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WAC 484-20-085: Residents' rights and facility rules

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 484 > Chapter 484-20 > Section 484-20-085



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 484-20-085

Residents' rights and facility rules.

All residents and facility staff shall be furnished a copy of the facility's policies regarding resident rights and a copy of chapter 484-20 WAC. Residents receive this information at the time of admission and within fifteen days of any change.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. WSR 95-03-053, § 484-20-085, filed 1/12/95, effective 2/12/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. WSR 92-17-046, § 484-20-085, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; WSR 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-085, 10/1/85; Order 7659, § 484-20-085, filed 7/28/77.]