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WAC 388-61A-0270: What services and resources must be available to children/youth residing in emergency domestic violence shelter?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-61A > Section 388-61A-0270



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-61A-0270

What services and resources must be available to children/youth residing in emergency domestic violence shelter?

(1) With the permission of a parent/guardian, children/youth must be offered the opportunity to receive and participate in the following age-appropriate supportive services during their shelter residency:
(a) Orientation to the shelter.
(b) Information about domestic violence.
(c) Individual and/or group advocacy and support.
(d) Information and referral to other supportive services.
(2) The domestic violence agency must provide a safe and secure play area for children/youth residing in the emergency domestic violence shelter.
(3) The domestic violence agency must provide information to the client about resources for indoor and outdoor recreational activities in the community for children/youth residing in emergency shelter, such as outings to parks, playgrounds, movies, libraries, sports activities, youth clubs and other similar activities.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.123 RCW. WSR 10-22-040, § 388-61A-0270, filed 10/27/10, effective 11/27/10.]