Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 115
Election Authorities and Conduct of Elections
Section 115.019.1
August 28, 2015
Voters may petition to establish a board of election commissioners, procedure--form of petition.
115.019. 1. Any group of registered voters from any county of the first
classification not having a board of election commissioners may circulate a
petition for the formation of a board.
2. The petition shall be signed by the number of registered voters in the
county equal to at least fifteen percent of the total votes cast in the
county for governor at the last gubernatorial election.
3. Petitions proposing the formation of a board of election commissioners
in any county of the first classification shall be filed with the election
authority of the county not later than 5:00 p.m. on the thirteenth Tuesday
preceding a general election.
4. Each petition for the formation of a board of election commissioners
shall consist of sheets of uniform size. The space for signatures on either
side of a petition page shall be no larger than eight and one-half by fourteen
inches, and each page shall contain signatures of registered voters from only
one county. Each page of each petition for the formation of a board of
election commissioners shall be in substantially the following form:
To the Honorable ......................................, county clerk of
......................... County:
We, the undersigned, citizens and registered voters of ..................
County, respectfully order that the following question be placed on the
official ballot, for acceptance or rejection, at the next general election to
be held on the ................. day of ............., ..........:
"Should a board of election commissioners be established in
.............. County to assume responsibility for the registration of voters
and the conduct of elections?";
and each for himself or herself says: I have personally signed this petition;
I am a registered voter of the state of Missouri and ............ County; my
registered voting address and the name of the city, town or village in which
I live are correctly written after my name.
I, ..................., a resident of the state of Missouri, being first duly
sworn, say (print or type names of signers)
(Signature)SIGNED (Street) CODE DIST. (Printed
(City, Town or or Village)
(Here follow numbered lines for signers)
signed this page of the foregoing petition, and each of them signed his or her
name thereto in my presence; I believe that each has stated his or her name,
registered voting address and city, town or village correctly, and that each
signer is a registered voter of the state of Missouri and ........... County.
Signature of Affiant
(Person obtaining signatures)
Address of Affiant
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................... day of
................., A.D. .............
Signature of Notary
Notary Public (Seal)
My commission expires ..................................
If this form is followed substantially, it shall be sufficient, disregarding
clerical and merely technical errors.
5. The validity of each petition filed pursuant to provisions of this
section shall be determined in the manner provided for new party and
independent candidate petitions in sections 115.333, 115.335 and 115.337.
6. Upon the filing of a valid petition for the formation of a board of
election commissioners or upon a majority vote of the county commission in
any county of the first classification with more than eighty-two thousand but
fewer than eighty-two thousand one hundred inhabitants, it shall be the duty
of the election authority to have the following question placed on the
official ballot, in the same manner other questions are placed, at the next
general election:
"Should a board of election commissioners be established in
................... County to assume responsibility for the registration of
voters and the conduct of elections?"
7. The votes for and against the question shall be counted and certified
in the same manner as votes on other questions.
8. If the question is approved by a majority of the voters at the
election, a board of election commissioners shall be appointed as provided in
this subchapter and shall have the same rights and responsibilities provided
by law for all boards of election commissioners.
9. Any person who is a registered voter of a county of the first
classification not having a board of election commissioners may sign a
petition for the formation of a board in the county. Any person who signs a
name other than the person's own to any petition or knowingly signs the
person's name more than once to the same petition or who knows the person is
not a registered voter at the time of signing such petition, or any officer
or person willfully violating any provision of this section shall be guilty
of a class two election offense.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 2.010, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1471, et al., A.L. 1997
S.B. 132, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58 merged with
H.B. 342 merged with S.B. 210)
115.019. 1. Any group of registered voters from any county of the first
class not having a board of election commissioners may circulate a petition
for the formation of a board.
2. The petition shall be signed by the number of registered voters in
the county equal to at least fifteen percent of the total votes cast in the
county for governor at the last gubernatorial election.
3. Petitions proposing the formation of a board of election
commissioners in any county of the first class shall be filed with the
election authority of the county not later than 5:00 p.m. on the thirteenth
Tuesday preceding a general election.
4. Each petition for the formation of a board of election commissioners
shall consist of sheets of uniform size. The space for signatures on either
side of a petition page shall be no larger than eight and one-half by fourteen
inches, and each page shall contain signatures of registered voters from only
one county. Each page of each petition for the formation of a board of
election commissioners shall be in substantially the following form:
To the Honorable ......................................, county clerk of
......................... County:
We, the undersigned, citizens and registered voters of ..................
County, respectfully order that the following question be placed on the
official ballot, for acceptance or rejection, at the next general election to
be held on the ................. day of ............., ..........:
"Should a board of election commissioners be established in
.............. County to assume responsibility for the registration of voters
and the conduct of elections?";
and each for himself or herself says: I have personally signed this
petition; I am a registered voter of the state of Missouri and ............
County; my registered voting address and the name of the city, town or village
in which I live are correctly written after my name.
I, ..................., a resident of the state of Missouri, being first duly
sworn, say (print or type names of signers)
ZIP CONGR. NAME (Signature) SIGNED (Street)(City, CODE
DIST. (Printed
Town or Village) or Typed)
(Here follow numbered lines for signers)
signed this page of the foregoing petition, and each of them signed his or
her name thereto in my presence; I believe that each has stated his or her
name, registered voting address and city, town or village correctly, and that
each signer is a registered voter of the state of Missouri and ...........
Signature of Affiant
(Person obtaining signatures)
Address of Affiant
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................... day of
................., A.D. .............
Signature of Notary
Notary Public (Seal)
My commission expires ..........................................
If this form is followed substantially, it shall be sufficient, disregarding
clerical and merely technical errors.
5. The validity of each petition filed pursuant to provisions of this
section shall be determined in the manner provided for new party and
independent candidate petitions in sections 115.333, 115.335 and 115.337.
6. Upon the filing of a valid petition for the formation of a board of
election commissioners, it shall be the duty of the election authority to have
the following question placed on the official ballot, in the same manner other
questions are placed, at the next general election:
"Should a board of election commissioners be established in
................... County to assume responsibility for the registration of
voters and the conduct of elections?"
7. The votes for and against the question shall be counted and certified
in the same manner as votes on other questions.
8. If the question is approved by a majority of the voters at the
election, a board of election commissioners shall be appointed as provided in
this subchapter and shall have the same rights and responsibilities provided
by law for all boards of election commissioners.
9. Any person who is a registered voter of a county of the first class
not having a board of election commissioners may sign a petition for the
formation of a board in the county. Any person who signs a name other than
the person's own to any petition or knowingly signs the person's name more
than once to the same petition or who knows the person is not a registered
voter at the time of signing such petition, or any officer or person willfully
violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a class two
election offense.
Missouri General Assembly
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