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WAC 296-360-080: Persons Protected By Rcw 49.17.160

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-360 > Section 296-360-080



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WAC 296-360-080

Persons protected by RCW 49.17.160.

(1) All employees are afforded the full protection of RCW 49.17.160. WISHA defines an employee as "an employee of an employer who is employed in a business of his/her employer which affects commerce." RCW 49.17.020(4). WISHA does not define "employ"; however, the broad remedial nature of WISHA demonstrates a clear intent that the existence of an employment relationship, for purposes of RCW 49.17.160, is to be based upon economic realities rather than upon common law doctrines and concepts. See U.S. v. Silk, 331 U.S. 704 (1947); Rutherford Food Corporation v. McComb, 331 U.S. 722 (1947).
(2) For purposes of RCW 49.17.160, an applicant for employment could be considered an employee. See NLRB v. Lamar Creamery, 246 F.2d 8 (5th Cir., 1957).
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-360-080, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.240, chapters 43.22 and 42.30 RCW. WSR 80-17-015 (Order 80-21), § 296-360-080, filed 11/13/80.]