a) or (b) if:
(a) DSHS has results that were received no more than ninety days prior to the current requested start date of care; and
(b) The results indicate there is no record.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.060, 43.215.070, and chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR 14-03-021, § 170-290-0143, filed 1/7/14, effective 2/7/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.060, 43.215.070, 43.43.832(6), 2006 c 265, and chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR 09-22-043, § 170-290-0143, filed 10/28/09, effective 12/1/09. WSR 08-08-047, recodified as § 388-290-0143, filed 3/27/08, effective 3/27/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.12.340, 74.13.085, and 2003 1st sp.s. c 25. WSR 04-08-021 and 04-08-134, § 388-290-0143, filed 3/29/04 and 4/7/04, effective 5/28/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.13.085. WSR 02-14-066, § 388-290-0143, filed 6/27/02, effective 7/1/02.]